This story is set in India and is about Rajesh, his wife Pooja & his mother-in-law Sujata. It is a passionate tale about crossing the lines of relationship in pursuit of real sexual happiness.
Rajesh was a handsome 26-year-old man married to Pooja; 3 years younger than him. Their marriage was about 30 months old. They were a young independent couple living in an apartment in Gurgaon in India. Rajesh was a manager at a call center & Pooja was tele calling executive.
Rajesh & Pooja met for the first time at their workplace. He was a handsome young man with position of slight power. It was easy for him to get the girls in his call center. Pooja was also one such conquest. However, there was something about her which set her apart. Her energy in bed was way different than other girls, which took Rajesh to different levels of pleasures altogether.