Tuesday, 31 October 2023

The Island of Hyperborea

 Part I

As an anthropologist, I have studied many cultures. But undoubtedly the most unusual that I have studied was found on the island of Hyperborea in the South Pacific. I began with the goal in mind of spending 3 years with the natives of the tribe found on that island and am writing this scientific report on what I observed. My observations are organized according to what I saw upon my arrival, how I observed the natives, what I observed of their culture, and what happened toward the end of my work in observing the tribe. 

Observations Upon Arrival

When I arrived in Hyperborea, the ship sailed up to the reef just off the island. It should be noted that the island is about 5 miles in diameter. The island is covered with lush tropical foliage, and I was later told that it contains abundant wildlife. That makes it a relatively large and secure place for a tribe, and the members of the tribe are isolated from the Philippine main island group by several hundred miles. Our small boat was pulled off the ship and was used to get us to the island. The climate is tropical and very hot.

The natives were not expecting us, of course. We used our small boat to find a small, natural bay. It turned out that the bay was in the center of the habitation of the natives. And so, as we pulled up into the bay, we were greeted by the natives. About 300 people stood around the bay as we arrived.

The most striking thing that I remember about our arrival had to do with the natives themselves. While I have visited many tribes in my career, I have to admit that I am used to seeing dark-skinned natives. In this region, I would expect people to look Polynesian by ethnicity. 

But these natives, while well-tanned, had people of all races�white, black, brown, and yellow. And, they were also completely naked. One other striking thing was that a large percentage of women of childbearing age in this group was visibly pregnant. Other women wore large black marks on their stomachs, and a few had red marks on their buttocks but with black marks on one or both cheeks of their buttocks.

It was only later that I learned that this tribe was not indigenous to the region and had been, in fact, formed just 20 years before. While I will recount that story in due course, suffice it to say that the island was purchased by a private owner, who turned it into his own retreat�and founded a tribe to further his own religion based on sex, fertility and sexual intimacy. 

How I Observed the Natives

I was surprised to be greeted in English upon my arrival. 

"Welcome," said a well-tanned and well-muscled native. He later introduced himself as Borea, the tribal chief and founder. A group helped our team onto land and secured the boat.

"Hello," I said. "I am an anthropologist from Southern Illinois University. I am here to study your tribe."

"Ah, I have been expecting someone like you for some time," said the chief.

A group escorted us to some empty huts. The huts were quite large but had only mats on the ground.

"Make yourselves comfortable and rest up," the chief said. "These holes will see to your needs," he said, pointing to a group of 6 women of about 25 years of age. All had very large bellies, showing that they were far along in their pregnancies. Two looked like they were so large that they might be bearing twins or triplets. 

All were completely naked, of course, and wore no jewelry, no adornments, and no cosmetics. Two were blonde and were very tall; one was a redhead with green eyes; one was a shapely brunette; one was a most attractive black woman; and one was a diminutive oriental. They all had unruly and unkempt hair, the glow that often accompanies pregnancy, and engorged breasts that were obviously full of milk. They said nothing. But I noticed that they were eyeing me carefully.

"When you have had time to rest," the chief continued, "you are welcome to participate in our evening religious ceremonies. Those take place at sunset. We eat at that time as a group and participate in community ceremonies."

Accordingly, we took our rest and freshened up. The women did not speak but simply got water and gave us some simple native food, which looked like maize, as a refreshment.

The Ceremonies of the First Evening and the Tribal History

As the sun set in the west over the island, we emerged from our huts and took our places with the tribe in a large open area that was in the center of where the huts were located. We were seated next to the chief. While seated, we noticed that the common center of the village had four large stone statues, apparently made of granite and standing about 12 feet tall. 

One showed a woman with huge breasts, a pregnant stomach, and a huge clitoris and vaginal cleft clearly visible. The statue, we were told, was that of the fertility goddess which members of the tribe worshipped with daily and nightly sex rituals. 

A second statue was of a man with an enormous penis and huge, impossibly large testicles. A third statue was of the man and woman having sex. The man was shown clearly penetrating the woman from behind. The fourth statue merely showed the same man and woman staring lovingly into each other�s eyes and hugging each other. Beneath the statues were five large granite platforms that resembled stages. One platform was placed in front of each statue, and a fifth but lower platform was placed in front of the others. 

"The statues," Borea explained, "represent various aspects of sexuality, intimacy, and fertility. One is a woman who is pregnant. She is on the far right. On the far left is a man with a large erect penis and enormous balls. In between is a statue of the couple having sex, and the statue between the couple having sex and the pregnant woman is the couple embracing in intimacy. 

The statues represent what we worship: male sexuality, the sex act itself, intimacy, and female sexuality, pregnancy and fertility. The platforms are the altars where we celebrate our public rituals to honor the gods."

"I suppose I should give you a bit of history about this place," Borea continued. "It is with pleasure and pride that I do so. It all began 21 years ago when I won the lottery. My winning was a record $390 million dollars. With that amount of money, I decided to retire from the rat race. I was also tired of modern life, with all its crass materialism and abandonment of principles that make us human. So I decided to buy an island and set up my own tribe."

Borea continued: "I have a simple philosophy, and it is on that philosophy that this tribe has been founded. We get many new recruits daily from the outer world where people are growing increasingly disenchanted. The philosophy is that human beings live only to love, eat, and sleep�in that order. Nothing else is important. Accordingly, our religion glorifies sex, love and intimacy. 

In our society, the highest achievement of a man is to give pleasure to women, father as many children as possible, and take loving care of women. The highest achievement of a woman is to give pleasure to her man, bear as many children as she can possibly produce, and then take loving care of the children."

"Before you begin asking me questions," Borea continued, "let me explain that we do not regard sex as dirty or something to be concealed. We worship it. Our theory is that people wear clothes to restrict or prevent procreation and that clothing alone makes people think of sex as dirty. 

For that reason, we have chosen to go naked. We revel in the bestial but natural side of human nature. We believe that women are holes that need to be filled and men are the plugs to fill the holes. We prohibit jewelry and other physical attachments to the body�such as glasses or hearing aids. And we are willing to have sex at any time�privately or in public. But we prefer public sex so that everyone may learn effective techniques for impregnation by watching each other. 

We perform sex as animals do, without any self- consciousness, effort at concealment, or guilt. Our goal is to produce offspring and revel fully in the joining of two people. That is natural. There is nothing more intimate than a man and a woman locked together in the sex act, and we want it to happen as often and in as many ways as possible. We also want it to be completely natural, and so all birth control is strictly prohibited on this island."

We glanced around and noticed that some women in the group were not pregnant. They wore large black marks, apparently of wood ash, on their stomachs. The number of black marks was not the same, and some had many marks while several only had a few such marks. A small number did not bear black ashes on their stomachs but had instead large red marks covering their entire buttocks. 

We asked Borea about the marks. He smiled. 

"Animals have a way to indicate when the female is ovulating. It mostly has to do with the sense of smell. Male dogs detect female dogs in heat by their scent. But human females, unfortunately, do not give off a strongly delectable, detectable scent when they are ovulating�though if you asked married men they will tell you that they can sometimes tell unconsciously, possibly by smell, when their wives are ovulating. But women on this island keep count of the days of their periods and display them publicly because their fertility status has an impact on the community. 

The ash marks indicate the number of days from the first day of the period. There is one large black mark on each woman�s stomach for each day since the start of her last period. It must be clearly visible, and that�s why it is so large and black. Women with a single large red mark covering their buttocks are prime to ovulate� assuming that their cycles are regular. Many are not, of course. 

A red mark indicates the woman is between 13 and 15 days after the first day of her last period. That is the traditional period of maximum fertility. If she has sex during that time, and if her menstrual cycle is regular, she is most likely to get pregnant at that time. The large black marks on her buttocks indicate how many times she has been fucked while ovulating. 

Note that some of these women are marked more than 300 times, and they actually compete over who can take the most men during this time. You might call this our own form of the mating game. Our goal is to keep all the women of childbearing age pregnant all the time. But women must be 18 years old to engage in sex. Of course, at age 18, most young women on this island become pregnant immediately when they have sex at time of ovulation. They are very fertile, and they attract every male in the community. 

It should be emphasized that this is a private nation, not part of any other, and so we can set our own laws on when men and women are at the age of consent. A woman first impregnated at age 18 can enjoy about 29 pregnancy cycles before she must cease reproducing by island law at age 40 and become a "cow." Remember that it is 9 months for gestation and exactly 6 weeks for nursing before she can again begin her next breeding cycle. 

That means it takes 10.5 months per pregnancy cycle. Her cycle begins again immediately following her milking period, and that is counted as the first day of her next period. A common goal is to have her impregnated again before the year is up, and that is why she can go through 23 breeding cycles rather than the more commonly expected 22 between ages 18 and 40. The most disappointing female producer here has at least 22 pregnancies and spends 198 months of her life pregnant. A better performer will do 207 months."

"I would add," Borea went on, "that men and women on this island must be completely natural. That means, for instance, that women who are menstruating are not permitted to wear anything to protect them from showing their blood flow. We want everything out in the open and in public so that people may learn from each other simply by watching." 

History of the Island

Borea explained that the island was purchased about 21 years ago from the government. At the time of the purchase, Borea had the island "treated" in many ways. First, wildlife was imported and allowed to multiply. Fresh water supplies were improved by dredging the local streams and the small ponds on the island. The ponds were stocked with fish from native locations. With the help of ecological experts, Borea had the island treated with natural substances to reduce harmful insects and wildlife such as poisonous snakes. 

With the help of medical experts, Borea also had the island completely saturated several times with intensified human hormones equated with male and female fertility. That process is also repeated monthly. It involves pouring huge quantities of human fertility hormones into the ponds, sprayed in the air around the island, and allowed to saturate every square inch of ground and plants on the island. Huts are constructed by natives from other islands, but grasses and other construction substances used in building the huts are saturated in human hormones to maximize fertility.

While the island was being prepared, Borea hired people all over the U.S. and Europe to begin finding people interested in becoming part of the tribe. That turned out to be much easier than he thought it would be. Many people were fed up with the perils of modern life and yearned for a simple existence. Borea promised no income�but also no want. People would be required to undergo medical screening to ensure that they were disease free�and both sexes were examined to ensure their fertility. Borea accepted 1 man for every 35 women. 

That is why the initial population of the island was 350 women and 10 men. Borea figured that keeping 35 women sexually and emotionally satisfied and pregnant would keep any man out of trouble, and he figured they were capable of it�which would keep the women out of trouble by being kept pregnant. 

With that number of women for each man, Borea also assumed that at least one woman would be ovulating each day�and later at least one woman would be giving birth each day. Giving their man pleasure and taking care of children would preoccupy them. The human hormone treatment explained why so many women had twins or even triplets when they gave birth on the island. 

Borea also sponsored a sex clinic on the island that researches ways to enhance sexuality. One research goal is to find a way to reverse the gene that prevents women from showing estrus in the same way as female animals in heat. "If women showed their sexuality in the same way as female baboons, for instance, men would know instantly from their huge genital swelling that they were prime to mate. 

Have you seen a female baboon in heat? She looks like she�s wearing a jelly donut on her genitals because the lips surrounding the vagina swell up so large and become red. If we could do this with human females, the enormous genital swelling and itching would make women intensely motivated to grow pregnant so as to relieve that intensely painful genital itching and swelling every month. 

I mean, I am talking about getting a woman�s genitals to swell up so big it would make the lips around her vagina look like a huge red cauliflower between her legs! An additional benefit would be that she simply could not wear clothes during this time because the whole genital area would be intensely sensitive. 

Only the hormones released from the onset of pregnancy would relieve the extremely pronounced genital itching and swelling, which would also intensely magnify� perhaps by as much as ten thousand fold�the pleasure a woman experiences during intercourse. 

The pleasure of male penetration and stroking would be so immensely intense that women would be reduced to tears, and immediate multiple orgasms, from the sheer pleasure of it. They would become addicted to the sex act while they are in heat and never want it to end until they are impregnated. They would seek as many partners as possible to ensure constant penetration and stroking. We seek to do that with human females."

Another research goal is to enhance the female gene that leads to multiple births. "Unfortunately," Borea said, "human females average only one baby at a time. We would like to find ways through genetics to ensure at least triplets, and perhaps as many as five to six healthy babies of reasonable weight, at every birth. That might also mean genetically reengineering the human female anatomy so that the womb, hips and breasts would naturally facilitate many multiple births and allow for easy nurturing with extremely large breasts. 

In short, we want women to have litters of large, healthy babies and also to be so very fertile that impregnation of many eggs at once occurs very easily. If we could impregnate a woman 23 times and give her an average of 5 babies at a time, one woman would produce an average of 115 babies in her life. It would not take long at that rate for a few women who enjoy estrus to become the only women in the human race, since their genes would simply outbreed those who don�t enjoy estrus." 

Nor is the research agenda limited to women. Borea has also asked researchers about ways to enhance male sperm production so that men could be capable of producing vastly more sperm each day, of much higher sperm count, than is true of most men. He wanted to see if men�s penises and testicle sizes could be vastly enlarged� perhaps an average of 14 inch penises with 4 inch width�and testicles the size of golf balls or larger to produce 100 or more high-sperm-count ejaculations daily with extra long lifespan sperm. 

"If we could do that," Borea explained, "any women these guys got near would get pregnant. The sperm count and motility would be so high that even a woman on the pill would be quickly knocked up by one of these guys. Our goal would be to have the sperm live for as long as her cycle so that the minute the egg dropped she would be pregnant, even if she had sex a month before. 

Guys would go nuts to have sex as often as possible to avoid the painful swelling of their testicles that would occur if the sperm was not released many times daily. These guys would be able to fuck day and night, all the time, and would be the perfect partners for the females we are also trying to create. They would be walking dicks with enormous balls."


Borea noted that, while he had a bias toward recruiting women who could bear children, he did not prohibit older women from joining the natives of the island. Older men, however, are not permitted. Older women do not count in the ratio of 35 women to each man but are given a man to keep satisfied and are also required to give birth immediately and then produce milk for as long as possible. That way, they can take the burden of breastfeeding off the younger women and become natural wet nurses for the huge crop of babies produced on the island each year. 

To celebrate their contributions, Borea has the older women publicly milked several times each day in a large fertility ceremony. Men always do the milking, and the whole community assembles to watch the women�s breasts squeezed dry of milk by their male milkers in exactly the same way that a cow is milked. The men perform this ceremony every two hours, squeezing the nipples and then kneading the breasts to pull out every drop of milk. The milk is placed in buckets just as cows are milked. 

These women are commonly called "cows," and there are nearly 150 of them on the island. Young women with babies sometimes show up at the milking ceremony to secure fresh milk for their infants or to have the cows nurse their babies on the spot. 

The milking ceremony takes place beneath the large statue of the fertility goddess. (It seemed significant that white paint was shown dripping from the huge breasts of the pregnant fertility goddess.) That way, the young women can stop nursing as quickly as possible and begin ovulating so that they may grow pregnant faster. The cows take over, producing milk for the enormous numbers of babies produced by the island�s inhabitants. Not surprisingly, many cows have enormous breasts, at least a 50E cup, that produce large quantities of milk. They are honored as elder goddesses who nourish the young.

Part II

When the island began, the naked tribes people found huts constructed, the island plentiful with edible wildlife and fish, and weapons hidden to allow the tribes people to protect themselves in the event of attack. Few harmful insects, birds, snakes or other creatures roam the island.

Borea had a private sculptor create the massive statues that are worshipped by the islanders.

Borea explained that the population of the island was now a little over 3,800. In 21 years, the population had grown from 360 to 3,800! The island maintains an adoption clinic, since the ratio must remain 1 boy for every 35 girls. The additional boys are given up for adoption. Some are screened for penis and testicle size at birth, and the best endowed, most fertile males are kept.

Borea emphasized that, when a man or woman takes up residence on the island, he or she is required to give up his or her individual name. Men are henceforth referred to as "fucker," "plug" or "dick," and each woman is thereafter referred to by the name "hole," "bitch" or "clit." They have no other names. The only exceptions are the high priest, Borea, and the high priestess, Hyperborea. The island is the namesake of the high priestess, who is the woman with the most childbirths to her credit. 

Borea also explained that physical fitness was not a problem on the island. Both men and women are required to participate in vigorous physical exercise each day to keep trim, and that (he claimed) was a major benefit of nudity. As he explained, nobody wants to be too fat or too thin when everyone can see all their body parts at all times. 

The men pull themselves up a long rope extended from the top of the trees by their arm strength alone, lift very heavy weights, carry women for hours on end to build strength while at the same time enhancing intimacy, run at least 2 miles per day, and are required to perform 500 push ups each morning to ensure they can easily hold themselves aloft above a woman during sex for many hours on end. That is why the men are lithe and limber. They ripple with muscles and have tight buttocks. Steroids are absolutely prohibited due to their possible genetic side effects. 

Each day all women are required to perform exercises to build strength in all muscles associated with sex, breast size, and (most importantly) child birth. They focus primarily on developing different muscle groups than do the men�with the result that all the women have firm breasts, tight buttocks, strong legs and pelvic muscles, and tight stomachs. 

Women on this island have mastered a special technique by which they can exert control over their vaginas. They can tighten or relax them voluntarily, something unknown (and some consider impossible) off the island. That gives women on the island an enormous advantage, since it means they can squeeze every last drop of sperm out of a fertile male upon climax. That, of course, serves its purpose of enhancing the chance of conception, the reason why the technique was mastered. 

The men and women are required to exercise publicly, beneath the statue of the gods. The men look on as the women exercise, and the women watch as the men do their exercises. Men particularly favor the scissor exercises in which women must lift their legs and spread them wide�and thereby expose their genitals. Women crowd together to watch men perform push-ups, which can be rather amusing as enormous penises hit the ground with every lift and seem to make the push down particularly troublesome.

Men and women alike are given hypnotic treatments. The goal of hypnosis for men is to make them ejaculate immediately, like trained dogs, upon a verbal command from any woman. That is meant to ensure that men can climax close to the exact moment of ovulation, which some women can sense as their body temperature lifts by one degree. 

The goal of hypnosis for women is to provide a posthypnotic suggestion that, when paired with extremely vigorous clitoral massage, enhances their chances of immediate clitoral climax upon the voicing of a special oral command by their male partner or partners. The moment after the male climaxes, he can encourage his ovulating partner to climax so as to pull his sperm deeper into her uterus�and thereby increase the chances of immediate conception. 

Some ovulating women are kept in almost constant orgasm in this way, ensuring that their fallopian tubes fill up completely with fertile sperm so that the egg just "splashes" in it and produces "instant baby" in much the same way that water added to concentrated orange juice yields "instant juice."

Belly dancing is widely practiced by all the island women because it strengthens the muscles related to childbirth and is, in fact, an elegant way of ritually depicting it. On this island, however, it is danced in a different way than elsewhere. The (often beautiful) young women who do it are naked and visibly stroke their clitorises and the lips of their vaginas as they dance. 

They also finger their nipples, stroke their hips, and alluringly brush their genital hair. At one point, they also turn around, bend over, and use their fingers to spread wide the lips of their vaginas to reveal the pink on the inside of their wombs to stunned male observers.

On the first night that this researcher spent on the island, a group of perhaps 50 young women of about 16 to 26 performed belly dancing in group format. It was the most stunningly sexual dance that could be imagined. Men who watched it had their mouths hanging open-- particularly in watching the virgins (because below age 18) who danced. 

Women on the island do not comb their hair any more than is absolutely necessary to avoid tangles. They also do not use any make up. The goal is a natural look. One island man crudely told us that "the goal is for women to look mussed up--like they just got fucked� and the ovulating ones just were and are about to be fucked more until we are absolutely sure they are pregnant. Men find the mussed up hair attractive."

It should be noted that, on this island, male homosexuality is not permitted. But female homosexuality is encouraged among women who are not ovulating as a way to keep them aroused and sexually attuned. Men sometimes gather in groups to watch females engage in public oral or clitoral sex.

All manner of sexual fetishes are permitted freely on this island so long as nobody is physically hurt and no child is abused. That means that people may exercise sadism, masochism, and many other fetishes. It is not unusual to see a woman pissing on a man for those interested in golden showers. 

Nothing is ruled impossible except underage sex with those below age 18 and male homosexuality�which wastes seed better used to impregnate. Female sex toys are widely used, and many women may be seen walking around with vibrators inserted (and operating at high speed) in their vaginas, their anuses or in both orifices as they walk. In some cases they must hold them in so that they stay put.

The Evening Ceremony

In this culture, the goddess of fertility is worshipped. Her idol is that of a pregnant woman with milk dripping from her engorged breasts. She is depicted with one hand on her clitoris and the other spreading apart the lips of her vagina and revealing an engorged clitoris. She is honored as highest status and the essence of all beauty. 

In this culture, pregnant women are deified. And the more babies that a woman has produced, the higher is her status. The reigning queen Hyperborea has successfully birthed 35 healthy children in 20 years. All heads bow to her wherever she goes, and men often bow to kiss her feet�and then her genitals.

In the evening hours, just before sunset, all members of the community gather in a large central area of what might be called the village. Several play native instruments. Young, naked women beneath childbearing age belly dance. Of greatest interest are the girls of about 16-17, who have the full bloom of young womanhood upon them but are too young to be at the age of sexual consent. Some attempt to show their unbroken hymen as they dance.

The five platforms are the focal point of attention during the evening ceremonies. 

Borea and Hyperborea open the evening ceremonies by giving praise to the goddess of fertility. At that time, several fertile women�noticeable for the red on their backsides--are escorted to the platform nearest the crowd and in front of all others. They lie down with their legs spread on the lowest altar so that their genitalia are clearly visible to the crowd. A huge roar of approval greets them.

Next, a group of pregnant women of different races is escorted to an altar in front of the fertility goddess. They lie down so that their stomachs stick up. Several are oriental; several are black; and several have the bright white complexions of redheads and blondes. Several men approach them and give suck to their milk- filled breasts. Again the crowd roars with approval. 

One young man of perhaps 25 years of age stands at the altar in front of the male fertility god with an erect penis and slowly masturbates�but never reaches orgasm even after hours. Then two couples stand on altars below the statues of the couples having sex and the couple embracing. One couple embraces. One is a man of about 27; the other is a young and very beautiful redhead of perhaps 25. 

The male of the other couple, a tall young guy of perhaps 29, penetrates his tall and curvaceous female partner, a brunette with small apple-sized breasts, in exactly the way shown in the statue. The couples then stand there, as living embodiments of the gods and goddesses, throughout the ceremonies. 

Finally, a pregnant woman stands on the altar in front of the pregnant fertility goddess, embodying her. (Each day the babies born that day are brought in front of this woman for blessing. Given the island�s population, one or more babies is born almost every day. In some cases, women in labor are brought to the altar to give birth right in front of the crowd so they can observe the baby being born.)

As these people take their places, Borea is seated on a large throne beneath the male fertility god. While seated, he has a young, ovulating woman in front of him with her rear end pointed upward to where he sits. (It is apparent that she is ovulating from the red marks on her rear.) 

Each evening it is a different woman, it seems, but on the first occasion it was a very tall, slender blonde with long flowing hair and striking blue eyes. She was kneeling on a pillow with her face pointed toward the crowd, and Borea was penetrating her vagina from the rear as he was seated. She remained in this position as long as he is seated. He did not move, but she thrust her hungry vagina onto his large organ periodically so that she was actually fucking him. It went on as if it was nothing unusual. 

When the ceremonies were about to begin, the young woman shouted a command, and Borea apparently climaxed inside her. He then stood up with a wet, dripping penis to begin the evening ceremonies to celebrate sex. She sat up and rubbed first her clitoris and then her pubic area and abdomen in an apparent effort to pull the sperm deep inside her womb. Her long, slim legs and tight abdomen were quite noticeable. She was gorgeous. 

In the meantime, Hyperborea is seated on a corresponding but more elaborate throne beneath the female fertility goddess. While she is seated on her throne, a young man is seated beneath her and is obviously penetrating her. She slowly moved up and down on his erect penis. Women came up to her to pay homage to her while she is on the throne, and no comment or notice is taken of her position. 

The young man occasionally thrusts upward, but Hyperborea takes no apparent notice. As the ceremony opens, she barks a sharp command, and he obviously climaxes the moment after she gives the order. He then whispers a word to her, and she stands convulsing from an obvious orgasm with her vagina dripping sperm to open the ceremonies with Borea. The penis of the man is white from the sperm residue left over after he climaxed in her, and everyone in the crowd can easily see that. 

At this point, Borea steps to the altar with the ovulating women. He lays down on the altar with a huge erection. The first woman�on our first evening it was a stunningly good-looking black woman with large breasts- -stands up, turns around, and bows to the goddess and the high priestess. She then kneels, puts her mouth over Borea�s erect penis, and moves it up and down quickly, cleaning the remnants of the cum off of his penis from the previous woman. Then she straddles Borea and sits down forcefully on his penis. 

The drums increase in intensity, and the young woman moves vigorously up and down in time with the furious pace of the drums. All eyes in the crowd are trained on them. This lasts for about 10 minutes, and the crowd goes wild to celebrate her efforts to grow pregnant in public. 

At that point, Borea and the young woman separate. He then kneels on the altar and enters her from the rear. He strokes her hard, much like a male dog, and the crowd counts out his strokes into her loudly. Her breasts are so large that the vibration of his vigorous thrusting makes them bounce. At some point the woman barks a sharp order and he climaxes in her, which is obvious from the way he pushes his penis hard in her and holds it in. Then he whispers a command to her, and she writhes with pleasure as she experiences an orgasm. 

When he pulls out of her, he stands up and turns with his large, dripping and erect penis visible to the crowd. They cheer. The woman then kneels with her face toward the goddess and turns her backside to face the crowd so that they can see the sperm dripping from her vagina. Everyone cheers loudly. Borea then slaps her buttocks hard, and she stands up. 

The crowd chants "conceive, conceive, conceive" in spirited cheering. The woman then turns to the crowd, smiles, massages her clitoris in a way that is intended to be visible to all watchers and then rubs her abdomen near her ovaries and fallopian tubes in a vigorous, ritualized effort to show that she wants to pull the sperm deeper inside her to make conception more likely. The obsession of women to grow pregnant on this island is the most striking feature of the unique culture found here.

Borea then repeats the whole process, in turn, with each of the ovulating women at the center of the ceremony. They represent different races. While the first is black, the second is white and third appears to be the golden brown of an Asian Indian. The white woman has very small breasts, and the brown woman has breasts somewhere in between the black and the white. After Borea copulates with the third woman, the entire community joins in. Each man pairs off with a group of 35 women. 

Each woman, in turn, begins by sucking the man�s penis. When the first is finished, she begins massaging his back as a second woman moves in to do the same. Each woman takes turns sucking his penis slowly and vigorously. The men lie down to enjoy the ceremony. It is strictly forbidden for men to reach climax even after 100 or more instances of vigorous oral sex. Men learn how to control their climaxes on this island with great precision. 

In the meantime, the women whom Borea pleasured are treated to the island equivalent of a glory hole. They stand at a large wall with a hole and men come up to insert their penises. The women then stick their vagina so that the penis of a man unseen to her is thrust into her. She moves vigorously until the man is brought to orgasm. Then she repeats that with another man who is unknown to her. That way, no favoritism is shown, all men are given the chance to nail her, and she has an equal chance of giving birth to any one of their children. The women engage in this eagerly, stroking their abdomens near their ovaries regularly to pull the sperm in deeper. 

As the night darkens, torches are lighted. The ceremonies continue until about 9 p.m. By the end of the ceremony, all the men are publicly copulating with at least one ovulating woman while other women look on and cheer on his chosen partner to become pregnant. The women give sharp orders to the man about how to climax as deeply as possible inside his partner. 

Some loudly count strokes as the man copulates with the woman; some offer criticism of the woman�s movements during sex or coach her how to ensure that the most sperm goes deeper inside her; and some others offer coaching to the man on how he should stroke his partner to increase her chances of pregnancy. As the night grows dark, the ceremonies cease. Borea extinguishes the torch nearest the goddess. At that point, all members of the community cease their rituals and go to their living quarters. 

Part III

Living Arrangements

On this island, each man has a hut that accommodates about 50 people. The men own the huts, and the women live with the men. Children are kept in separate huts and are watched over by the cows. 

Our team learned that the cows work in shifts. Those not working are permitted to join a hut with a man, seeking to pleasure him. They give him massages and are essentially sex slaves to the man, subject to do whatever he likes. Since men do not engage in anal sex with fertile women, they are permitted to do so only with the cows as they wish. When that is done, it is usually done as a public sport. However, great care is taken to avoid wasting any sperm by climaxing inside her anus.

It is worth noting that men are absolutely prohibited from sucking at the nipples of the cows. Milk from the human female is regarded as sacred and is for babies only. There is one exception only: young women who are pregnant but have not yet given birth may be sucked by men for their pleasure. That is always done in public during the evening sex rituals as a way to worship and deify these women. The men chosen by the women to suck their breasts are considered favored. The milk is regarded as a way to intensify male fertility.

In the evenings, each man returns to his hut with his group of 35 women. The women lie on their stomachs on a large mat, and the man sleeps in the center of the hut on a raised mat with the ovulating women of his choice. (In a group of 35 women, at least one is always at the prime time of the ovulation cycle.) 

Torches are kept burning so that everyone can easily see everyone else inside the hut. Sexual entry from the rear of the female is preferred in this society because it leads to the deepest penetration and is regarded as most natural, since most animals perform sex in that manner. 

The men begin the sleeping ceremony by sucking the clitorises of the ovulating women he will seek to impregnate that night. The women are very demanding and tell the man exactly and loudly what he must do to pleasure them and arouse them in the most intense way. The men obey instantly. The remaining women in the hut always watch the ceremony, praying to the fertility goddess for the women chosen for male attention in the night to conceive as many healthy babies as possible. They issue sharp orders to the man about how to pleasure his partner, and they voice sharp criticism of him or her if they fail to follow immediately the sexual advice that they offer.

Men are expected to sleep all night with their penises kept inside an ovulating woman of their choice. That means they must learn how to maintain an erection all night while asleep. Failure to do so leads to public ridicule in the tribe on the next day. However, the man may turn over in the night and switch with which woman he is copulating. If that is done, he usually bears the vaginal secretion on his sperm-dripping penis from one woman as he enters another. 

That is why women who have shared the same man are called "sisters"�because they have shared vaginal secretions and even some sperm as they grow pregnant. If the man has sufficient energy, he may copulate with as many ovulating women as he wants each night. But he is not permitted to copulate with any woman who is not ovulating. 

By morning, the men have usually climaxed several times into the women with whom they are sleeping. Small wonder that most women on the island usually grow pregnant almost immediately upon reaching ovulation, since they average 5 or more sex acts per day during their most fertile time. Some have a large number of partners to ensure that the sperm that fertilizes their eggs is most healthy, and that means these women�like animals�have no idea which male fathered their offspring. Borea told us later that it does not matter. What is important is that they must grow pregnant.

Of course, since the island is so hot, sometimes the men take their entire female group into the jungle for the night. It can be tricky walking around barefoot and naked in the jungle, and so usually the group has staked out a spot before sundown and made sure it is clear of snakes and other creatures. It is not uncommon to walk along a path in the jungle that covers the island at sundown and see groups laying in a clearing with the man busy copulating with an ovulating woman and a large group of females surrounding him. 

Many small clearings have been created for this purpose in the jungle, and some are close enough together that the men compete with each other, stroking their women in time to each other to show who has greatest staying power in their fertile women. Of course, the women have ultimate control of this and can stop a competition by barking a command at her man to come inside her instantly. The men must, of course, comply immediately and without question.

It is worth saying something about physical appearance. Most of the men are not bad looking, though they are not movie stars. The women range from utterly and outstandingly gorgeous to downright ugly. Borea told us later that even the less-attractive women are impregnated easily and quickly. "On this island we don�t discriminate by appearance. 

Ugly women are impregnated just as quickly as the beauties. Our goal is to get and keep ALL of them pregnant�all the time. Of course, a beautiful woman makes the ride a bit more pleasurable. But ugly ones get knocked up just as quickly, and she looks just as beautiful as the beautiful women when she is walking around with a huge stomach full of a baby or two or three." 

Much variation exists in how the sleeping ceremony is conducted. For instance, men may bind the women to the mat tightly so that they may not leave as he penetrates them. He may slap their backsides hard, blindfold them, and essentially do anything he wishes except inflict pain that will cause injury. Sex with pregnant women is strictly prohibited for the simple reason that it wastes seed that might be used to impregnate ovulating women. 

On some occasions, the whole group moves outdoors and sleeps on the beach, but this is only done before sundown in much the same way as sleeping in the jungle. On any given night, several groups sleep on the beach. Torches are lighted so that all groups can watch each other. Always sex is performed out in the open and in front of large groups. The natives believe that sexual techniques leading to pregnancy can be improved if men and women observe others in the act and then learn how to be more effective in getting the women pregnant.


The men are kept on protein diets to keep their energy and sexuality at peak levels. Women eat foods that will enhance their sexual appetite and will increase their fertility and ability to give milk. 

Hyperborea has a nutritionist among the female residents. She monitors the food intake strictly. Any food that does not contribute to sexuality is prohibited. All fats and sugars are carefully monitored. Hyperborea also has a female resident who is an obstetrician, and she monitors ovulating and pregnant women to keep them healthy. 

As the population of the island grows, it is also common to have one or more births daily. Those occur in public celebrations of fertility, and large crowds form to watch babies emerge from their mothers� wombs and celebrate the godhood of their mothers. Women giving birth give suck to the infants, but a day or so later the children are moved to the cows so that the women may increase the speed at which they can enter their cycles again. Getting pregnant and staying that way is the clear goal of every woman on this island.

Tribal Life

The average day in the life of a Borean is spent in leisure. There is no pressure. The men and women of the island arise late. When they arise, they find that a woman from each hut has prepared breakfast for the inhabitants of the island. 

The food is a combination of native fare, caught from the local wildlife, and food flown in. Borea�s wealth ensures that inhabitants never go hungry and do not need to waste much time in hunting. But the island diet is prized, since it is rich in fertility-enhancing hormones.

Following their exercises, which the men and women carry out separately, women gather for their daily stomach marking ritual beneath the statue of the fertility goddess. The woman who holds the island�s record for producing children manages the ritual and is regarded as the high priestess. She is called Hyperborea. She stands in front of the goddess. 

Before breakfast each morning, the women form four lines in front of the fertility goddess right after they awaken. One line consists of women thought to be between days 1 and 12 of their monthly cycle, and they receive a daily mark to show what day of their cycle they are on. A second line consists of women between days 17 and 28 of their monthly cycle, and they also receive a daily mark to show what day of their cycle they are on. 

That means, for instance, that a woman who is having her period may have 28 marks on her stomach. Sometimes that is shown simply by a large black mark on the entire belly. A third line consists of women who require the special red marking on their buttocks and genitalia to show their fertility. They bow to the goddess as their buttocks and genitals are covered with a large red mark. The fourth and final line consists of women who believe they are pregnant or whose stomachs are visibly swollen already with a baby. They pray to the goddess. 

Since the length of a woman�s ovulation cycle can vary, some need exists to double check it. Women are required to undergo the mucus test on their genitalia in public, showing how much cervical mucus they have. Male assistants perform this test, described below:

Cervical Mucus Monitoring

Another method for determining when ovulation occurs is through the cervical mucus monitoring test. This is the only method that will not require looking back to the past few cycles to analyze. It is based on examining the mucous that is normally secreted from the cervix in order to determine where the woman is in her cycle. 

The consistency changes during the cycle due to hormonal fluctuations. The key to this test is that the man uses his finger to get a sample of each woman�s cervical secretions (from the outer lips of her external genitalia). He then holds it up for all observers to see and stretches it between 2 of his fingers (the thumb and index finger) to test for the consistency.

Before Ovulation (low chance of pregnancy): The first few days following menstruation, there will be little or no discharge present. The man performing the public test on a woman of this kind will only feel dryness around her vulva. During this time, she is usually not able to conceive.

Approaching Ovulation (chance of pregnancy):The first discharge that does appear should be moist or sticky and should be white or cream in color. When the man uses his finger to wipe around the lips of the genitals in the morning test, the mucus breaks easily. The man performing the test will only be able to pull his fingers about 1 cm apart before the cervical secretion of the woman breaks. During this transition time, first the mucus will become cloudy and slightly stretchy during the finger test (this means that it will still break before the fingers are stretched all the way). As time progresses, the mucus will become greater in volume.

Right around ovulation (high chance of pregnancy): This is what men performing the test on the island are looking for. At this stage, when a man wipes his fingers around the woman�s genital lips, he holds up the woman�s mucus, and it resembles egg whites. It is the thinnest, clearest and most abundant at this point in the cycle. 

The man�s finger testing of the woman�s secretions will allow the mucus to stretch quite a ways (several centimeters) before it breaks (if it breaks at all). ) The amount of this thin mucus will steadily increase until she experiences her 'mucus peak'. This is the last day of this period where the chance of conception is high. It is closely tied to ovulation. It is often only recognized in retrospect. During this phase, the sperm's survival rate is higher. It can survive in cervical mucus for up to 72 hours, a significantly longer time than during the rest of the cycle.

After Ovulation (low chance of pregnancy): After ovulation, there is a marked change in mucous appearance. It returns to the sticky stage (does not stretch during finger test) and there is again a feeling of dryness around the vulva.

When such a test on the island shows a woman is near ovulation, onlookers watching the tests cheer and encourage her to seek as many male partners as possible so that she may conceive quickly. Her rear is marked red for ovulation, and she is ripe for sex with all the island�s men.

All women are closely examined by the High Priestess, who makes the final decision about what line in which to place the woman and how to mark her fertility for public view. This ritual ensures that the days of each woman�s menstrual cycle are easily and publicly monitored. 

When the high priestess is also not quite sure of the status of a woman�s cycle based on the mucus test performed in public with each woman, then she authorizes the use of the Estrus Cycle Monitoring (ECM) System. This device actually exists and was purchased by Borea for use on the island. As described by the manufacturer, it is "for detecting estrus in female mammals by measuring electrical resistance of mucus in the vaginal cavity. 

A hand-held electrical package including readout for temperature as well as conductivity of the mucus includes a longitudinal probe supported by a stainless steel elongated rod positioning in the vagina, the probe also including an objective lens with a diffuser lens for observing vaginal interior and cervix color, size, and dilation through a fiber-optic bundle running the length of the elongated rod, and an eye-imaging optic connected at the other end of the fiber-optic bundle for observing the same. 

The electronic housing includes an LCD display, a temperature-conductivity switch, a light switch, and an on/off switch. The probe includes two gold-plated twin- helix electrodes supported in molded plastic about the circumference of the probe, and the objective lens with the diffuser lens surrounding the same for transmitting light for viewing of the vagina and cervix. 

The utilization of a fiber-optic scope, electrical resistance reading of the mucus, and temperature of the vagina provide for determining the exact stage of estrus and is particularly designed for the insemination and breeding of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, dogs, or human females as determined by the size of the probe and the length of the rod." 

The model used on this island has been enhanced with a high intensity butterfly vibrator to connect directly to the clitoris to make the examination itself a thrilling, almost heart-stoppingly intense, experience for the human female.

As Borea later explained in his down-to-earth but droll way, the device "is nothing more than a gun-like device with a thin, sharp-looking probe that we jam up the woman�s twat in public just as we would do if we were examining a mare or a heifer. Once it is inside, the man using it snaps on the light�what a hoot!�and begins to perform various tests to determine when ovulation will occur. 

First, the device takes the hole�s temperature, and the man doing the test can tell the whole community if the woman is in heat. Second, the device routinely performs a detailed chemical and electrical analysis of the hole. Third, it permits the man using it to look right into the hole to perform a visual exam of the cervix and walls of the womb." 

As he went on to explain, "the finger test is more fun, but the device works well because female mammals of all types are pretty much the same. They all have holes, and you can tell when a bitch is ready to be fertilized by the hole�s heat and the color and dilation of the cervix and the mucus surrounding it." 

Borea added that "the manufacturer at first made a mistake and sent us the one for cows. It was quite a lot of fun jamming that up into some women, I can assure you. But when we figured out what was wrong, we got the right model. Now the men have the fun of seeing right up inside a woman and sharing what they see with others who can look right up inside her. We can tell with great precision when a female is ready to become pregnant. 

I have to tell you that there is something quite interesting, too, about watching a powerful electrical discharge arc up her uterus. We crank the power up on that, and we find it is useful in stimulating super- ovulation when paired up with fertility drugs so that the bitch produces more eggs to fertilize. 

That�s one reason so many women on this island birth litters of two, three or four babies at a time. We also find that the number of babies affects milk production, and so women who are birthing litters often have huge milk-filled breasts that look like watermelons ready to burst from being so ripe." 

The high priestess authorizes the public use of this device on any woman whose stage in the fertility cycle is not clear. A male assistant performs the test by sticking the probe of the device far up into the woman�s vagina and then looking through the viewfinder to perform a visual test of her cervix, conduct a chemical test of her cervical mucus, and examine the temperature of her uterine walls at once. 

The tests are performed publicly for all women undergoing it, and the results are explained to the large crowd of male onlookers who crowd around to see it. For instance, the male performing the test may explain the exact meaning of the woman�s cervical mucus reading so that men observing the test will know her exact condition, just as an animal breeder might casually explain a similar exercise in determining a mare�s condition. 

He will do likewise as her performs a visual exam of her cervix or does a reading of the temperature in her uterine walls. He usually invites many male onlookers to gaze up inside her. The results are highly accurate and can detect the onset of ovulation with such precision that a human female�s cycle can be precisely and publicly determined for breeding purposes within just a minute or two. Then the results can be announced publicly. 

On the rare occasion that a woman is particularly prime to breed at the exact moment following the test, a line of men forms to breed her immediately. She gets in the position to pray�that is, she kneels down on all fours with her face pointed toward the fertility goddess, lowers her head in submission and her hands in supplication, raises her rear toward the male fertility god, spreads her legs as far apart as possible to open the lips surrounding the vagina opening for easy male access, and urges as many men as possible to fill her with sperm. 

One man is usually assigned to lie underneath her and lick and suck her clitoris during this process so that she will find the breeding experience as pleasurable as possible and will be more inclined to achieve orgasm so as to pull the huge amount of sperm deposited into her deeper inside. Everywhere in this culture there is a strong sense of urgency to breed fertile, ovulating women immediately�and with as many males as possible to ensure pregnancy with the healthiest sperm. 

It is not uncommon for a woman in this situation to have her uterus and fallopian tubes completely filled up with sperm from many different male partners. That is exactly the fashion in which some male monkeys perform sex with fertile females.

Women who have just been confirmed as pregnant are singled out for special honors and are themselves the subject of worship by the men at the lunchtime celebration. Men bow in front of the pregnant women and pray to them directly as living goddesses of fertility. 

Some go to the next step, publicly sucking their clitorises and tonguing their vaginas as a sign of total adoration of their femininity. The women control how the men do this at all times and sharply criticize them if their performance in doing so does not provide the most intense female gratification. 

After the marking ceremony, the islanders gather for a brief and simple breakfast that usually consists of fruits and fish. After that, the men and women begin their exercises. That goes on until around 11:30 each morning, though timekeeping devices are strictly prohibited on the island. Therefore, the time is approximate. 

Part IV

The pregnant women prepare lunch for the island inhabitants each day. Lunch is also light, consisting of a form of meat obtained from the plentiful wildlife and a balanced meal to keep the inhabitants healthy and fertile. 

It is worth noting that all toilets on this island are open-air public toilets. They resemble the ancient toilets of the Romans in which rows of stone stools are lined up to form a square. There are, of course, no walls between them. Both sexes mingle at public toilets. Men stand up to urinate at the public toilets but sit down with others to defecate. 

Women typically eye their penises and testicles as they urinate. Men can, of course, watch women as they go to the toilet as well. The goal is to foster community spirit in all activities�including the natural task of going to the toilet. Even at night people meet at the toilets, which are lighted by torches. Ovulating women who go to the toilet may even be "taken" by any men who happen to meet them. 

The rape of ovulating women on this island is not possible, since every woman wants as many male partners as possible to ensure that healthy sperm results in pregnancy. They eagerly accept all male partners when at the right time of month. No woman wants to know exactly who fathered her baby, since all children are considered equally shared by the whole community. 

The same principle is considered true of the men and the women�s bodies. It is assumed that women "own" the body of every man and the men "own" the body of every woman. Hence, rape is impossible. 

Afternoons are spent in complete leisure. In this climate, the afternoons can grow quite hot. Men and women may nap in the shade wherever they wish. They may remain in the huts, but many choose to sleep outdoors and under shade trees. Again, the men are expected to penetrate ovulating women while sleeping. It is not unusual to see a large number of natives resting outdoors where each man is asleep but is also penetrating an ovulating female. 

Some move slowly inside these women, pausing occasionally to climax. Some island men have apparently mastered a technique by which they can stroke a woman, and even climax in her, while asleep. Similarly, some women have learned how to move their hips in time with male stroking to encourage it and show enthusiasm for it even while they are sleeping. 

Alternatively, the men walk in groups around the camp, looking for ovulating women to impregnate. They then take turns with them at random, taking turns on them much like stray male dogs do when attracted to female dogs in heat. Women eagerly seek as many different male partners as possible when they ovulate, and nobody worries too much about who fathers the babies. 

The goal is simply to ensure�even guarantee�the pregnancy of every ovulating woman. That is regarded as an absolute necessity in this culture. Women who are unable to be impregnated, even after enjoying a large number of male partners, are examined by the island�s medical professionals. Several women on the island are trained doctors, who are themselves regularly (and eagerly) impregnated. Women with fertility problems are given fertility treatments�or sent off the island for further examination and returned only when they are capable of conceiving. 

Men are prescreened to ensure that they can impregnate women. They take daily medications to increase sperm count and motility. Their sperm are so active that the joke on the island is that they do handsprings in looking for an egg to impregnate. 

But sex alone is not the only pastime. Men and women may pair off and spend hours simply looking at, or touching, each other. The goal is to achieve spiritual intimacy by gazing into the eyes, the windows of the soul. Eroticism of all kinds is highly encouraged so long as it enhances intimacy, and some men and women are taught special techniques by island teachers on how to grow closer mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

Their goal is to merge completely, though it is true that is a challenge for a man to do that with as many as 35 women at once. For that reason, male attention is usually devoted only to ovulating women. Those change every few days, of course.

In the late afternoon, as the sun goes down, couples gather on the beautiful white sands of the beach so that they may have sex on the beach as the sun goes down. It is preferred as the sun goes down so that others may see them. That is not possible at night, of course. 

Hunting parties are sometimes formed. Anyone who wishes to hunt for food may do so. Often hunting is done by the pregnant women to give them exercise. It is quite interesting to see groups of pregnant women, their heavy breasts and engorged stomachs bouncing, engaged in running while on the hunt. This is often done in the heat of the day. 

The women travel on paths cut into the lush foliage of the rain forest that dominates most of the island. Of course, on occasion the hunting parties must step out into the lush foliage to chase the animals they hunt. That means that many women on this island have bare feet that are well-calloused, since they must walk on many rough parts of the ground. Foot wounds are common, but large horn-like calluses eventually form on the bare female feet. 

Raising animals is also common on this island. While they are a source of food, they are also a source of entertainment. Of particular interest are the bulls that impregnate the young heifers. Men stand around and watch the bulls mating. Sometimes they bring ovulating women over close to where the male bulls are at work and time their strokes in the woman at the same speed as a bull in a heifer. 

Fishing parties are different. On those occasions it is not unusual for men to go out in boats with ovulating women. They fish�and make love�at the same time. That usually involves casting fishing lines over the side of the boat and then holding them while the man penetrates the woman. Sometimes this is treated as a bit of a game in which the man merely strokes the woman until a fish bites. 

She sits on his lap�or they even stand up precariously in the boat so that they can be seen from shore�until a fish bites. Then, and only then, can the man climax and whisper the word that sends the woman into an orgasm. Of course, this can be a challenge because the sea moves the boat and thus ensures some stroking occurs as a result of the movement of the sea. 

One goal of the game is to avoid falling overboard or having the penis fall out of the vagina during copulation! They come back to shore only when they have fish--and the woman is likely to be pregnant. Catching many fish usually means the man must come in the woman many times�once for each fish caught. For that reason, couples returning from fishing are greeted with huge cheers when they have many fish. The cheers are even louder when the woman is so full of sperm that she visibly drips as she steps out of the boat. 

Another leisure activity is diving. There is a tall rock on one end of the island that overlooks a large lagoon. Couples gather at the rock. The man inserts his penis in a woman and then they dive off the rock. The couple that hits the water with the penis still inside scores the most points. Of course, the woman�s ability to control her vagina, and thereby tighten her hold on the man, can give every couple an advantage over what outsiders may be able to do. But this sport can be very painful to the man. 

Extra points are awarded if the man climaxes in the woman while they are diving. They are judged by a man who sticks his finger in the woman to see if she has sperm inside when they emerge from the dive. If she does, then a large cheer goes up from the crowd. The man who fingered her then slaps her buttocks very hard, and other male members of the crowd join in to slap her buttocks as hard as possible. The red on the ovulating woman�s behind is then replaced by red from the slaps.

Yet another sport is called "finding the G spot." A fertile, ovulating woman is willingly spread-eagled on the platform in front of the fertility goddess. Her ass is elevated so that her cunt is fully exposed. Her arms and legs are then tied by chains to the platform. Her mouth is gagged, and she is blindfolded and ear plugged so that all her senses are focused on her cunt. 

The men of the island take turns probing her with a vibrator until they locate her "g" spot. (They can tell just by how strongly she reacts to manipulation of that area, often located immediately below the clitoris.) When they do find it, they hoop and holler with excitement�and take turns holding battery-operated vibrators on it until the batteries wear out. The woman has orgasm after orgasm, screaming in choked words in the gag to "stop" because of the sheer intensity of the stimulation. One man holds her stomach and counts the orgasms from the strong contractions of her stomach. The goal is to see how many orgasms she can have consecutively. 

After the 200th orgasm, and when the bitch is thoroughly exhausted, ten men take turns fucking her and then repeat the process with the sperm oozing out of her cunt until she experiences another 200 orgasms. This game is also called "group impregnation." It is nearly 100 percent successful in getting women pregnant�even when they have had trouble getting pregnant before.

Bathing is also most often performed in the intense heat of the afternoon. A special pond on the island is reserved for bathing. It is in an idyllic setting with a small waterfall. The tribes people are often seen frolicking in the water as they bathe. The bathing ritual is also religious in that the water is seen as a form of sperm. 

Women are required to bathe daily but are prohibited from washing their genitals in this pond. The men take turns bathing the women adoringly from head to foot each day. Ovulating women go first and are the focus of special loving attention as the living goddesses they are. Next are pregnant women. The last group are the other women. 

There is a second place for bathing, and it is worth noting it. There is a fountain beneath the god with the erect penis. The penis is a fountain that spills water into a shallow pool. The water falling into the fountain from the god�s penis is fed by a water repository on the back side of the god. All the young men below age 18 go to the backside of the fountain each day to honor the god by ejaculating as many times as they can�that may be as much as 50 times each day-- into the water that is then pumped through the penis and deposited on the other side. 

Additionally, the male tourists staying in the island resort also contribute to the ejaculations in the pool� and some even compete over how many times they can ejaculate publicly into the pool. (That means as much as 3,500 ejaculations per day are deposited in this shallow pool.) 

All women not ovulating wash their vaginas each day in the sperm-enriched pool that falls from the god�s penis. They do that by using their hands to dip into the water and then insert the water directly into their vaginas. Some simply bathe themselves completely in the water, pulling their vaginal lips apart so as to allow the water to touch their outer lips. They then eagerly push the sperm-enriched water into themselves with their fingers. Others submerge in the pool and relish drinking the milky-colored water. Others look for floating globules of sperm to insert with their eager fingers deep into their vaginas. 

The women who get pregnant from this ritual are sometimes surprised by the appearance of their baby�or babies. One redhead had a baby that was clearly fathered by an oriental man. A blonde woman found herself birthing the baby of a black man when, to her best recollection, she had never had sex with one. And a black woman was surprised to find that the father of her baby must have been oriental. It happens all the time. 

It is not uncommon to see a group of men standing behind the male fertility god engaged in a contest over who can ejaculate the most and shoot their sperm the farthest into the fountain at the same time that a large crowd of women is washing their vaginas on the other side of the fountain. The fountain then pulls the fresh sperm directly from one side of the god directly onto the side through the god�s penis so that the bathing women are given fresh sperm from the men directly and immediately.

Several women each month get pregnant this way. As a result, even women with irregular menstrual cycles cannot easily escape pregnancy on this island. It is considered a sign of great favor for a woman to become impregnated as a result of the daily ritual washing of her vagina in the fountain. It means she is favored by the god. Some women have even had several children, or been impregnated with twins or triplets, in this way.

When the tourist males finish ejaculating into the fountain, they often step to the other side to watch women bathing themselves. Tourist males may even offer advice to the island women over how they bathe. Some may even offer assistance if asked, and tourist males especially enjoy helping women bathe by using their fingers to insert the sperm-enriched water deep into their wombs. Women who have a partner must usually lie down and spread their legs far apart to permit the deepest penetration of the fingers with the life- creating water. 

Some male tourists snap pictures of that ritual for souvenirs to send back home in what some of the locals call the "petting zoo." Others spend hours getting as much of that water as possible into one or several female islanders that they are "helping." But it should be emphasized that sex with these women is strictly prohibited. 

In one case a male tourist got carried away�that is, pulled off and literally carried away�from a woman whom he pounced on while she was laying with her legs spread wide. He could not stand it and wanted to copulate with her, but that is strictly forbidden with a woman who is not ovulating. He was exiled from the island forever and never permitted to return. 

In another case, a tourist was removed from the island because he "cheated"�he ejaculated in his hand and then inserted the fresh ejaculate directly into a woman�s gaping hole in a bid to cut short the use of the fountain and ensure that his own sperm might reach her egg.

In more recent days, some women have taken to using huge eyedropper-shaped contrivances�some say these were imported by tourists�to squirt large amounts of milky- colored water from the fountain directly into the vagina. That ensures very deep penetration and nearly guarantees that the sperm-enriched water goes deep into the woman�s uterus, filling her up. When the women stand, the milky-colored water gushes from them. The more water that they have taken in and that then falls out when they stand, the higher the status they are accorded each day. 

Interviews with Tribal Women

The researcher wanted to learn more about what attracted so many young women to the island from all parts of the world. 

The researcher interviewed most of the women on the island over the course of a year.

While it is impossible to report everything they said here, what follows are key passages from actual interviews that underscore the common themes that emerged across many interviews.

* "I am here because I am tired of the rat race. This island is paradise. There is no crazy pressure like in the outside world. And there really is something to be said for the view that women exist to pleasure men and men exist to pleasure women. That�s all that really matters here."

* "Women here have far more freedom than they do outside. They know what each man is like and can easily choose whose children they wish to bear. They own the men, really. The men absolutely must respond instantly and without question to every sexual command that the women give them. The women here rule everything. It is the exact opposite of the rest of the world. Men here would never harm a woman, since she is regarded as a goddess in the flesh and the creator of all life."

* "What attracted me is a society where women are worshipped and adored. That is incredible. That exists nowhere else in the world. I will never leave. I thought it was a fairy tale until I felt it for myself. Let me tell you, it beats everything else."

* "The sex is incredible here. And it is so open. It is strongly encouraged in public. I don�t know anywhere in the world where sex is worshipped as a religious act of intimacy and is considered the center of life. But there is also much more to it than sex alone. Men are encouraged to plumb the depths of a woman�s soul and love her and adore her as an individual in every possible way. Women are encouraged to do the same with the men. It is astonishing to feel that I am the focus of total love, complete obedience and utter adoration."

* "Life here is simply paradise. I don�t have to do anything. I just eat, sleep and make love whenever I feel like it. It is incredible."

* "I have had 10 children in less than 8 years here. I know what I live to do, and I know what men expect of me and what other women expect of me. Life is very simple and uncomplicated. It all boils down to the birth cycle. I am a breeder, and the job of the men is to make sure that I am kept impregnated." 

* "The deepest relationships are here. The men love all the women, and the women love all the men. We can choose to do whatever we feel like�whenever we feel like it. Intimacy is prized. While we appear to focus on physical intimacy, let me assure you that intimacy between men and women here is prized in all its forms. The physical act of sex is just the way it can be seen the most often here."

* "Unlike the rest of the world, we experience no greed here. The only greed that is felt by a woman is to get as much fertile male sperm in her as possible when she is ovulating. And the only greed that is felt by a man is to get as much sperm in a woman as possible when she is ovulating. That is the only thing to be greedy about. There is no need to be greedy about anything else."

* "An average day here is simple, idyllic, relaxing, and uncomplicated. Every day is the same as every other day. Nobody fights. Everyone makes love�and makes children."

* "On this island we believe that women should not be kept barefoot and pregnant but rather naked and pregnant with many babies at once�and have no idea who fathered the babies. Our role is to give sexual pleasure to our men, bear children, and do nothing else."

* "Fucking is the name of the game here, and the goal is to get knocked up�preferably with many babies at once." 

Part V

Interviews with Tribal Men

I also wanted to hear from the men. So, I asked a few of them�and I have to say they were copulating with women while I talked to them�and here is what I heard:

* "I do nothing but fuck. That�s my purpose in life. My goal is to create as many babies with as many women as possible. Period." 

* "Making bacon is what I do. I am a male animal. And I just love it."

* "The women here want to get pregnant, and they don�t care who does it. You have to be fast on the draw here� and hard all the time�or the other guys will beat you to the punch and father more babies. That�s all I do all day is fuck cunt ripe for baby making." 

* "This is no place for a lazy guy. Men are expected to fill a fertile hole every minute. I do. It�s great. Hell, sometimes I am so busy that women have to feed me while I�m humping a bitch in heat."

Women and Their Fertility Cycle

The community life of the whole tribe centers on the female fertility cycle. The cycle of each woman is publicly monitored, and the mark on her stomach makes it quite easy to tell exactly what day she is in on her cycle. Women between days 13 and 15 are said to be "in heat." Women who are flowing blood are said to be "unfortunate," since it indicates a catastrophic failure to conceive and the loss of a birth. 

A goal of the community is, in fact, to avoid any menstrual cycles except the first one that occurs during the six week period following a birth when a woman is nursing. The first blood flow indicates that the woman is again on a cycle, and she immediately begins with a mark on her chest. Men then know when to copulate with her to get her pregnant. Again, it is clear that the whole society is built on the single principle of keeping all the women pregnant. 

Child Rearing and Education

Borea produces a huge number of infants, and it is not surprising that much attention is lavished on child rearing. However, the natives are also worried about perceptions of the outside world. Hence, children are kept entirely segregated from the compound. Boys ages 12-18 are permitted to ejaculate publicly in the fountain of the male god to keep it always fresh with sperm. (The fountain is drained and scrubbed at night.) Girls are not permitted to bathe in that pond until age 18.

When a child is born, he or she is not schooled until age 5. If possible, the baby is kept nursing as long as possible by the cows to ensure absolute contentment. Some babies nurse until age 12. That is especially true of males. Only 1 of every 35 males is kept on the island, and the others are put up for adoption. There is a waiting list for adoptions.

The children of the tribe are schooled by the cows. They are not taught to read or write, but they are taught about sex and intimacy in every possible way. The children are instructed at a young age about sex as the ultimate act of intimacy. 

They are taught that it is natural and desirable and is preferably performed as a public act to demonstrate total intimacy with another human being as well as to teach others the most effective ways to impregnate fertile women. But children are also taught that it is not a casual affair and is quite serious, a demonstration of two bodies and souls merging. The children are not permitted to participate in the evening ceremonies until age 18. 

During the youngest years, the children are indoctrinated in the religion. They are given many exercises to promote intimacy between boys and girls, though sex is not permitted. One example is to randomly select many girls to pair off with a boy to gaze into each others� eyes for 4 hours or more. They are encouraged to touch and explore each other�s bodies if they wish. 

When they finish, they are required to voice how they feel about the other person in public. The teacher asks probing questions to encourage open, deep, intimate expressions of profound feeling. That exercise alone leads to deep, intimate relationships among the young people. Laughter is permitted so long as it an expression of joy. Cruel laughter, meant to hurt or demean others, is punished severely. 

Bullying among the young is cause for public humiliation. Males that bully are punished by having their penises locked in a vice on a tree in the forest. Anyone who walks by the tree is encouraged to kick them in the buttocks until they are black and blue. Only one such treatment is enough to cure any offender for life.

Females who bully, usually by making catty remarks about other females, undergo a different punishment. During the evening ceremony, any girl who has teased another girl about her appearance�or tried to bully a male or female�is bullwhipped in front of the entire community. A male is chosen at random from the community to do that. He is careful to keep the whip lashes on the girl�s back. That leaves her buttocks and sacred pubic area unblemished. 

The men always gather to watch, sometimes with large erections, as a young woman is tied to a pole and publicly whipped. It is called "pussy whipping," and it is the only example in which women might be treated with abuse on this island. Of course, some might regard it as a form of sexuality because most girls beg for more of this punishment when the whipping is completed. 

In another example of an exercise, each boy is given several girls to bathe. He must bathe every square inch of their bodies. Total tenderness is required, and the touch during bathing is monitored to show complete adoration. In a variation of that, all the boys must choose just one girl to bathe. 

All the girls look on as one girl is intensely worshipped by all the boys through the bathing process. In the course of one year, each girl is subjected to that public male adoration at least 12 times�and often many more. The boys take special care to take turns playing with the girl�s clitoris and vagina throughout the entire bathing process, keeping them in constant ecstasy.

And, in yet another example, boys are required to kiss every square inch of a girl within a 6 hour period. Each girl reports at the end of the exercise if the boy successfully kissed every square inch of her body. If he missed any spot whatsoever�such as her anus--he must instantly obey her command to French kiss it. 

In a variation, all the boys kiss the body of one girl from head to foot for 8 hours. The other girls watch how that is done, providing critical coaching to the boys so that they demonstrate total worship and instant obedience to the female. In the course of one year, each girl is subjected to that public male adoration at least 12 times. 

The reverse treatment is also done. Girls may be told to do the same to a boy�bathe him from head to foot tenderly or else kiss every square inch of his body. Alternatively, one boy may be singled out to be the focus of all female attention that day. As many as 200 girls attach themselves to one boy for a full day, vying who can show him the most affection. They walk with him, for instance, and masturbate him constantly. He comes so many times that he is exhausted by day�s end and his penis is red from over stimulation.

Public massage is also common. Boys may massage girls all day�or the reverse.

They are instructed on every known massage technique so that they are experts on giving deeply and emotionally arousing massages, including genital massage that is intense, profound and prolonged. The males usually climax repeatedly while females massage them. Girls are taught how to climax when just touched by a male.

Children are also instructed on kissing in all its forms. Only when they are older do they learn French kissing. And when they do, the girls and boys are paired up randomly to French kiss for many hours. The goal is to deeply explore intimacy through the art of the kiss and to "open the soul." Although sex is not permitted below age 18, the kissing becomes so intense that it is almost a religious act of joining.

But there are some dramatic differences between the schooling of girls and boys.

Upon puberty the boys are taught by the cows about how to have sex to pleasure a woman. They are shown examples by the cows of exactly what spots to pleasure a woman and how to touch to create instant female reactions. Boys do not participate but do watch as a mature island male helps the cow demonstrate to the boys the most effective sexual positions and techniques for achieving the deepest penetration that is most likely to lead to fast impregnation.

The girls are taught separately by the cows about how to have sex to pleasure a man.

They are graded on the quality of their hip movement to coax maximum male climax, are given exercises to increase the strength of their vaginas so that they may pull as much sperm as possible out of a man while he is inside of her, and are taught ways to increase the speed at which they achieve natural vaginal secretions so as to encourage rapid, deep male penetration. They are shown methods to enhance the depth of penetration or to increase their chances of pregnancy from a male ejaculation.

Girls�and women�on the island face a special problem in that they are not permitted to wear any devices to stem natural menstrual flow. They remain natural, which sometimes leads to blood trailing down their legs or covering the areas where they stand, sleep or sit. But they may ask males to clean them, and the aim of that is to encourage complete intimacy about bodily functions. Menstrual blood of women below the age of consent is regarded as sacred, symbolic of the female and of her role in creating children, and the men who clean up after them show enormous and loving tenderness in the process.

It is common on this island for a male who first meets a female to look at her pubic area, and then her breasts and hips, before gazing into her face and reaching out to run his fingers around the lips of the vagina and to massage the clitoris gently. Large breasts and hips are greatly prized in this culture, since they indicate to the men that the women will be able to bear a huge number of children successfully. Stretch marks are also a status symbol, since they show that the woman can successfully bear children. 

Women over 18 who greet men over 18 do so by reaching out to massage their penises, touch their scrotums and feel their testicles for some time. When the touch reveals that the man�s equipment is satisfactory, the woman smiles to show her readiness to copulate when she is ovulating. 

The most important education begins after the age of puberty. At that time boys are instructed in many ways to avoid climax and also ways to climax instantly upon a female�s vocal command. Public masturbation is common and is frequently practiced. The boys exercise from very early ages in an effort to lengthen and thicken their penises, and upon reaching puberty they are required to climax at least 50 times a day to generate a huge reservoir of sperm. 

Many have greatly enlarged testicles, some reaching 3 to 4 inches across, by the time they reach the age of consent at 18. Similarly, efforts to stretch and thicken the penis from a very early age often result in very long and thick members that may reach 14 inches when flaccid. They look like they are sprouting tree trunks. 

Public erections for males is greatly encouraged and is often the focus of favorable comment but public ejaculation is to be avoided�unless the fertile sperm goes into the fountain to impregnate a woman. Men are also encouraged to place their hands on their penises and masturbate as they walk around the island to arouse female interest and attention. Similarly, women are encouraged to massage their clitorises or finger themselves in public as they walk to arouse male interest.

In this culture, hands are never free. Men are always playing with themselves as they walk--and women are as well. This also helps to ensure that the genital organs are not capable of friction burns from the intense amount of daily stimulation they receive. Men who masturbate at least 50 times daily could easily have sore organs, but constant use builds up tolerance. The same is true of clitoral and vaginal lip stimulation among women.

Girls are taught techniques to climax themselves from an early age. Hypnotism is paired with extremely vigorous genital massage so that girls are given spoken commands that will allow them to climax when their male partner merely whispers a single key word or phrase. That becomes useful later as girls reach childbearing age and must achieve climax to pull the sperm of their male partner deeper into their wombs to enhance the chance of pregnancy when they are ovulating. 

Boys are taught a word for each girl that will drive her to instant ecstasy. Great care is taken to prevent boys from learning the words that will affect all the girls, since immature young people might misuse such knowledge and create great disruption in female gatherings by yelling out all the words at once. Similarly, girls are strictly forbidden from issuing voice commands to boys to reach instant climax unless that is done when the male is penetrating her and immediately following the presumed exact moment of ovulation.

At age 16, girls begin training the boys by issuing vocal commands to ensure that males can climax instantly upon their command. The boys are taught to worship the girls by physically and tenderly carrying them for an hour or more at a time. (Some boys who do that have large erections, which the young women encourage by massaging them.) 

In more advanced acts to encourage intimacy, boys are paired up at random with girls and the boys are required to orally stimulate the female clitoris by tongue action for 8 hours at a time. In a variation, the boy stimulates the girl�s clitoris for 4 hours and then the girl sucks the boy�s penis for 4 hours. When they finish, each boy and girl must tell the group how they feel about each other. 

It is not unusual for all the girls and all the boys in the same age group to be passionately in love with each other by the end of their schooling because over the years they have been together they have worshipped each other many times in the most intensely emotional ways possible. Delayed gratification pays dividends in that later sexual intimacy is built on a foundation of profound, complete and unconditional love, absolute submission, and great eagerness and enthusiasm to copulate so as to produce as many children as possible. 

Both sexes are instructed in special techniques of oral sex. That is permitted between ages 16 and 18, and all boys and girls are required to practice daily for hours on end. The boys do exercises to gain great staying power. As one example, a line of boys is formed and must remain standing with an erection for a 2 hour period. Boys who are unable to do that are coached. 

If they are unable to do it, they are publicly whipped by a girl until they are so motivated to learn that it is impossible for them to escape the lesson. For this reason, it is not unusual to see a line of boys standing with totally erect penises for 4 or more hours. They learn mental techniques to achieve this feat.

They are taught how to remain erect without climaxing and are taught how to avoid climax even upon the most intense oral stimulation by girls. The girls, in turn, are taught ways to give the greatest oral satisfaction to boys. There is great competition among girls to bring boys to climax from oral stimulation alone when they are discouraged from doing that, and there is great competition among boys to resist climax even under the most creative and intense oral stimulation of their genitals by the females. 

Anal sex is not permitted before age 18. At that age, boys are permitted to have public, anal sex with girls and are shown ways to perform the act in ways that range from very gentle to extremely rough and hard. Girls are taught how to control their reaction to intense pain when stimulated under the most vigorous anal stimulation and are taught to be completely submissive when the male wishes to give her intense pain through vigorous anal sex. Anal and oral sex are regarded by older adults as a useful outlet for the budding hormones of young people. Vaginal sex is strictly prohibited in children below 18.

Contests are held between competing couples at age 18 after loss of virginity. Prizes are awarded for the most gentle, the most vigorous, and other categories of anal sex. Prizes are also awarded for boys and for girls for oral sex. For example, girls are awarded prizes for "best tongue action." 

Boys are given special prizes when they can avoid climax despite the most intense possible oral stimulation. Boys are singled out for special treatment and receive prizes when they can bring girls to climax quickly and intensely through oral sex. Boys are also given special prizes if they can instantly climax upon female voice command or can bring a girl to climax the most times. 

One winner in such a contest brought his female partner to intense climax over 100 times in an hour of public oral sex. He was given a special crown of leaves under the statue of the goddess and honored as a god. The girls are tested for faking by having a female judge hold their stomachs throughout the competition to ensure that the intense stomach contractions associated with female climax actually occur. 

Boys also compete against each other. A normal sport is for males to stand in a circle beneath the male fertility god and publicly masturbate into the fountain. The boy who shoots his sperm the farthest is declared winner. That is regarded as important for impregnating females later. Every boy wants to win that important contest, a rite of manhood. Those who do are rewarded by cheers at the sex rituals carried on in the village every evening.

In public competition of another sport, a cow lays in the center of a large circle of males with her mouth open. The goal is for a large number of boys to shoot sperm far enough for it to go in the cow�s mouth and fill it up. The circle is gradually narrowed until all the boys shoot sperm directly into the cow�s mouth. They must climax until they run out of sperm in the competition, and the boys lose if they do not fully fill the cow�s mouth with fertile sperm. 

That is meant to encourage their bodies to produce as much sperm as possible each day. When the cow�s mouth is full, she does not swallow it. Instead, she spits the fertile sperm into the fountain beneath the male fertility god where the women bathe. Of course, in many cases the cow�s face has received load after load of sperm by the time her mouth is full, and for that reason she also washes off her (by then crusty) face in the fountain.

In a variation of that sport, shooting sperm to cover as much of the cow�s whole body as possible becomes the object of the game. A group of all the boys ages 12-18 shoot sperm on the cow with the goal of covering her completely. They do not stop until the boys are unable to shoot any more sperm and are literally "worn out." Cows are soaked with sperm. When the game is finished, the cows leap into the fountain of the male fertility god to ensure that the fountain is kept full of fresh sperm. 

Adults sometimes engage in sports as well. The most popular is in the evening. All the men line up and choose an ovulating woman as a partner. They then penetrate their partners.

The goal is to see who can stroke the most vigorously for the longest time. It is a quite a sight to see 10 or more couples lined up�and the men competing to see who can hump the most vigorously but for the longest time without reaching orgasm. A record was 17 hours and 42 consecutive male orgasms in the same hole. The bitch was impregnated, of course, and birthed triplets. 

Part VI

The Highest Ritual: Loss of Virginity

The highest religious ritual is the loss of female virginity. A girl reaching the age of 18 is regarded as ready for it, though she must have menstruated prior to the act being performed. If for some reason she is not menstruating, she is given special attention to determine the reasons. If necessary, she may receive an injection of a powerful female fertility drug to stimulate her cycle.

At the end of her first menstrual cycle in her 18th year, a female is prepared for the evening sex ritual. She receives a special mark on her stomach but is not touched until exactly 13 days after the first day of her first period of the 18th year. In the evening ritual, she is brought to the front of the community. She bows to the goddess. She then stands on the platform and bends over to be taken for the first time. 

But, unlike the normal evening sex ritual, every man in the community takes turns penetrating her and climaxing inside her. (Many men save up sperm for days to use in her, and so she is flooded with an enormous quantity of sperm.) That includes boys who have reached their 18th birthday, and it is often their first sex act. Their first act is greeted with loud cheers from the crowd. 

It is not unusual for a young woman to have between 30 and 50 male partners on her first evening. She is said to "marry all the men of the community at once." If she is healthy, she is almost always publicly impregnated in this ritual, and it is quite reminiscent of the efforts of male chimpanzees to take turns with ovulating females to so fill their wombs completely with sperm as to virtually guarantee pregnancy in a fertile female. 

When the men have finished with her, she extends her rear to the community so that all may see the sperm filling her. Often there is so much that it runs down her legs and pools beneath her. As before, the entire community shouts and cheers. They all chant "conceive, conceive." When she stands up after being penetrated so many times, she may be helped by other females because of the pain she may be experiencing. But the young woman always smiles and massages her stomach in a ritualized way to signify that she wants the sperm deeper inside her. 

For three nights she participates in this process. The highest honor this young woman can receive is to have no idea which of the many men who enjoy her during the ritual of several days actually fathered her baby, since female animals usually receive many males as they try to conceive. If the young woman becomes pregnant with more than one child, she is regarded as especially blessed. 

That is the highest honor a young woman can receive, and her right breast is marked with a special tattoo to indicate her extreme fecundity. She is proclaimed a goddess. Such a woman is vigorously pursued by all the men in the future, since they all compete to father multiple children at once with her at every chance in the future. Such a woman usually produces at least one child, and usually more, per year for her entire childbearing lifetime until age 40. 

That means she is usually the mother of more than 24 children with different men. The breast milk of women bearing more than 20 children is sacred and is used in special ceremonies of the goddess.

Incidentally, at age 40, all women become ineligible for childbirth and become "cows" thereafter. They keep their milk after the last child they bear, and it gives suck to many other children of younger women in the future. Often such women have huge breasts. They produce enormous quantities of human milk daily.


The North side of the island has a 5-star tourist resort�complete with a nude beach and much more. Men or women come from many countries to visit the island. But many come with other views in mind than a one-time sightseeing tour of naked savages. Some tourists visit because they wish to experience island life before deciding to join the community. Some couples visit to have the wife serviced, and the wife is immediately examined using the ECM device. 

Some women visit to be impregnated without a partner, and some men visit to impregnate some island women and thereby enrich the gene pool. Many tourists making this pilgrimage eventually decide to stay. All tourists are apparently screened first for various diseases to prevent them from entering the island population.

Some female tourists, including lesbians, visit to become vigorously impregnated by the island�s males. (Lesbians especially enjoy the docile males on this island who are willing to do absolutely anything they wish to pleasure them and who worship them as living goddesses.) It is estimated that more than 3,000 women from other countries�not all lesbians, of course--have visited the island to be serviced for this purpose, and more than 90 percent go home pregnant. 

Female tourists prefer the anonymity of being impregnated by an island male, who follows her sexual orders without question and makes no future demands on her if she grows pregnant. Many tourist women choose to stay, integrating with the island population and producing at least one baby a year between the ages of 18 and 40. 

Tourist women are always invited to the morning marking ceremony, where they are examined with the ECM device to determine the precise nature of their ovulation phase, and to the evening sex ceremonies. Of course, they must act like islanders�meaning that they must shed their clothing, take the name "hole" or "bitch," begin a vigorous exercise regimen to reach an ideal weight and build up their capacity to bear children, bear a mark on their stomachs or buttocks to indicate the day of their menstrual cycle, and be willing to practice all forms of sex in public immediately and expertly during their time of peak fertility. 

They must also take a solemn oath in front of the goddess that they will do everything possible to remain pregnant until age 40 and do their utmost to pleasure men on the island. After age 40, they must also agree to become cows. If the tourist woman is ovulating, she is immediately chosen to be the first to be publicly serviced in the evening ceremonies, which means that she must stand ready to be the focus of attention by performing sex in public on the raised platform with Borea as the ceremony opens. She then has sex publicly with many more men that same night.

There are, of course, tourists who decide that they want a more discreet treatment. In that case, an island male may visit the room of the woman, man or couple. That is popular with some tourists, who merely want to have the woman discreetly serviced.

On one occasion, a young woman of 21 visited the island as a tourist. She was treated to the high ritual whereby she lost her virginity. She was publicly serviced in the evening ceremony by 52 men in one night while at the peak of her fertility cycle. She was publicly impregnated with triplets from an unknown father on the island. She opted to stay. After just 8 years, she has produced 13 children. She was granted the island�s highest female honor to indicate the number of her litters.

Male tourists are also welcome if they wish to enrich the gene pool by impregnating female islanders. Many do, though their numbers are strictly regulated to preserve the 1 male to 35 female ratio. However, they must meet the requirements of the men on the island. 

They must adopt the name "plug" or "dick," be more than merely physically fit and must stand ready to follow the sexual orders of island women instantly and without question. That means they must learn to ejaculate instantly on the command of any woman and must be prepared to sleep inside an ovulating woman. They must also adore and worship women and stand ready to make love in more than physical ways by demonstrating total intimacy.

So-called sex tours are prohibited from visiting the island, since the population must remain disease free. 

Tourists are permitted to take tours of the island. To do so, they must take off their clothing. But they are not required to mix with the natives if they do not wish to do so. One tourist brought a video camera, taped the evening sex ritual, and was paid $1 million for a tape of several young tribeswomen being publicly impregnated by multiple partners. 

Of special interest was the command of one young woman to her male partner to climax immediately when she felt herself ovulate, and she did so quite obviously during the taping. Viewers of the tape knew they were watching her being impregnated in public. They watched a man copulate with her repeatedly and saw him climax instantly after she voiced a sharp command to do so. 

The cameraman zoomed in on her face as her partner climaxed inside her, filling her with a flood of fertile, motile sperm, at the very instant of her ovulation. The look of utter ecstasy and total satisfaction on her face as her partner spoke a voice command to make her climax to ensure immediate conception was worth the price of the tape. 

The cameraman later returned to document her swollen belly before birth and to tape the whole process of her giving birth to twins in public. He even captured the birth of the babies as they emerged from the birth canal and then showed her face to prove that it was the same woman. He also showed her, just a few minutes after birth, giving suck to the babies on her milk- engorged tits.

Some tourists visit the island simply to videotape the islanders. In the words of one tourist, a man, "I visit just to videotape the natives having sex in public. The really exciting thing about it is that I know that, more than likely, I am capturing a woman getting pregnant on video. 

Sometimes she is pulling a train to make absolutely sure she is knocked up like a real bitch in heat. That�s nastier than anything sold by porn outlets. And some of the public sports on the island are just mind- blowing in how dirty they are. I�ll give you one example. In one event which I videotaped, two ovulating women competed to see who could have the most men come inside them in the shortest period of time. They were taking all �comers��white, black, oriental guys, they didn�t care. 

Two other women held the guys� dicks as they penetrated those gals�the women being fucked were stunningly beautiful, by the way, and one was a dreamy redhead with great curly red cunt hair and the other was a tiny young oriental gal with a bush that got some crusted sperm stuck in it�and the woman holding the guys� dicks could tell from feeling the spasms on the underside of the guys� dicks when they came. They called out �he just came� as the guys climaxed inside these beauties. 

At one point the tiny oriental had a huge guy with rippling muscles�he must have been over 7 feet tall with a huge chest and a 16-inch dick�pounding her but good. It looked like a Great Dane humping a Chihuahua, and the little bitch�s tiny hole must have been filled up with fertile sperm when he shot his load in her. It looked like a huge summer sausage sticking in a key hole. There was a huge line of guys with hard dicks taking turns, and the women holding the dicks had gooey hands by about half way through. But that didn�t stop them. A crowd formed to watch all this. 

I got the whole thing on tape, including the women in almost constant orgasm to pull all that sperm of all those guys deeper inside as each guy shouted the words that brought these bitches to orgasm, rubbing their abdomens to pull the sperm in as well, and verification by the island doctor that both bitches got pregnant during that contest. The whole place reeked of the most intense smell of sex. 

They must have set a record for getting knocked up as fast as possible. One of them later had twins, and I got great shots on video of the babies coming out of her and of her with babies sucking each breast. Hell, I wanted to participate in playing the sperm lottery with those cunts myself and try my luck at fathering a baby with one or both, but I was told that I needed to meet the requirements for a male islander, and I could not because I�m out of shape. But, I tell you, that motivated me to get into shape! I�m working on it. 

The next time, I will be in that gang bang to not only nail those good looking young red hot bitches but try to get them pregnant, too. It was clear to me that that was the only object of the game�get the bitches pregnant as fast and as vigorously as possible. They WANT it in the worst way. 

Their enthusiasm is incredible, and it makes them incredibly vigorous in how they encourage their men to climax. I bet every guy in that group emptied his balls in the bitches. I timed it, and there were 50 guys in 30 minutes on each bitch. They were in a �dead heat.� The guys just stuck their dicks in those hot pussies and poured in everything they had. That was GREAT. 

It was even more intense than watching male dogs tag team it on a bitch in heat. It didn�t seem to bother anyone that those bitches must have been as slick as ice with so many guys shooting their wads inside them in such a short time. My video even picked up the slimy look of the guys� dicks as they pulled out, and it was just fantastic to know those holes were primed for baby making. In fact, as hot as those women were, I bet they were feeling the guys� dicks as they swelled in orgasm to come inside them.

And those bitches looked like they were in seventh heaven even after 50 guys nailed them. They just stood up and rubbed their stomachs to pull as much sperm in as possible. I will never get over watching that. It was the most intense sexual experience I have ever seen. But next time, I don�t want to watch; I want to participate in filling those holes with SPERM and get my shot!"

And a young woman tourist, a self-proclaimed lesbian, said "I like to video the women having sex. It is great to see two attractive young women at the peak of their sexual prime�especially of different races and when I know they are most likely hetero--doing it lesbian style for public gratification and to keep themselves sexually attuned. And I even like to capture on tape the women on the island just walking around, massaging their clitorises, using vibrators or fingering their holes openly and in public. 

It is incredible. It makes me wet just to think about it. I may try it out myself�walking around nude, playing with myself, using a vibrator in public here on the island, and partnering with a female islander. Let the guys watch and even video it if it turns them on. Of course, by island law I cannot do that when I am ovulating, and so I will have to be examined by the ECM device."

Sex clinics are also held on the island, and they attract people from all over the world. Couples visiting for this purpose are shown sexual techniques to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. Male island instructors demonstrate techniques for copulating with women, and female island instructors show effective ways to squeeze sperm out of their partners through muscle control of the vagina and hold the men tight in their well-exercised wombs. Then the participants in the clinic have sex on videotape. The tape is used to coach couples on ways to improve their technique. 

Of course, the men and women participants are not permitted to use contraceptives of any kind. On occasion, women get pregnant during the therapy, and those videos are set aside and sold to tourists or else shown on close-circuit television in the resort to excite the tourists. At the end of such a tape, and after a medical screening, a doctor comes on the screen to verify that the woman was likely impregnated during the videotaping.

Nor are the sex clinics limited to couples only. Single people are also invited. They may choose a partner from among other participants at the clinic for random sex or else may select an island native. However, island natives insist that participants comply with all island customs.

That means that women must accept the name of "hole," participate in the use of the ECM device, bear ash markings to show their stage of the menstrual cycle, and engage in intercourse only when the time is just right. Males are required to ejaculate daily into the fountain of the male fertility god as well as service his female partner to her complete and total satisfaction.

Nor is sex alone the focus of attention of the clinics. Women are shown many ways how to pleasure men; men are shown many ways to pleasure women. Attention is also devoted to ensuring total bonding between the man and woman so that they are completely intimate and feel complete only when bound physically together in the sex act. That is done publicly with all couples bonded for as long as possible, watching each other to learn more effective techniques. 

They are then led through a debriefing to determine what they have learned about ways to improve sexual techniques and are shown ways to increase the chances of pregnancy. 

The resort is known worldwide as a place that specializes in doing special hair treatment of pubic hair. Women visit from all over to have their "hair" done. They can be quite creative, too, in everything from shaving the women�s pubic hair totally off and then using lasers to remove it permanently to styling the bush creatively. The island salon even gives "permanents" to bushes!

Some competition also exists in these training programs, with men and women trying to show other couples that they are better lovers. With training lasting only a few weeks, most men can sleep with their penises inside their wives or female partners all night. Many women leave the clinics pregnant even when they have had trouble conceiving before visiting the island. 

One woman even came to the island for the sole purpose of having the ECM device used on her. Her husband, a cattle breeder, wanted to see the device used on his wife. He was given hands on training on how to use it. He then was able to breed her with extreme precision, knowing the exact moment to fill her with his sperm.

During the training, both men and women are hypnotized so that they may begin to master some of the techniques of the natives. Men leave the island able to climax upon a single barked command by any woman, and they learn how to maintain erections for many hours. Women leave the island able to experience an intense orgasm upon a single but secret word whispered to her by a man. 

Women also learn how to control their vaginas so that they can tighten or relax them at will. Husbands are often surprised how tight their wives� vaginas have become, and that often leads to a more intense relationship. And the women, of course, can hold a penis in a vice-lock grip with their vaginas and by controlling it can squeeze every last drop of sperm out of her man.

Some sex clinic members have expressed a desire to have sex contests among couples. Those are being planned, and they will take the form of Sexual Olympics in which couples must perform in public in many ways. For instance, women demonstrate their ability to pleasure their men by their tongues. Men then do likewise with their female partners, and also show ability to dominate their women by giving them extremely painful anal sex. 

Other contests include one in which men are required to climax the fastest upon female command, stroke the woman for the most counts over the longest time (the current record is 14,823 strokes in a 38 hour period before climax), and publicly demonstrate all positions of the Kama Sutra in the fastest way but with a climax punctuating each position. 

Yet another contest has 12 couples humping in unison for as long as they are able to do so. The "winning" couple is the one that outlasts all others before the man shoots his load into a fertile womb.

Both men and women may also stray outside the clinic and have sex with the islanders�but those who do must meet the stringent requirements of those who opt for the full tourist package. That means they must comply with all island rules.

Other Native Tribes in the Area

Other tribes in the area are enthralled with this tribe. Tribes people from surrounding Philippine islands make frequent visits to see the natives, participate in the rituals, and impregnate (or become pregnant by) the island natives. It is not surprising to see many children on other islands with unusual Western features. 

Some male tribes people bring their wives to the island for the excitement of watching them being publicly impregnated. In one case, a local chief of another island brought his daughter to participate in the loss of virginity ritual, and she was impregnated with twins by one of 50 men.

My Departure

When I began this ethnography, I was merely studying this culture and fully planned to depart. But, I have decided to go native and stay here. I have already taken 35 wives from among the many tourists here. This is my swan song as an anthropologist. But it is just the beginning, I think. 

My goal is to father as many children as possible in this idyllic paradise. Some of them men here father as many as 100 babies a year, though it is admittedly hard to tell for sure. That�s my goal.

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