Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Finding Dates for My Wife Pt. 06

Shares his wife with three generations. 


Paul Scott – Lisa's husband

Lisa Scott – Paul's wife

Jason Wilson – Lisa's father

Karen Wilson – Lisa's mother

Carl – Paul's friend

Ben Scott – Paul's father

Rita Williams – Friend of Karen

Alan Williams – Rita's Husband

Charles Hose – CEO of Investment Business

Steve Hose – Accountant – Son of Charles

Nate Hose – 18-year-old student – Son of Steve

Chapter 33 – What About Our Lifestyle (Lisa)

Paul and I were still pinching ourselves trying to believe it was true, we had just been given a brand new custom designed home. My previous soreness and fatigue were quickly forgotten. I was going from room to room looking at the home Alan and Rita had given us for my birthday.

In the back yard we had a pool twice the size of the pool in our current home. There was a fully covered outdoor cooking area complete with built in grill, smoker, sink and TV. The new home gave us a lot more space outside than in the old house. It was in one word, fabulous.

As beautiful and wonderful as it was something was bothering me. I had waited until after Alan and Rita left to talk to Paul about it.

"Honey, the house is gorgeous, and the entire community is absolutely beautiful, but I do have a question."


"You know how much I enjoy being your hotwife and you sharing me. Since people visiting us have to go by the gate guard, do you think we will have to stop you sharing me?"

"I don't see why we would. Let me talk to Alan about it. Since he knows all about us, he and Rita should be able to tell us what is best."

We both wanted to stay at the house, but all our stuff was back at our house. Paul and I stayed a while longer then got in the car and headed home. All our belongings were at the old house. We needed to get everything moved and get it ready to sell. As we were leaving Paul stopped at the guard house. When John came out Paul said, "Please accept my sincere apology. I was a total ass..."

John held up his hand to stop Paul and said, "Mr. Scott, say no more. I would have been just as upset as you were, or even more, if it had happened to me. I just want to be the first to welcome you to the community and if there is ever anything you need from me or any of the other guards, please let us know. We are very happy to finally have you living here with us."

Paul smiled and said, "You are very kind. Thank you for being so understanding and thank you for the welcome. We are really looking forward to moving in."

John smiled and waved us on through as another car approached from behind us. On the drive home we were both so overwhelmed we didn't say much. Driving up and seeing the house filled me with mixed emotions. This house held a lot of good memories we would be leaving behind. This was the house where my parents had walked in on us when Paul's cock was deep inside me on the couch. I will never forget looking up and seeing my mother's smile as Paul continued to thrust into me unaware my parents were both standing there watching.

This is the house where my mother told me for the first time, she and my father are swingers. It's also where my mother first fucked my husband while Daddy and I listened to them from the living room. We had made so many memories at our old house, but I knew there were many more to be made in our beautiful new home.

We had barely left the property when my phone rang. I saw on caller ID it was Rita. I answered, "Thanks again Mom."

Rita was laughing and said, "You're very welcome daughter. Honey the reason I called is Alan wanted me to call and let you know he forgot to tell you about the movers. You need to call them and let them know when you want them to begin moving you. He has already paid them; you just need to be there to show them where you want everything set up. They will pack up everything and unload it in your new home."

"Rita, this is too much. Moving is the least we can do."

"Nonsense, Alan insists. I hope you aren't offended he picked your house, but when he gets his mind made up, even I can't change it. He really does think of you two as our kids. I'm so happy you'll now be much closer. Alan said it should be about the same distance for Paul to drive to work, but the upside is the traffic from this direction into the city is much lighter."

"Paul will like that. I am so excited I just don't know what to say. Do my parents know about the new house?"

"No, I figured you would like to tell them yourselves. I promise to not say a word until you tell me you have shared the news with them. Hey Sweetie, I have an idea."

I said, "You scare me when you say that."

Rita was laughing when she said, "Only if you are interested, but if you are... I was thinking maybe I could invite your mother over and... well maybe the three of us could... you know."

"I'm wet just thinking about it," I confessed.

"Excellent, I'll call and invite her over. Is tomorrow too soon?"

"No, that's fine." Images of my mother, Rita, and me all naked together were flipping through my head.

"Honey... still there?"

"Oh, yes, sorry. My mind was somewhere else. You were saying?"

"I'll give you a call and let you know for sure, but tomorrow you could just come over in that barely there sexy little yellow bikini and we could all three relax around the pool. After we've had our fun, you could show your mother the house."

"I like that. Rita, I love you so much."

"Honey, it would make me feel really good if you... well if you wanted to call me Mom or even Mother Rita. You don't have to, but it would make me feel like I really had a daughter."

"Okay Mom"

"I love you, Sweetie."

"Talk to you tomorrow."

The line disconnected and I stood there thinking about all Rita had said. I would call the movers the first thing tomorrow morning. I wanted to get moved in as soon as possible.

Chapter 34 – Moving (Paul)

Lisa and I were happy about the new house we had almost forgotten about her birthday. When we walked into the bedroom the first thing that caught my attention was the video camera still mounted atop the tripod in the corner. Taking the camera off the tripod I removed the SD card containing the video file. I was very anxious to see how the video I had captured turned out. I hoped everything was properly lighted and in focus.

After putting the camera away, I heard Lisa turning on the water in the shower. I quickly stripped and joined her. She now remembered how sore she was. I pulled her tight against me and put my hands on her ass. I slipped a finger between her cheeks and found her ass was still gaping open just a little.

"Oh Honey, your fingers feel good, but my ass really is sore. Do you mind using my pussy or I can give you a blow job."

"Pussy sounds great to me. I can wait to use your ass."

"Baby this has been the best day of my life. First was the absolutely awesome gang bang. Being bound and blindfolded made it incredibly fun."

"What part did you enjoy the most?"

"That's hard to say. Probably the surprise of it all was the best. Being tied up and blindfolded was great, but then when everyone came in and I didn't know which of you was doing what, that was also exciting. Being blindfolded and having one set of hands roam over your body is super cool but having four sets and not knowing which hand belongs to whom is such an erotic high like nothing I've ever experienced. Honey it was all fabulous."

"Knowing you enjoyed it so much was all I wanted. You looked great stretched out on the bed."

On the way home she had told me and her conversation with Rita. "Honey I know we have a lot to do with the movers and all. You don't have to worry about sending me on any dates for a while."

I said, "Baby you forgot one of our primary rules."

She looked at me as if she couldn't remember. I said, "It is not up to you. I'm responsible for setting up the dates and your only responsibility to drain their balls."

She grinned and pressed her naked body against mine as the water from the shower poured down over us. Her arms were around my neck as we kissed. With our lips pressed together I grabbed the cheeks of her ass and lifted my petite wife off her feet. After first wrapping her legs around my waist she lowered her pussy onto my stiff shaft. Having a wife so petite has advantages in situations like this. She's light and easy to bounce up and down on my cock. Keeping her legs locked around me our lips parted. She laid her head on my shoulder with her arms still holding me tight. It didn't take much of this before I felt that familiar tightness in my balls then my head exploded as I dug my fingertips deep into her ass cheeks and pumped my cum up into her. I held her as she began kissing my neck. When I could no longer keep my cock inside her I lowered her to her feet then turned off the shower and grabbed a towel to dry her off. I dried myself then we climbed into bed and fell asleep in the arms of each other.

The following morning Lisa told me about Rita inviting her mother over and the three of them and their plans to enjoy the pool. She said, "Do you care if I go?"

"Baby you know I don't care if you spend time with your mom or Rita."

"I know, but I like you to be the one who decides if or when I get intimate with someone else. After all I do belong to you."

Standing there looking at her I wondered what I had ever done to deserve a wife like my Lisa. I said, "Honey you can go do your lesbian thing under one condition. You have to tell me all about it while sucking my cock later tonight."

She grinned and said, "I will have you know we are not lesbians. We are smoking hot bi-sexual babes."

I burst out laughing and gave her a hug. "Have fun Honey and tell the girls I'm here at home with a hard cock thinking about the three of you."

She gave my erect cock a squeeze and looking at it said, "You wait and I will take care of you tonight." She then leaned over and placed a kiss on my glans.

I told her if I didn't get out of the house, she would not be going anywhere. I said I was going to spend some time around the house getting things gathered up. She said Rita told her the movers were going to take care of that. I told her if that was the case, I might go over to her parent's house to see her father and mine, since my father had been staying with her parents for the surprise birthday party. I told her I was going to call Alan and see if he wanted to join us for a beer since he would not be welcome at his own house with three naked women in his pool.

She liked the idea and headed out the door. She tied to call the movers, but I told her it was Sunday and they would not be in the office, but to my surprise they answered the phone. She told them who she was and the woman who answered said they had been expecting her call. She asked when they could schedule the move. The lady she spoke to apologized for not being able to do it that day, but since it was Sunday all their crews were off. She did promise to put us on the schedule the first thing Monday morning.

Lisa said she was expecting to have to wait at the very least several days and was surprised they were able to do it so quick. The lady told her Alan had been very specific about them making time to do it whenever we wanted. Lisa thanked her and promised she would be sure to let Alan know how fast they had been able to complete the move.

When she hung up the phone Lisa said, "Baby tonight will be our last official night here. Tomorrow night we will be in the new house, or at least that's what they promised."

Lisa gave me a kiss and said, "Don't be surprised if my lips taste like pussy the next time you kiss me." I laughed and swatted her firm ass. She let out a cute little squeal then jumped into her car.

I picked up the phone and called Alan. "Hey, I heard a rumor your house is about to be invaded by a tribe of horny lesbians. Want to join my Dad, Jason and me for a beer drinking party?"

Alan laughed and said, "I was just wondering what I could do. Rita told me I was not welcome here and better find somewhere to go for a few hours."

"That' perfect. Meet me at Lisa's parent's house. We'll down some beer and cool off in the pool."

"See you there and thanks for coming to my rescue."

"Anytime. Later."

When I arrived at Lisa's parent's house, I saw Alan's car already in the drive. They were all in swim trunks next to the pool with a beer in their hands. I grabbed one from the cooler and joined them.

As we talked, I said, "Dad and Alan, you guys can listen in. I know you'll not tell Lisa." I turned to my father-in-law and said, "You remember me talking to you about that special series of dates for Lisa?"

"Sure do, I've been thinking about it a lot."

"Did you think of someone who would work?"

"Yes, but I don't know about your requirement to make sure they were large enough."

"How about someone in your group? You know how well hung all of those guys are. Is there anyone there you could recommend?"

Alan asked, "Hey what are you guys talking about? You said something about the guys in our group. You meant our swingers group, right?"

My father-in-law spoke up saying, "Paul asked me if I knew a guy who has a son and grandson I could recommend. Obviously, the grandson would have to be at least 18."

Alan looked at me and asked, "All three at the same time?"

"Eventually, but what I had in mind was the oldest one first, then his son then the grandson. Lisa would not know until the fourth date when all three showed up to pick her up that they all were related."

My father said, "I'm sort of in the dark, but I thought you said our girl likes men who are older. Are you seriously thinking about setting her up with an 18 year old?"

"He doesn't have to be 18, but that is the minimum. He could be in his 20's, but I don't think a guy with a grandson older than that would be able to make Lisa happy."

My father said, "Oh, okay, I see what you're getting at. Sounds hot if you can pull it off."

Alan was thinking then looked at my father-in-law. "You remember that guy who he and his wife were active for such a long time? I can't remember his name, but he was really hung and I believe I heard him mention he had a son and grandson. If I remember correctly, he was the CEO of that investment group downtown and his son was an accountant. I imagine the grandson would be in college by now."

Jason said, "I forgot about him. The ladies all loved him. He had the biggest cock in the group, but he and his wife stopped coming. He may be too old to get it up now."

Alan said, "You never know. I bet Rita has a phone number for them and I assure you she will remember the guy's name."

He promised to let me know what Rita said. We talked about the birthday party and I shared with them what Lisa had told me were the highlights of the party. I was going to let Lisa tell them, but decided to tell Jason and my father about Alan's generosity regarding the house. They were both very impressed. I told them of Rita and Lisa's plans to tell Lisa's mom today.

Alan said, "I wish we were at my house today. Those women are going to all be naked and going wild."

I told him I agreed it would be quite a sight. We even considered crashing their party but decided to let them have their fun. We would have plenty of opportunities later.

Chapter 35 – Three Lesbians (Rita)

Things were going perfect. Karen, Lisa's mom, was the first to arrive. I had wondered how I was going to get rid of Alan, but Lisa and Paul had helped me out with that. Karen and I had been lovers for a long time, and it was because of Karen that her daughter Lisa and I were intimate. I had introduced Lisa to the pleasures of Lesbian love. Technically the three of us are not Lesbians, but we are definitely Bi-Sexual.

Karen didn't know her daughter was going to be joining us. When I met her at the door we shared a friendly kiss. Those kisses filled with passion would be coming very soon. Inviting Karen in I took her cover up. She was wearing a sexy one-piece suit with the middle part having large cutouts. Karen is a hot woman and has a body most women her age only dream of having when in their late 20's or early 30's.

She grabbed a fistful of my ass and said, "Baby that has always been my favorite ass."

I laughed and asked her if she was wet and ready for some outdoor girl fun. Normally we stay inside but this day we had talked about playing out by the pool. As we were talking by the pool, I had stripped out of my suit to show Karen something I had bought.

I asked, "Have you ever seen a C-string?"

Karen said, "You mean G-string? Sure, I've seen them."

"No honey I mean C-string. I saw a girl wearing one on-line and I got a couple for myself. Let me show you."

I grabbed a box and opened it. I pulled one that had red satin in the front and red satin wrapping the bar that went between the legs then between the ass cheeks.

Karen's eyes were wide as she grinned and motioned for me to turn around. "That is so hot. I want one of those."

"They make them in a bunch of styles. They even make them for men."

"What would Jason do if I showed up in one of those?"

I gave her an evil grin and said, "What would Paul do if you were wearing one of these."

Karen said, "Oh girl, I love the way your mind works."

Just then I heard the door chime. I knew who it was supposed to be and headed through the house to the front door wearing only the C-string. Opening the door there stood my newest daughter. Throwing my arms around her I said, "Baby come in. I was just showing your Mom my newest stuff."

She came inside and closed the door, then pushing me back at arm's length she looked me over. She ran her hand down between my legs feeling the wetness from my pussy leaking out onto the clamp holding the C-string in place. She raised her fingers to her mouth licking them clean. "Mother you are being very naughty. Does father know you have those?"

"Yes he does Baby, and he loves them." I gave her a hug. It made me feel good hearing her call me Mother. "Come out back, I was just showing your Mom this one and I have another one that is even hotter."

Lisa followed me, and somewhere along the way the cover-up she had been wearing when she was at the door had disappeared by the time we arrived at the pool.

Karen was surprised when she saw her daughter. She and Lisa had been to bed together and she knew Lisa and I had been lovers. There seemed to be something about all three of us being together that embarrassed her a little.

I removed the red satin C-String and pulled one covered in black lace from the box. It was virtually sheer and concealed nothing. When I turned around to show them Lisa had shed her bikini and was now wearing only the red satin C-string. Her eyes bugged out when she saw the black lace. Lisa took my hand and pulled me closer saying, "Mom feel between her legs. Feel how it fits up against her pussy."

I stood there looking at Lisa who winked at me as her Mom felt between my legs. I felt her fingers slip up around the clamp then enter me. Lisa saw the reaction on my face when Karen penetrated me with her fingers. She winked at me then looked down at her Mom. I felt Lisa's fingers between my legs with her mother's hand. She pulled her mother's hand from me. Karen and I watched as Lisa cleaned her mother's fingers. Her mother said nothing but when Lisa had finished, she pulled her daughter down onto the lounge she was laying on. I saw Karen push her fingers into Lisa and heard Lisa moaning as her mother felt around inside her daughter's pussy.

We were eating each other's pussy and grinding our clit on the thighs of each other. We totally missed lunch. It was almost 3:00 in the afternoon when we realized we had been having our own little girl party for almost five hours. It had been an awesome time and we vowed to get together often. Karen lived not too far away. She said, "It's a shame Lisa and Paul don't live closer. We could get together much easier if not for that drive."

Lisa gave me a grin and said, "Yea, Mom I know, but you know how it is."

They were getting ready to leave and I said, "Hey I want to show you a house Alan designed. It's beautiful."

Lisa said, "I don't know. Paul and I have a huge day tomorrow. Maybe you could show Mom and show me some other time."

I had to grin when Karen said, "Baby, you can't be that busy. Alan designed it, let's just go take a quick look."

I said, "It's just down around the corner. Only a couple blocks away. I promise Lisa, it won't take long."

"Oh, okay. I guess I have a little more time than I thought."

As we approached the house Lisa gave me a wink. I saw the ribbon balled up in her hand I had tied through the house key I had given her the night before. As we approached the door the look on Karen's face was one of confusion as Lisa unlocked the front door and said, "Mom come in and see our new home."

Karen looked at me. I nodded my head and grinned. "This is their new home."

She said, "But I thought this was one of the homes Alan designed."

"It is and we bought it for the kids."

"No Shit?"

"No Shit," I responded with a grin.

It felt good seeing how excited Lisa was as she showed her mother through the house. She had memorized everything Alan had told her about the features he had installed and was explaining each of them to her mother. When they were finishing up Karen said, "Is she being serious? You and Alan bought this for them?"

I grinned and said, "It's much less expensive for the architect to buy the homes he designs."

Karen gave me a look as if saying, 'Bullshit' when she said, "Yea right and I believe that like I believe you're a virgin."

I said, "Seriously, we wanted to do it and we can afford it. We told Lisa and Paul we see them as the children we were never able to have. Most people get to spend money on their kids and grandkids so we simply adopted us a son and daughter."

Karen's eyes were filling with tears as she hugged me and thanked me. "Now they will be so much closer, and we can see them more often. Thank you, Rita. You and Alan are the best friends we could ever ask for."

That's when she asked her daughter, "When are you moving in?"

"Tomorrow morning the movers will be at the house."

It was at that point Karen finally broke down and began crying. They were tears of joy and it made me feel so good to make her this happy that I began crying. When I looked up Lisa was wiping tears from her own eyes. Lisa pulled herself together then said, "Next Lesbian party is at my new house."

In unison Karen and I said, "Count on it!"

Later that evening Alan got home from the drink-a-thon and told me Paul's plans. He asked if I remembered the name of one of the men who he and his wife had been very active in our swingers' group. After he described the man, I knew exactly who he was talking about. The man's name was Charles Hose. I would never forget his name. The women in the group all thought the name Hose fit him perfectly. We always said he had a cock the size of a fire hose, in both length and thickness. Okay so it was a bit of an exaggeration, but he was very nicely equipped. Alan didn't tell me why he wanted Hose's name and I figured it had to do with Paul, so I didn't ask.

Alan asked if I remembered why Hose and his wife stopped coming to our parties, but I honestly couldn't remember. He said he would give Hose a call and that was the last I heard about it for several weeks.

Chapter 36 – Hose Senior (Paul)

I laughed when Alan called and told me the man's name. He said he called the guy on the pretense of simply touching base with him. He said Charles told him he and his wife were doing really well. Alan said he asked why they had stopped coming to the parties and Charles said his wife had some health issues that prevented her participation in the club activities.

Alan said he didn't pursue it but did ask Charles if his wife still encouraged him to enjoy other women. Charles told him she did. Alan explained a very close friend might be in touch with him and then gave Charles my name.

I was anxious to get things set up and called Charles to ask him if he could meet with me. I was surprised when he invited me to his health club. He said he goes every day after work for a steam bath. He said he would leave my name at the front desk as his guest. We agreed to meet at 5:30, later that same day.

The health club was one of those private membership places where the initiation fee is more than I earn in a year then there are monthly dues on top of that. I had heard of the club but had never been there. The front desk told me Mr. Hose was expecting me and he would be in the steam room. I went to the locker room and undressed. I put on swim trunks and grabbed a towel. Upon approaching the steam room, I saw a sign on the door that said MEN ONLY – NO CLOTHING ALLOWED.

I had heard of Clothing Optional, but never a place such as this where clothing wasn't even permitted. I stepped out of my trunks and saw hooks outside the door to hang them on. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to wrap the towel around me, leave it outside or carry it. I opted for the middle of the road and carried it. This was the right choice. There were three others in the room. Two were sitting on towels and the third was laying on his. All three were stark ass naked and apparently not shy about being seen.

Looking at the three it didn't take me long at all to figure out which of them was Hose. He was the oldest of the three and by far would be the oldest man I had ever set Lisa up on a date with. I walked up to the bench beside him and asked, "Charles?"

He rose to a sitting position, smiled and extended his hand. As I shook his hand he said, "Yes Son, you must be Paul."

"Yes Sir, I am." Not knowing what to say I said, "Very nice club."

"Yes, this is where I come to unwind after a day at the office."

A couple minutes of small talk then the other two men, who must have been together got up and told Charles they would see him the following day before excusing themselves. Charles said, "Okay Son, I am not sure what this is all about, and I don't know how much privacy you wanted to discuss whatever it is, but we could have company at any time. I suggest you get to the point. I don't mean to rush you, it's just the way things are."

"Thank you, Sir. I appreciate the warning." I proceeded to tell him about Lisa and that she and I live the Hotwife lifestyle. The smile on his face let me know he was familiar with what I was talking about. I told him how Lisa and I do it and the rules she must follow. He was nodding his head in understanding.

I said, "I understand you have a son and grandson, are either of them married?"

"No, both are single. May I ask is this about me or them?"

"Honestly Sir, what I had in mind involves all three, but let me explain."

"Please go on. You have my full attention."

I happened to glance at is cock and saw it hadn't changed at all in thickness or length. Even flaccid it was still a monster, but Lisa's date had to be able to get hard. Charles had the largest cock I had ever seen on a man. "Sir what I have in mind is four dates. The first would be you, then if this all works out your son would be next then your grandson. On none of these dates would the three of you reveal your relationship to each other or even that you knew each other. Assuming all went well on the first three, you would all three show up at the house to pick Lisa up for the fourth date."

Sitting there watching him I saw his hand drop to his lap. He was fondling himself and obviously thinking about what I had said. Most likely it was because of his age, but I was watching for some reaction to his own touch. He must have noticed me looking and got a big smile. He said, "Are you concerned I might not be able to make your Lisa happy?"

"Sir, no disrespect, but this is about Lisa making you happy, but she also wants some enjoyment."

He just smiled as his hand dropped from his cock to his scrotum. He said, "Son, watch closely."

I'm not gay and was a little self-conscious, but I had to know what he was about to do. It appeared he began pinching one of his testicles. Involuntarily I winced at the thought of what that must feel like, but he kept pinching it again and again. I said, "Doesn't that hurt like hell?"

"No Son, it's not my balls that I'm pinching."

If he wasn't pinching his balls, what was he doing? I kept watching then his cock began to thicken and lengthen. The longer he squeezed his balls the bigger his cock became. I had never seen anything like it. I finally asked, "What are you doing, what's happening?"

He stopped squeezing and said, "I've got an implant. You see there's a reservoir in my abdomen filled with sterile liquid. In my scrotum is a bulb, sort of like what the doctor uses to pump up the blood pressure cuff and take your blood pressure. Tubes connect the squeeze bulb to a couple of long plastic bags in my cock. When we are young blood flows into our cock making it erect. As we get older things don't work as well. For me the solution was to get implants. The fluid I was pumping into my cock makes me hard. The beauty about mine is after I cum it remains hard until I open the valve and let the fluid drain from my cock back into the reservoir for the next time. You can see in that one respect my way is even better than natural, but I do have to tell you I like natural much better."

I said, "I've heard of penis implants, but never seen one or even knew how they worked. That's amazing."

"Yes, the marvels of modern medicine. Now as for my son and grandson, I am sure they would like to be involved. I've heard of husbands doing this, but never met one. Guess today is a first for both of us." I was still looking at his cock standing tall and proud when I said, "Are you going to deflate it?"

Smiling I saw him take hold of his scrotum and do something that caused his cock to begin going flaccid just like it had been when I arrived. He said, "If you want you can feel for yourself. It's between my balls."

"No, that's okay. I'll take your word for it."

"Okay suit yourself, but if we do this, I'll have your wife pumping me up."

I smiled and said, "I would be very disappointed if you didn't have her do that and I can assure you she would be too."

"What do we do next?"

"I've made my decision and would like you to take my Lisa on a date, even if the other dates don't work. Are you able to pick her up Friday evening at our house at 5:30?"

"Yes, that should be no problem. What's your address?"

I gave him our old address then realized today was moving day and Lisa had been with the movers all day. This would be our first night in the new house. I quickly gave Charles the new address. After doing so I was envisioning boxes stacked up waiting for me when I got to the house.

Charles said, "That's very close to where Alan and Rita live, if I remember correctly."

"Yes Sir, we live a couple blocks from each other."

He grinned then said, "I'll be there at 5:30 to pick your lovely wife up. I promise to have her back before noon on Saturday." He grinned then said, "I haven't taken a girl on a date for so long I'm not sure I remember what to do."

I said, "Sir, this is not going to be like the dates you took girls on when you were young. Back then you probably took a girl out several times before maybe getting the opportunity to get a little. With my Lisa she expects you to enjoy her. She will do anything you want."

"Son if I didn't have this implant, I assure you my cock would be hard just thinking about this. I just hope I don't disappoint your lady."

"I'm sure you two will get along just great. She actually prefers older men."

"You say she likes older, what will she say when my grandson shows up? Will she be okay with a college age boy?"

"Yes, she just prefers older. Like I said earlier, she can't refuse to go with whomever shows up at the door. It's all part of the fun we have."

"I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. I'm anxious to meet this little lady."

"I am just happy you want to do this for me, and please let me know about your son and grandson. If they are interested your son will be the following Friday and your grandson, the next. My plan is for all four of you to pick her up the Friday after your grandson."

"That works for me." He paused then said, "If you don't mind me asking..."

"No Sir, what is it?"

"I can't help but notice, you're not hung like me, but very few men are. Still that's a nice cock you have, and it appears you are very capable of making your wife happy. Most men I ever pictured doing this have tiny cocks."

"And you want to know why?"


"I get a kick out of sharing my wife with other guys." I didn't mention Rita. "When Lisa comes back home and tells me about her dates, we have some of the hottest sex ever. It's the thrill of sharing what is mine and she has to go with whomever I share her with."

"Okay, believe it or not I do understand. I remember getting as much fun out of watching other men with my wife at our parties, as I had myself fucking the other guys sexy wives. I do understand where you are coming from."

"Few men do, and I like that you do get it. I know Lisa will have fun and I promise you she really is a beauty. All guys say that about the woman they love, but just ask Alan he can tell you."

"Tell me, has Alan ever dated Lisa."

"Yes, and they had a great time."

"I'm very excited about this. It isn't that often I get excited about much, but son you've made my day."

"Fantastic! I'll tell Lisa this evening she has a date this weekend."

Charles said, "I can hardly wait."

Chapter 37 – Rita and Lisa Watching Video (Lisa)

Paul got home late, but tonight was special. Tonight, was our first night in our new home. I was amazed how efficient the movers had been. We didn't even have to hang the pictures on the walls. I simply showed them where I wanted them hung and they took care of making sure they were at the proper height and straight. The movers were awesome.

I was waiting when Paul got home. Paul's office is located about halfway between our old house and our new house. He usually gets home at the same time each night. Coming home late is an indicator he has been meeting with someone. If he is meeting with a client, he always tells me. When he doesn't tell me who he is meeting, it's almost always because he's meeting with someone, he's been talking to he wants to share me with.

When he is late without telling me who he was meeting with I always get excited. I was pretty sure he would be letting me know, either that night or in the next couple of days, that I had an upcoming date, likely the following weekend. Since we had just moved in, when he did get home, he took me out for dinner.

Sure enough as we sat there after ordering he said, "Baby you need to be ready at 5:30 on Friday for your date."

I was excited. I hadn't expected a date this soon after we had moved. He told me he had to leave the man's name with the gate and a new rule I had to obey in the new house was I would not be permitted to ask the guard the names of anyone arriving between 5:00 and 5:45 on Fridays. I was happy to agree to not try and find out who was coming to pick me up. I didn't care since it was more exciting this way.

Paul surprised me by telling me a little about my date. He rarely told me anything, so Paul telling me about the man was something I liked, but also wondered why he was doing it.

"Baby, this date should be interesting. There is something about this man I think you will find very interesting. He's very well respected in the business community and seems to be a very nice man. He's a little older than most of your dates have been, but I assure you that only makes him more interesting."

Paul hadn't really told me much other than my date was with a man and he was older. I thought maybe he was going to tell me something really good, but I should have known he would want to keep me in suspense. Now I wondered why he had told me what he had disclosed. What could be so interesting about this guy? Then I realized why he had told me what he had said. He had done it to create even more suspense. He knew I would be trying to figure out the cryptic hints he had given. It was my husband's way of building up to the moment I opened the door on Friday.

Paul was happy with the way I had the furniture arranged. We would need more furniture since the new house was larger than our old house. When we got home, I was aroused and wanted my husband to initiate our new home by fucking me our first night there. I'm petite enough I like to jump up and warp my legs around Paul's waist and my arms around his neck. He never fails to catch me. When we got home from dinner, I did this and gave him a sloppy wet kiss.

He supported me with his hands under my ass. I said, "Honey I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I'm so happy I'm your wife and tonight, in our brand-new home, I want you to remind me what it is that's so good about being a woman."

His grin let me know he wanted this as much as I did. He carried me just as I was into our bedroom and laid me on the bed. He began undressing me. Soon we were both naked and my man was inside me vigorously trusting his manhood deep inside me.

Exhausted I fell asleep on his chest. My pussy was filled with my husband's seed, I was in the arms of the man I dearly love and who loved me just as much. On top of all that we had a beautiful new home; how much more could a woman want. I slept soundly and didn't wake until Paul woke the following morning and I felt his hand stroking the side of my face.

I made my husband breakfast then gave him a kiss as he left for the office. I was so happy and excited as I moved around the house arranging things until I liked the way it all looked. Picking up my phone I called Rita and asked her if she was busy. Fifteen minutes later she was at the door.

It was early so I made lemonade and we went out to the pool to relax in the morning air. I told Rita about dinner the evening before and how Paul told me I had a date this coming Friday night. I could swear I saw a grin on her face. I asked, "Do you know anything about my date?"

"Honey that's something Paul does. Why would I know anything about it."

"Mom, I've not known you very long, but I do believe I know you well enough to know when you are not telling me something."

"Sweetie, I don't know what you're talking about. What did Paul say about your date?"

"You aren't trying to change the subject, are you?"

"No Baby, never. Tell me what Paul said,"

"He told me this date is with a man, he's older than most I've dated and there is something about him that's special or was it unique, I don't recall."

"Sounds like a nice guy. Are you anxious to meet the man?"

"I am always anxious to meet my dates. That's the best part. Each one is like getting ready for a blind date. Sometimes when I open the door, I know the guy, but most of the time I've never met him before."

"Baby I still remember the first time I saw you when you opened the door. You were absolutely the most beautiful young girl I'd ever seen."

I asked, "What were you thinking?"

"That's easy. I was thinking it was all a joke. It had to be since there was no way I was going to be making love to this gorgeous young thing. I've never been so excited to take anyone to bed as I was that night."

I said, "Yes it was fun, wasn't it? I still remember that dyke who was putting the moves on me."

"Yes, I was watching her. She wanted to take you home with her in the worst way. I was thinking I might have to call for help to get you out of there. Did she interest you?"

"You have to remember that was before I had been with any women, but I have to admit I liked her confidence and her aggressiveness. She had a lot of the characteristics I like in a man. I don't know what I would have done if she had grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of there, but a part of me sort of wanted that to happen. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it turned out the way it did, but yes she did interest me. Does that shock you?"

"Not at all. I could see the interest as well as the fear in your eyes. To me fear plays almost as big a role in sexual attraction as does desire."

I admitted, "I have never thought of it that way, but I guess you're right."

I was thinking about that club and our date when Rita said, "I could tell you were also thinking about your mother and me. I could tell you wanted to know what was going on."

"Yes, that's for sure. Deep down I was thinking she had put us together and she had motives for what she had done. When I found out the two of you were lovers, I was pretty sure my mother was interested in me in more ways than just as her daughter."

Rita laughed then said, "You should have been at our place when Paul showed up. He had been showing me photos of you when Alan walked in. That old pervert's cock was as stiff as a board when he saw the photos of you. I was afraid he was going to try and steal you from me."

I said, "Speaking of pictures, did you know Paul shot a video of my birthday party?"

"Seriously? No, he hasn't mentioned it. How hot is that?"

"Yea, I know, and I also know where the camera is. He hasn't had time to edit it and put it on a DVD, but we can watch it on the computer if you want."

Rita jumped up and said, "What are we waiting for? Let's go."

Laughing I got up and took her into Paul's office. The camera was on his desk. I removed the card and inserted it into a special slot in his computer for SD cards. I clicked on the file and it showed an empty bedroom. The camera was pointed at the bed. I moved the slider fast forwarding it until I got to the point where I saw Paul and me enter the bedroom.

It had my pussy wet as I watched him bind me to the bed. I had lived this but seeing it as an observer gave it a whole new perspective. I was watching a young girl being tied to the bed and I knew what was going to happen to her.

I watched Paul tie the blindfold over my eyes. What followed after that I had never seen. I had felt the men touching me but didn't know who did what to me. Rita and I sat side by side watching the video on Paul's large monitor. I glanced over and saw her hand was between her legs. She saw me looking and gave me a grin.

She held out her hand to me. I got up and took a seat on her lap. Her hand moved from between her own legs to between mine. We continued to watch the video until I had my first orgasm with her fingers on my clit. At that point the men were getting me in position to stuff all three holes at the same time. My interest was now on something much better than the video while Rita and I let the video continue to run as we got up and went into the bedroom.

Chapter 38 – My Daughter (Rita)

Watching the video Paul had shot of Lisa had me so aroused I was about to rape her. Not able to hold back any longer I almost dragged her into their bedroom. I had my thong off and my skirt up and with my back against the headboard I was pulling Lisa's face against my pussy.

She may not have much experience with making love to women, but she is a natural. From the moment her lips and tongue touch me I feel like screaming. She can bring me to orgasms faster than any man or woman I've ever been with. I am not sure if it's her youth, beauty or enthusiasm that drives me so wild with lust.

Alan first came up with the idea of buying the house for Paul and Lisa. He was particularly proud of the house. He had designed some features into the house that were unique. He had never put them into any of his other homes. We talked about it quite a bit before deciding to do it. The money was never a question. Alan is very successful, and we have more money than we will ever need. Secondly with all that money we have nobody to spend it on or leave it to, so buying the house was the easy part. The part we struggled with the longest was what Paul and Lisa would think.

Even I had to agree it was quite a gift and some might question our motives. If people knew how we met and what we did behind closed doors, there is no doubt they would think we bought the house for them to insure we could still fuck Lisa as well as Paul. While we hoped that would happen it was not the reason we did what we did. We even discussed doing this might bring an end to our sexual escapades. In the end we decided we loved Paul and Lisa and we didn't give a damn what it did to our sexual adventures, we wanted them to be the owners of Alan's house. The night we gave it to them we tried to make it clear one had nothing to do with the other. So far it appeared our intimate relationship would not be affected. Alan and I had even talked with Lisa's parents about inviting Paul and Lisa to one of our swinger parties and see how they liked it.

All four of us know Paul's thing was sharing his wife with other men. He liked setting up dates for her and seeing other men enjoy her. While he loved to fuck, their lifestyle was not about his sexual pleasure with other women. His wife took care of him very well. Inviting them to a swingers party might not be their thing, but that hadn't stopped us from discussing it. We left it that one day we would mention it to Paul and Lisa when we felt the right opportunity presented itself.

I had removed my top and was pinching my own nipples as Lisa licked and sucked on my clit launching me into another mind-blowing orgasm. I put my hands on each side of her face and turned her head to look at me. I said, "Baby, you have to let me catch my breath. Let me taste your pussy now."

She grinned then as we were switching positions, she kissed me. I could taste myself on her lips. I liked masturbating with my fingers inside me and always enjoyed licking my fingers, cleaning my pussy juice from them. I like the way I taste and tasting myself on Lisa's lips makes it all that much better.

Unlike me Lisa was nude as she pressed her back against the headboard. She pulled her feet up to touch her bottom then let her legs fall to the sides pulling her lips open slightly. Looking up at her I said, "Hold you pussy open for me. Show me your clit Sweetie."

With a hand on each side she pressed her fingers against her lips and pulled them apart. Her little clit sat there so cute soaked with her arousal, glistening in the sunlight coming in through the window. I put my hands on her thighs pushing them further apart while she held herself open for me. I was looking up at her while she was watching as I moved closer toward her. I stuck out my tongue and wiggled it causing her to give me a grin.

"Want Mommy's tongue on your clit?"

"Oh fuck. Yes, please Mommy, please lick me."

I've told Lisa we've adopted her and her calling me Mommy does get my maternal juices flowing. Her mother knows she calls me her mother and she thinks it's hot her daughter has such a close relationship with me.

I barely touched the end of my tongue to Lisa's clit. She sucked in a sharp breath as she closed her eyes. I began licking the little sensitive nub of flesh and then pressed my lips to it sucking on it. I drove my tongue into the tunnel men love using to thrust their cocks into. I continued licking her for quite some time then pushed her legs back against her breasts. I looked at her and said, "Hold your legs tight."

She pulled the tops of her thighs hard against her upper torso. This had the desired effect of pulling her firm little ass up off the bed. I could see the tight little puckered hole below her pussy. I had not done a lot of rimming, but I was so aroused I wanted every square inch of this young woman's flesh; however I could get it.

I licked down her pussy lips sucking them into my mouth as I slowly moved lower toward my ultimate goal. I reached the spot between her pussy and pucker hole called the perineum. It's very sensitive and I spent quite a bit of time licking it before moving on to touch the center of her anus with the tip of my tongue.

Lisa let out a loud groan and I knew I had found the right spot. Some people recoil when you lick their ass, but my Lisa liked the feel of my tongue on her most intimate flesh. I felt her pulling her legs back even harder to bring her ass higher off the bed as she offered it to me. Her next orgasm caused her to squirt out of her pussy and onto my face. I liked it and didn't mind at all. I continued to lick up ever trace of her pussy juice on her skin. The comforter on the bed was wet, but that was to be expected.

After cleaning her I moved up to lie beside her and wrap my arms around her pulling her tight against me. "Baby I love you so much. You are just so damn sexy."

"Mom you're not so bad yourself," she said.

We lay there for the longest time then I said I had to get back home. She agreed she had things to do before Paul got home. I dressed then we stood at the front door kissing. Finally, I broke away, looked at her naked body and said, "I've got to get out of here before we end up back in bed."

Lisa laughed and said, "Would that be such a bad thing?"

I was on my way out the door as I said, "No it wouldn't, and that's the problem."

Chapter 39 – First Date in New House (Lisa)

We had been in the house almost a week. Tonight, I had a date my husband had set up. I had gone to the salon to get my hair done, along with my nails. Back home I got out of the bathtub and shaved my legs, underarms and pussy. I kept going over myself with the razor until I was silky smooth and couldn't feel any razor stubble.

I had laid out on the bed what I was going to wear. I was sitting naked at my dressing table finishing up my make-up. Once it is how I want it, I put my best perfume in all my favorite, or rather, all the favorite spots men enjoy me smelling like a girl.

With my make-up and perfume done, I slipped on my signature lace thong the men always want to take home after our date. I buy the thongs a dozen at a time. They are super sexy and whenever I've worn one on a date, I've never made it home with the garment. I almost put on my translucent white blouse I like so much but decided on a beautiful red silk blouse instead. I put on a quarter cup shelf bra under it. A short black mini-skirt and black hose finished my ensemble off. I slipped my feet into some ultra-sexy black sandal stilettos. I like stilettos since they look so damn good on my feet and they give me a little extra height. The pair I was wearing for this date had very thin leather sole. Across the toe was a black strap a quarter of an inch wide. A matching strap buckled around my ankle. These heels were not made for when it was raining or cold outside. They were strictly for when it was dry and warm.

I leaned over and fastened a very dainty gold anklet around my right ankle. Selecting six yellow gold bangles from my jewelry box I slipped them on my left wrist. I chose a gold herringbone necklace that peaked out between the folds of my blouse and looked really good behind the red silk. I opened my blouse one more button showing more of the inside swell of each of my breasts. A pair of diamond stud earrings finished the look. I stood in front of the full-length mirror and checked how I looked. I saw I had forgotten to put my wedding rings back on after my bath. That is one piece of jewelry I hardly ever take off and never forget to wear on my dates. I love my wedding rings and what they symbolize. Not only that almost all my dates like for me to wear my rings. Most people think my date is my husband, but my date and I both know he is with another man's wife. Not only is his date married, she is married to the man who set up this date and is sharing his wife.

Only once did I have a date who objected to me wearing my wedding rings. The rules say I have to do whatever my date says, but removing my rings was the hardest thing I ever had to do. For me it ruined the entire experience. When I got home, and told Paul, he was furious. He was not mad at me, but instead was upset with the man he had shared me with. As far as I know he never said anything to the man, but I knew that was one man who would never again show up at my door on a Friday night. After that he told me that was one thing I never had to do if I didn't want to. I assured him I never wanted to take his ring off my finger. I grinned and said, "Baby that is your ring and I means I belong to you. You will never get that off my finger."

I will never forget the hug and kiss he gave me and the incredible sex we had afterward. I know there are women who would never understand the hotwife lifestyle Paul and I enjoy so much, and that's okay. As long as it works for us, I don't care what anyone else thinks. I don't go around with a sign around my neck telling everyone I'm a hotwife and my husband shares me with others, but on the flip side, if the topic ever comes up I have never denied the fact my husband shares me.

Now with my wedding rings on I check one last time. I grinned at myself and liked what I saw. I grabbed my overnight bag and headed out to see Paul's reaction. As I saw him looking at me and saw the familiar bulge in his pants it dawned on me this was the first time one of my dates had picked me up at our new house.

"Baby where are you going to hide?" I asked.

"Already ahead of you on that. You just make a good first impression on your date. Honey have I ever told you how smoking hot you look?"

I grinned then said, "Once or twice, but a girl never gets tired of hearing that especially from the man she loves."

"Okay then, you are the hottest woman I know. Baby you are going to knock his socks off tonight."

Smiling I said, "I always know what he thinks when I see how hard his cock is."

The look on Paul's face was not what I expected. What I said I had said many times. Paul knows I like seeing a man get hard and that lets me know the man finds me desirable. It's sort of a joke since I've never had a date show up who wasn't hard. I think with most of them it's thinking of what they are going to be doing later rather than how I look, but they all have been hard.

"Baby, is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, but Baby remember I told you this guy is different. Don't judge him too early."

I laughed and said, "What are you saying? Is he gay?"

Paul was looking at me as the door chime sounded. Quickly he said, "Just go have fun and remember what I said."

I saw where he had found to hide, and it was even better than at our old house. I hurried to the door, took a deep breath and pulled it open.

Standing on the porch was a large man. He was not fat but was tall and muscular. He was also incredibly handsome and distinguished looking. He was holding a bouquet of beautiful fragrant flowers. Paul said had said the man was older than most men he had shared me with, but this man was not older than most, it appeared to me he was the oldest. The man held the flowers out to me saying, "I am Charles, and you pretty lady must be Lisa."

As I took the flowers I said, "Yes Sir, I'm Lisa. Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers."

As I took the flowers, I realized I was looking at his pants. It's a habit I have to look at my date's pants. When I did, it appeared I was seeing the outline of his cock, but I wasn't sure. What I thought was his cock hung down too far to be a cock and it wasn't hard, not even just a little. I wondered what Paul had done as I took the flowers from the man. He did seem to be a true gentleman and was very nice. I wasn't about to ruin this date for him. Paul had said don't judge him too early.

As I placed the flowers on a table and was looking where I knew Paul was standing, I thought to myself, 'Older men need sex too. So, what if this isn't the greatest date. I'll go and make him happy. There is obviously a reason Paul is sharing me with this man.'

I put a big smile on my face then turned back toward the door saying, "Charles I've been looking forward to this all week."

Charles had that look about him that said, "I'm filthy rich." I am not into how much money a man has, these dates are about having some sexy fun and enjoying the company of my date. Charles seemed nice enough, but how much sexy fun we were going to enjoy was yet to be determined and I didn't hold much hope for that.

I saw a limo parked in front of the house. Charles said, "You have a beautiful home. It looks new."

"Yes, we just moved in. A dear friend of mine designed it."

"Well it appears he did a magnificent job. You my dear lady are even more beautiful than I was told."

I have heard this before, but there was something about the way he said it that made me blush a little. "Thank you, Sir. You look very handsome yourself."

The driver was holding the door for us. I got in and slid far enough in for Charles to sit beside me. I was far enough in the car there would be a little space between us. It would be for him to decide if he wanted to close the gap or not. He slid in next to me and the driver closed the door. The first few minutes are always the most awkward time.

Charles said, "I know you don't know me, but hopefully we will have fun and get to know each other much better. My name is Charles Hose. Most people who know me just call me Hose and it would mean a lot to me if you would do the same."

"Yes Sir, I mean Yes Hose."

"That's much better. Darlin' just relax and enjoy the evening. I'm sure I'm not what you were expecting, but I think you'll find for an old man I can be fun."

"It's important to me for you to know I'm married. My wife is fully aware of where I am and sends her love. She and I at one time belonged to a club I believe the man who designed your house also belongs to. We had great fun, but sadly my wife's health got to the point where we had to drop out. Those types of groups want both spouses to be active, if you know what I mean."

His candor was refreshing. I liked that he told me up front he's married and that his wife knows what he's doing. I just smiled and nodded my head.

He went on to say, "I realize I'm not being much of a gentleman, but it's important to me that I understand all this. If I say or ask you something you don't want to talk about just let me know. Is that okay?"

"Yes, that's fine."

"Great! As I understand all this, your husband likes sharing you with other men. When I say share I mean... well it is a little hard to put into words."

"Hose, if you don't mind maybe I can help. I'm a hotwife meaning my husband shares me with others. One of the rules is I have to go on the date with whomever he selects. I also have to do whatever my date wants to do. My husband said this date is like most where my date wants to spend the night with me. We will sleep in the same bed and do whatever you would like in or out of bed. You seem like a very nice man and it's my desire for you to enjoy yourself while we are together doing whatever it is you would like to do with a girl."

"Sweetie, that's putting it out there so even I can understand. You are such a pretty little thing I was afraid maybe I misunderstood. I do have one question and that is are you being forced to do this?"

Hearing what he said I realized maybe I was coming across the wrong way. Looking at him I said, "No Sir, absolutely not. I like doing this and I'm being as truthful as I can be when I say I'm here for you and I want you to enjoy yourself. My husband enjoys hearing about my dates and I honestly enjoy everything about our lifestyle. Nobody is forcing me to do anything. I'm doing this because I want to. When I said I have to do whatever you want, it's part of my submissive personality. I like a masculine man who is in control. A ham who takes me and uses me for his pleasure. A man who knows a woman's body was designed to give a man pleasure."

"Okay, I think I understand a little better now." He put his fingers on my chin and was holding my chin as he looked into my eyes. He said, "I've wanted to do this since you opened that door."

He leaned toward me to kiss me. I instinctively opened my mouth and closed my eyes. I felt his rough lips touch mine and tasted the freshness of mint in his mouth. I kissed him back giving him my best kiss. He relaxed his grip around my back and looked at me saying, "You certainly are not a disappointment." He then pulled my lips back to his. I let my hand rest on his thigh. My fingers were on the inside of his thigh then I felt it. My hand was not high on his leg, but yet I felt the flesh of what had to be a cock. It was much to low on his thigh. Experience told me it couldn't be a cock but there was no doubt I had felt the outline of his glans. I realized he was not getting hard, but there was no doubt in my mind what I felt had definitely been a penis.

As I gently rubbed it he moaned into my mouth and pulled me tighter. This confirmed it wasn't dead. He obviously liked my hand on his manhood, even if he couldn't get it hard. I realized I was not going to get fucked, but I could make him feel good and, in the process, see the largest cock I had ever laid my eyes on.

I kept my hand on him as he released me. He said, "Oh Baby your hand feels really good."

I was feeling more confident. I knew as a woman I was going to be able to make Hose feel very good. This was going to be different, just like Paul had said, but it wasn't a total loss.

Hose pulled me close. I lay my head over on his shoulder and all the time kept my hand working the flesh nestled against his leg. He kept telling me how good my hand felt. I was now beginning to enjoy my date with Hose a lot more. I looked up at him and said, "So you name is Charles Hose?"

"Yes, that's correct and for your next question, they don't call me Hose because I prefer people use my last name when addressing me."

He didn't see me grinning when I said, "Sort of what I was beginning to suspect."

I had to stop when we arrived at the restaurant. Hose groaned saying, "Maybe we can just drive around all night. I hate to make you stop."

I laughed then said, "But kind sir you must feed the slut."

It was his turn to laugh this time. He bent to whisper in my ear, "Sweetie, you're not a slut, but you do know how to make a man feel really good."

Over dinner I learned a lot about Hose. He even opened up and told me about his wife and how when he told her about his date she had become very excited. "She knows I still need the carnal pleasures of a woman and she knows she is unable to provide that. She was very happy for me when I told her about you."

"She sounds like a special lady."

"She is and you remind me of her in many ways when we were much younger."

"Thank you Hose. That makes me feel really good." Through dinner he told me about his son and how proud he is of his son. He told me how his son's wife died during childbirth and how his son raised Hose's grandson by himself. He told me his grandson is in college and is currently in the top 5% of his class. I could tell he was very proud of his son and grandson.

After dinner Hose suggested a walk along the beach. His suggestion reminded me of the walk my father-in-law and I shared on the beach. I remembered how romantic it had been and was excited to be alone with this nice man as we shared some quiet time together before heading to the hotel. I was silently wondering how we were going to handle the hotel part but figured that was for my date to handle.

The beach was practically deserted. As we walked Hose talked about himself and how he and his wife had been swingers. He talked about his business and his life. Listening to him I learned a lot about him. He seemed happy talking and I was content listening. We had walked quite a distance by the time we got back to the car. So many things about the beach brought back memories of Paul's father, our walk along the beach and the incredible night I spent in bed with him.

Back in the limo Hose gently pulled me tight against him and said, "Honey are you ready for a wild night?"

I smiled and said, "You bet," but was thinking it might be a wild and fun night for you, but my pussy is going to be empty all night. I then thought, 'This is about him and not you. Suck it up and make it a special night for him.'

After checking into the hotel we made our way to the elevators. We got on and a young couple got on with us. The woman asked, "Are you and your grandfather enjoying the city?"

Before Hose could answer I said, "Yes we just went for a romantic walk along the beach, but this isn't my grandfather he is my husband." I snuggled in close to Hose and felt him squeeze my ass with his large hand. The woman looked at me in shock then at the man she was with before whispering something to the man. It was dead quiet in the elevator car as we rode on to their floor. As we stopped at their floor and they got off, she shot me a look of contempt.

When the door closed, I said, "Sorry about that, but she pissed me off."

"Why are you apologizing to me? I loved it and was very proud of you. Just wait until I get home and tell my wife I've got a second wife. She will get a laugh out of that. I promise it will make her day."

The night was going better than I ever had anticipated. We got off on our floor and I saw Hose had reserved the presidential suite. Not only was it called the Presidential Suite, I knew three actual former presidents had stayed at this hotel while still in the White House. It stood to reason this was the suite they stayed in.

Hose opened the door and being the perfect gentleman, he motioned for me to enter first. Stepping into the room I was very impressed. The place was huge. It was much larger than any hotel suite I had ever been in. It looked like it was large enough to host one of those rock band after concert parties. It occurred to me this was the largest suite I had ever been in and Hose had the largest penis I had ever felt. I was more than just a little anxious to see it. I was already a little sad I wasn't going to get the chance to see it hard. Maybe if this had been a few years earlier I could have seen it hard. The one thing I had to make sure not to do was embarrass Hose.

Hose said, "Sweetie, you want to help me with my pants?"

"Sure, I'd love to."

He had already taken his jacket and tie off. He was unbuttoning his shirt. When I stepped closer he stopped and wrapped his arms around me. He lifted my chin and kissed me. This was one man who know how to kiss a woman. With our lips connected and his tongue exploring my mouth I reached down to unbuckle his belt. I unfastened his pants and lowered the zipper.

When our lips parted I went to my knees and removed his shoes and socks. Next, I lowered his slacks to the floor. After he stepped out of them, I folded them and placed them across the back of a nearby chair.

I had been focused on his pants and making sure he didn't trip on his pants. When I turned back to him and looked at his boxers, I saw the hem on his right leg and sticking past that I could see about three or four inches of bare penis extending below the leg of his boxers!

Raising my eyes to look at him I saw him grinning as he watched me. I said, "That's the longest cock I've ever seen."

"Yes, the ladies seem to like it, but it's a pain in the ass to carry around all day."

Looking back at it I slowly lowered his boxers. When I had them to the floor, I could see his entire length up close. I gently touched his scrotum and felt his balls. They were proportionately as large as his penis. He bent slightly at the waist and helped me stand. I was still in awe of how big he was. He began unbuttoning my blouse. I stood there letting him undress me. I know some guys really like doing this. It's sort of like unwrapping a birthday gift. When he pulled my blouse from my skirt, he opened it displaying my breasts supported by the tiny quarter cup shelf bra. My nipples and most of my breasts were fully on display. He ran he tip of his calloused fingers across the dark pink flesh of my nipples causing me to shiver with excitement. Next, he found the zipper at the back of my skirt and lowered it. He then lowered skirt to the floor. When he lowered my skirt, he saw my sexy thong.

He ran his hand down the front panel of my thong, then between my legs. His touch made me shudder with excitement and I asked, "Want me to take my heels off?"

Giving me a stern look, he said, "Don't you dare or I'll spank your cute little ass."

Pressing myself against him I said, "Maybe I like having my ass spanked."

Grinning he said, "Baby I can tell already you and I are going to have a fun night."

I then removed my bra and bangle bracelets. I left my necklace and heels on. Hose removed my thong and without asking he stuffed it into a pocket of his pants I had laid on the nearby chair. Taking my hand in his he placed my hand on his cock. As I touched him, I wondered what it must have looked like when he could get it hard. He moved my hand from his penis to cup his balls. I could feel his balls were quite large but there was something that didn't feel right. I looked at him and as if he was reading my mind he said, "Feel that smaller ball in between the two larger ones?"

I nodded my head then said, "Yea, what is it?"

Chapter 40 – Like a Bicycle Tire (Lisa)

"Baby pinch it firmly."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't. Trust me, but just pinch the small one."

I pinched it like he said. I had squeezed testicles before, but they were different. He smiled and said, "Do it again and keep doing it until I tell you to stop."

Not sure why, but I began doing as he said. As I was doing it I had no idea what it was I was doing. After a few squeezes it dawned on me what was happening. With each pinch of the small ball his cock would grow a tiny bit. It didn't take long for me to realize I was somehow pumping Hose's cock up. When he told me to stop it was hanging down at about a 45-degree angle and was very thick. It hadn't gotten much longer, but there was already too much length. It had however gotten much thicker and was now a respectable erection.

I was looking at it and running my hands up and down the length of it. I looked up and saw him grinning. "You didn't think your husband would send you on a date with a man who couldn't fill you, did you?"

"I guess not, and I certainly wasn't expecting this."

"Honey let me feel your tongue."

I looked back down and lifted his cock to my lips. It was as thick and almost a long as one of those large summer sausages they sell in the stored around the holidays. Other than the size it looked just like a normal erection. There were veins just below the skin and it was rigid. I saw pre-cum forming on the tip and licked it off. I heard Hose moan when he felt my tongue against his glans. There was no way I was getting this in my mouth, but I could still stroke and lick it.

I heard Hose ask, "Do you know what's best about my cock?"

I thought a bit then said, "It's huge?"

He laughed and said, "That it is, but it will not go soft until you release the fluid you pumped into it."

Hearing what he said, I looked back at it and understood what he was saying. I asked, "How does it work?" He patiently explained about the reservoir in his abdomen and how the fluid is pumped into two bags surgically placed inside his penis. It looks and feels normal. The difference between Paul and me is you have to pump it up like a bicycle tire before you can climb on and ride it."

His analogy to a bicycle made me laugh. It then occurred to me he intended on putting that monster in my little pussy. I was pretty sure there was no way he would want to put it in my ass, at least I hoped that was the case. Just getting it in my pussy would be quite a challenge.

"Sweetie, I know it's big and don't think you have to get it inside you. Just having you do what you're doing now feels fantastic. You wouldn't be the first woman who was frightened by it."

"There is no way I am going to pass up the opportunity to feel this in me, but you have to do me a favor."

"Anything, just name it."

"I obviously can't get the whole thing in me, but if I do get my pussy filled with it, I want you to take a picture of it inside me."

"You have a deal. I will under the condition I get a copy of the photo."

Smiling I said, "It's a deal."

We went on into the bedroom and lay on the bed. I began to suck on him when he had me put my pussy by his head. I felt his tongue on me then lowered by mouth to begin enjoying this huge piece of meat. I would lick his shaft, take his glans into my mouth, which was quite a bit, and lick his scrotum. He showed me where the deflate buttons were in his scrotum so I could make it larger or smaller. I asked, "I take it Paul knows about this?"

"Yes, I showed him how it could inflate, but he didn't actually feel the pump or any of that."

Laughing I said, "Why does that not surprise me. It amazes me how you guys like watching us girls with other girls, but when it comes to just touching another man you all freak out. Men are such weenies."

He was laughing and I asked, "What?"

"Nothing Honey, it's just that you are so damn cute."

I knew I was as wet as I was ever going to be. I wanted this man inside me more now than ever. I got my phone out and put it next to Hose. I then swung my leg over and positioned my pussy against his glans. The end of his cock covered my crotch. I was beginning to wonder if this was even possible. I got up and retrieved the tube of lube I carry for dates wanting to use my ass. I smeared it all over my crotch then got back on top of Hose. I lowered myself pressing against him.

I felt the pressure, but there was no pain. The realization he had to be stretching me for there to be pain saddened me. I realized he wasn't even beginning to enter me. I worked and worked at trying to get him past my lips. It didn't matter what I tried I could not get him in me.

Hose said, "You lay down and let me try. It usually works better if I'm on top."

We switched places and I saw that massive shaft from a new angle. It looked even larger as he put my legs on his shoulders and positioned himself against me. "Use your fingers to pull yourself open."

I reached between my legs and did as he said. I felt the pressure of him pushing against me. I was pulling on my labia, holding myself open for him and he was working the end of his cock up and down between my spread lips. As he applied more pressure, I felt the first pain. It hurt, that is for sure, but I knew if it hurt, he was making progress. As the pain increased, I kept telling myself a baby can pass through here, so a man's cock will fit. Gritting my teeth, I said, "Push harder Baby. Push it in me."

He bent forward and placed his hands on my shoulders pulling me toward him. The pressure increased and it was seriously hurting now. He said, "Half my glans in in you Baby. Just a little more."

On the verge of telling him to stop I felt the rim of his glans slip in and heard him say, "Baby you have the tip in you." I was concentrating on my breathing and said nothing. He then said, "Baby you got past the worst part. Just relax and let your body open up a little." I closed my eyes trying to think of something other than how much it hurt. I felt his fingers on my clit and that helped quite a bit. The good thing was his cock didn't need to be stimulated to stay hard. He would stay like he was until he or I squeezed the two little deflation buttons just above the bulb I had used to pump his cock up.

Looking up at him I nodded my head and said, "Push in a little further."

As he began to push some of the pain returned, but nothing like it had been. I told him to keep pushing then I felt a really sharp pain and told him to stop. "It was going okay then it really hurt. What happened."

"Baby you're full. That happens when I am as deep inside you as I can go."

"You can't go any further?" I asked.

He shook his head saying, "No this is it."

I let out a sigh and said, "That's okay. I have never had this much cock in one hole in my life." I handed him my phone. I said, "Take several, I want this well documented."

Hose laughed as he took my phone. He shot several photos from every angle he could do with his cock inside me. He was careful to not include my face or his. In one he had me put my arm over my face and got a shot including my tits. He handed me the camera and I looked at the photos. There were a few that were out of focus, but he had several that were great. I really liked the one showing my tits and knew Paul would too.

Putting the phone to the side I looked at Hose. He asked, "Want me to pull out now?"

"It is up to you, but if you can I would like to not only have you inside me; I would like to actually be fucked by that monster."

Smiling he said, "My kind of girl, but tell me if you want me to stop."

As he began to slowly pull out then push back in it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. He was slowly fucking me and I asked, "Can you cum?"

"You mean right now of with regard to the implant?"

"The implant. Can you cum like normal?"

"Baby the only thing I can't do is get hard without the pump. I can do anything else."

Smiling I said, "Please fill me with cum from the Hose, Sir."

He laughed at my play on the use of his name, "I do aim to please the lady."

With Hose inside me I was not totally comfortable, but it felt good more than it did bad. I was more into the idea of what I had been able to accomplish. I knew I would never want a man with a cock the size of Hose's, but it was an experience I would forever remember in a very good way. I had been looking down between our bodies watching Hose thrust his massive cock into me again and again.

I felt a slight change in the tempo he had set and looked up at the man directly above me. The lust in his eyes was unmistakable. I wrapped both of my hands around the slick shaft of his hard flesh and said, "I've never been fucked like this before. Fuck my pussy Hose, fill me."

Just as I said this Hose jerked his head up and yelled, "OH FUCK!"

Immediately I looked back at my hands gripping his flesh and felt the tube on the underside of his shaft pulse as the first spurt of cum was pushed through that massive cock on its way into me. I held his cock tight as I felt five or six more pulsation of cum being pushed into me.

He lowered his body to rest on top of me. I released his cock and wrapped my arms around his back. I began kissing his face as he was catching his breath. Eventually he moved and captured my lips with his own. As we kissed, I felt something happen that had never happened to me this long after the man fucking me had cum. With Hose still in me and his cock not becoming flaccid I felt a powerful orgasm grip my body.

My arms tightened around Hose as the wonderful familiar wave of an orgasm flowed through my entire body. As my head was exploding, I heard Hose say, "That's it Baby, enjoy it."

Hose didn't move but kept his cock deep inside me as I felt the muscles deep inside my pussy try to squeeze the hard flesh still inside me. My eyes were closed tight as I let myself go and enjoy the moment of intense passion.

When I did open my eyes, I saw Hose looking at me smiling. I was still panting just a little as I asked, "Does that happen often?"

"Yes, it does. Since my cock doesn't go soft until the deflate buttons are pressed my partners often have one or more orgasms after mine."

"That was amazing." I pushed my hands between our bodies at our hips and found his cock still buried inside me. I gripped it squeezing it as I looked up at him. I said, "It's just as hard as it was."

"That's what I said. It will stay like that until the buttons are pressed to let it drain."

"It's amazing! I've heard of implants, but never seen one or even knew how they worked."

"Yes, it is pretty amazing. When a man gets a certain age, things begin to not work as well as they did when he was younger. Do you want me to pull out now?"

Grinning I said, "Can't you just keep it in me forever?"

He laughed then said, "That might not work so well, but if I was going to be stuck inside a woman you would certainly be one of my top picks to be stuck inside."

I said, "Okay, I guess if you have to."

Hose rose up off me and I felt his cock begin to be pulled out of me. Normally the guys go soft and slip out, but here was a cock as hard now as it had been, he first entered me. It was truly a mind-blowing unique experience. On that point Paul had been right. As I thought about what Paul had said, it now made a lot more sense.

I saw Hose take hold of his scrotum and said, "NO, please don't, at least not yet." I knew he was about to let his cock deflate, but I had one more thing I wanted to do first.

Sliding down toward his hips I took his stiff flesh in my hands and began licking it clean. He moaned and I could tell his flesh was sensitive. I asked, "Is that okay?"

"Baby you never need to ask that. It has just been such a long time since I had a woman clean me like that afterward. Please whatever you do, please don't stop."

I smiled and continued. Once I had finished, I said, "Before you make it soft please do just one more thing."

"Name it."

I reached for my phone again and said, "Sit on the side of the bed and take some photos of me. Make sure you include my face in the photo, I want to be able to prove I had this cock."

He took my phone smiling and asked, "You sure your husband won't mind?"

"I'm sure."

I took his shaft between both hands and the first shot Hose took was me looking up over his glans at him smiling. I kept licking and putting his glans in my mouth as he continued to take pictures. After he had taken several I said, "Thank you so much. I will treasure these."

"Remember, I get a copy."

"Of course."

He let me press the buttons to release the fluid we had pumped into his cock earlier. As I held the buttons with my thumb and forefinger, I watched his cock begin to drop. He said, "If you hold the buttons with one hand and squeeze it with the other, it will be easier and faster."

I wasn't interested in making him soft faster, but I was interested in seeing how all this worked. I was still on my knees on the floor as I began to squeeze his cock and I really could feel it draining faster. When he said I had it back to normal I released the buttons and leaned in to give his glans a kiss.

Reaching down he took hold of my arms pulling me up from the bed until my heels were on the floor. With his arm around me he led me into the main room of the suite and over to a love seat. He sat then pulled me down to sit sideways on his lap as he wrapped his arms around me. I put the side of my face against his chest and pulled my legs up putting my heels on the love seat. He began gently stroking my hair and said, "Baby that was amazing. Thank you so much."

I pulled my head off his chest and looked up at him saying, "I loved it! It did hurt at first, but after that it got much better. I'm so happy Paul decided t share me with you."

He smiled then said, "Honey we have until tomorrow to enjoy each other. I'll never forget the time I've had with you. Your husband is one very fortunate man."

He then pulled me tight against his chest once again as I placed the side of my face back against his hairy chest. With one arm around my back he held me close while with his other hand he gently touched my body in all my sensitive areas. We sat like that for the longest time.

Hose was a large man who obviously had a lot of muscle strength, yet he was very gentle with me. I could have remained there all night, curled up on his lap feeling his hand caress and explore my body. We kissed and enjoyed each other until Hose asked, "Baby are you ready to call it a night?"

"No, but I guess we have to eventually."

I then looked at him and gave him a mischievous smile. He grinned and said, "What's spinning around inside that beautiful head of yours?"

"I was just wondering..."


"Does it bother you to have your cock inflated while you sleep?"


"Yea, I've never slept with a man who could keep it up all night."

He grinned then said, "I can honestly say no woman has ever asked me that question and I've never done it, but I don't see why I couldn't. If we do this, there is one condition."

"Name it, I'll do whatever you want."

"You have to pump it up."

I grinned and said, "I would have it no other way."

Getting up off the couch I got down on my knees as he spread his legs giving me access to his scrotum. I quickly found the squeeze pump and took my time slowly filling his cock. He told me when it was full and I stopped. I put his glans back in my mouth and licked it a little. Standing I took his hand and helped him up from the love seat. He put his arm around my shoulders as I gripped his shaft with one hand and we went back into the bedroom.

He had me lay in bed on my side then he climbed into bed moving up against me spooning. "He said, "Lift your leg then reach back and take hold of my cock."

I pulled it between my legs and moved my bottom tight against his abdomen, before lowering my leg trapping his shaft between my thighs with the top of his shaft rubbing against my pussy.

Hose put his arm over my side and gripped both of my breasts in one hand. I felt him tenderly kiss the side of my neck before we fell off to sleep.

When I woke, I discovered sometime during the night Hose had turned to lay on is back and my head had ended up resting on his chest. My hand was resting on his shaft that was still hard from the night before. Very gently I stroked it feeling the texture of softness and hardness in the same flesh. I love how with a man's cock the skin covering the shaft is so soft and the veins bulge out along the surface. At the same time, under the skin is the blood-filled hard shaft. In Hose's case it was filled with liquid from the reservoir inside him, but the feel of his shaft was just as real as a natural erection.

Then there is the glans. That pink flesh that is so pink and spongy has always fascinated me. It is unlike any flesh anywhere else on the male body and very sensitive. I like licking it and seeing how the man reacts. Then there is the pre-cum seeping from the end. I like smearing it all over the glans making it wet, slippery, and shiny.

A man's balls are a bonus. They are very fragile, even in the biggest and strongest guy. From them comes the sperm every woman needs if she wants her man to give her a child. I like cupping a man's balls in my hand and feel the weight of them. I like when a man's balls hang low in his scrotum and I can feel them come to rest against my ass when he's deep inside me.

All in all, a man's body is amazing, and I find I am happiest when he uses my body for his own pleasure. Speaking of pleasure, I slowly slid down Hose's chest until the tip of his cock was almost touching my lips. I wanted to wake Hose with his cock in my mouth. He had made it all through the night with his cock inflated. I wondered how many of the other methods he had tried before having the implants put in his penis. That is something I would ask him before he took me back home to Paul.

Chapter 41 – Amazing Lady (Charles)

I slept great and woke to the feeling of something wet and warm on my cock. I remembered Lisa pumping my cock up and wanting me to sleep with it inflated. When I woke her head was on my stomach and she had the tip of my cock inside her mouth.

This was another first for me to be awakened in this manner. I had never had a woman do this to me and didn't want it to stop. I put my hand on her silky soft hair stroking it as she continued sucking me. I wondered how far she planned to take this before stopping. Would she suck it until I shot another load of semen into her mouth or would she stop and put me in her pussy?

As it turned out once she realized I was awake she intensified her efforts and began playing with my balls. It wasn't long after that I felt those familiar rumblings and my cock delivered another load of cum to her mouth, which she dutifully swallowed.

She moved back up to put her face on my shoulder. "Baby that felt good. I've enjoyed our time together very much. Before I take you home, do you mind if I keep your thong as a reminder of this fabulous night?"

She grinned and said, "I thought you were going to steal it when you put it in your pants pocket. Honey it's yours and if you ever need another one, you just let Paul know and he will have me prepare it for you. I never give a clean thong to my man."

I had to laugh. This little gal was such an incredibly sexy little thing. I really did envy her husband and I told her this. "Hopefully you will give me the chance to see you again," I said.

"I hope so, but that's up to my husband. I'm his hotwife and I'll never cheat on him."

"I understand and really do respect that. You two have a very special marriage and I do envy the man who was fortunate enough to talk you into being his wife."

"You're such a sweet man. I'll never forget you."

What I was pretty sure her husband had not told her was my son and grandson were scheduled to be spending some time in her pussy very soon. If that all went as I expected I would be spending more time with her again, but then I would have to share her with my son and grandson. I secretly wondered what my grandson would think of this sexy hotwife.


At breakfast Lisa asked me about other options I had tried before getting the implants. I told her there were three and I had tried two of them. I explained one was a vacuum pump, but I am too large for even the largest of the tubes used for those. I explained the pills and that they worked somewhat, but there were side effects I didn't like.

"The other method involves injecting medicine into the shaft."

"You mean like an injection with a syringe and needle?"

"Yes, and it sounds much worse than it really is. You find the correct dose then each time you want an erection you simply fill the syringe with the proper amount and push the needle into the side of the shaft. You slowly push the plunger injecting the medication in the area where my implants are now. After about ten or fifteen minutes you have a nice hard erection that you would be unable to tell the difference between it and a natural erection."

"Doesn't it hurt to put a needle in your penis?"

"Not really. Once you get over the fact you are pushing a needle into your cock, it isn't that bad. Besides that, you do it when the penis is flaccid. It would probably hurt if it was erect, but if that was the case, there would be no reason for the injection."

"It still sounds bad to me."

"Maybe, but it beats not being able to get your cock hard. It is difficult to describe what it feels like for a man, since early in his teens always being able to get hard whenever he wanted, and even many times when he didn't, to not being able to get his cock to cooperate at all. It is very demoralizing and makes him feel much less a man."

"I guess I can see what you are saying. Why did you decide to do the implants."

I said, "The injections can only be given once every two days and if you want your cock hard more frequently than that you are out of luck. There are some other inconveniences, so I chose to have the implants. There isn't much more to it than that."

"Okay, and thanks for explaining it. I'm sure one day another man I know will need to try some of them out."

"It happens to all men. You women don't have to worry about it happening to you, but you ladies have all sorts of other health issues."

"True, but we also do have to deal with our man not being able to get hard. That would be a real bummer."

"True, never thought of it like that." Glancing at his watch he said, "I better be getting my Cinderella home."

She grinned and said, "My handsome prince, it's already far past midnight."

Looking at her I was reminded again just how damn cute she was. I hugged her once more then we headed to meet my driver whom I had sent a text telling him we were ready.

When we arrived at her house, I escorted her to the door. Her husband met us and gave Lisa a hug and kiss then shook my hand saying, "I hope you enjoyed her."

"She's an amazing woman. You, my good man, are very fortunate."

He looked at his wife and smiled then at me and said, "I'm very much aware of that fact. I love her very much."

I thanked them again then told Lisa and her husband while I was in the area I was going to stop by and see some old friends of mine. "I believe you know Alan and Rita."

Paul said, "Yes, very well. They are very close friends."

I wondered to myself just how close of friends Paul and Lisa were with Alan and Rita. The thought of Alan and Lisa crossed my mind. Knowing how Alan is, it would not surprise me at all if his cock had been where mine was the previous night and earlier that morning.

Thanking them again I told them good-bye and left.

Chapter 42 – Father-In-Law Comes to See New House (Paul)

As I held Lisa close, we watched Charles get back in his limo and drive away. I said to my wife, "Tell me all about it. Isn't that cock of his massive?"

Lisa said, "Honey you only saw it, I had that monster inside me."

"How was it?"

"It hurt like hell at first, but once I had time to get used to it, it was nothing like any cock I've ever felt. He was very gentle, and I definitely want you to add Hose to your list of men I would like to see again."

What Lisa didn't know was she would very likely be seeing Hose much sooner than she ever expected.

She asked, "Can you believe his name is Hose and he has a cock like that?"

"I know. That's the same thing I thought when I saw him that first time."

"Baby I know you guys have this thing about touching a cock, but you should have swallowed your pride and felt how he inflates it. I had so much fun pumping his cock up."

"Honey you have my permission to have all the fun you want feeling the cocks and balls of the men I share you with; I myself am sticking to pussy."

I sent Alan a text telling him I knew Charles was planning on visiting and for him to give me a call later that evening.

After I sent the text and was thinking about Lisa, I realized my cock was so hard and I needed pussy. I found Lisa out by the pool and, as usual, she looked hot. She looked at me then at the swim trunks I was wearing. She looked up into my eyes and said, "Baby I know you're horny, but Hose really worked me over last night. I am so sore; I don't know if I can. Could I give you a blow job instead?"

This was not what I wanted to hear at all, but I did know how big Hose is and understood what she was saying. I was about to accept her offer when I heard the door chime. I said, "Stay right there, I'll be right back."

I opened the door and saw Lisa's parents standing there. After inviting them in I asked how they got past the front gate. Karen said, "Lisa gave the guard our names and told the guard who we are. She left authorization for them to let us in whenever we come over."

"I didn't even know we could do that. Lisa just got home from a date and is out by the pool. My mother-in-law glanced at my trunks and grinned. She gave me a hug and I felt her hand grip my shaft and give it a firm squeeze.

My father-in-law had not been to our new house, so I told my mother-in-law Lisa was out by the pool. I then took Jason on a tour of the house showing him all around. I fixed us drinks and we took them out where Lisa and her mother were sitting and talking.

Lisa looked up at me and said, "Hon I was just telling Mom about Hose and she told me she knows him from when he and his wife were in their swingers' group."

"Oh, yea, I forgot about that connection."

She then said, "Baby, I told Mom about last night and she understands what it's like after being with Hose. I told her about you and..."

Karen cut her daughter off in mid-sentence saying, "That's okay Baby. You just talk to your father and keep him company. I think I need to take care of my handsome son-in-law. He seems to be having a problem."

She was up, out of her chair, and had grabbed my hand before I realized what she was doing. I was not about to turn down her offer. I didn't say a word as she led me directly to our bedroom. She didn't even close the door before dropping to her knees and pulling my trunks down in one pull. My cock had not gone down from earlier and she had it in her mouth. I wasn't even thinking when I put my hands on her head and began trusting my hips, fucking her mouth.

After a few moments of this Karen pulled my cock from her mouth then looked up at me saying, "My you're worked up aren't you. Thinking about that huge cock in my baby girl has you ready to pop. How about you putting this wonderfully hard cock in my pussy before that happens."

My mother-in-law is a woman who loves cock. She is also very fond of pussy. For a woman her age she has a hot body. My cock was as stiff as a board as I quickly got her onto the bed and climbed between her legs before lowering my cock toward her pussy. Her hands took hold of me when I was close enough and pulled me until I could feel my glans press against her hot pussy.

"That's it Baby, give mommy that beautiful cock. Mommy's pussy is wet and wants her son-in-law's cock."

I felt her rub my cock up and down between her lips then I felt the warmth as she pulled me into her. Her hands let go of my shaft and she dug her fingers into my buttocks pulling me into her. I felt her legs wrap around my ass as her hips lifted off the bed. I looked down at her laying there with her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open. I could see her full concentration was on my cock entering her body.

Opening her eyes she saw me watching her. She grinned and said, "Baby if you ever need a wet pussy to put that man meat in just call me." She paused a moment as I must have hit a sweet spot, the said, "Fuck Baby that cock feels good. Now fuck me harder and don't stop."

I pulled back until I almost pulled my cock out of her then with all my effort, I thrust my hips hard into her driving her ass into the mattress. She let out a cry then said, "YES BABY, FUCK YES, just like that. FUCK THAT DAMN PUSSY! Fuck it Baby, give me that cum. Take that pussy and make it yours!"

Already aroused she was doing nothing to calm me down, I needed to cum and it didn't matter if it was my wife's pussy, her mother's pussy or a hole in a tree, I was going to fill something with my cum. I pounded into her as she literally held onto me digging her fingers into me. She yelled, "FUCK YEA, FUCK THAT PUSSY! USE THAT PUSSY! OH, FUCK BABY I'M CUMMING!"

The intensity of the moment and my pounding her pussy pushed me over the edge as I joined her and we shared a mutual orgasm. I pushed myself deep into her and could feel her pussy muscles milking my cock. I wanted to put every last drop of my cum as deep inside this sex machine as possible.

We were both breathing hard. My full weight was on her and her tits felt really nice. She still had her legs around me holding me in her pussy. Still breathing a little hard she gave me a grin and said, "Baby that felt really good. I think we both needed that. Thank you."

My mother-in-law was thanking me for fucking the shit out of her! I didn't know what to say so pressed my lips against hers. She put her hand on the back of my head pulling our mouths together tightly. My lust for this woman was still very high. Even though she had drained my balls, I could not get enough of her.

We finally relaxed and lay side by side for a while. She got out of bed and pulled me to my feet. I bent down to pick up my swim trunks, but she said, "Leave em, we're all family here." I was not about to argue as she took hold of my hand and led me out to the pool where Lisa and her father were talking. Lisa saw us coming and gave us a grin. She said, "Mom did you take care of my hubby?"

"Baby I am not sure who took care of who. Let's just say we are both exhausted, but much more relaxed."

I sat in one of the pool chairs and she sat down across my lap. She is petite, just like her daughter. I could sit and hold either one of them all day long and enjoy every second of it.

My father-in-law just shook his head and grinned. Looking at Lisa he said, "Looks like this just wasn't my day. The three of you got fucked and here I sit still hard and horny."

"Daddy," my wife said, "You know we all love you. You could have me, but I'm so sore from Hose. Want me to give you a massage with a happy ending?"

He gave her a smile, stood stripped his shirt and shorts then laid face down on a lounge chair. Karen and I watched Lisa take a bottle of suntan oil and smooth it on her father's back, ass and legs. I saw her hand dipping between his legs from behind as she teased him touching his balls and running her fingers deep between his cheeks.

She had him flip over and all pretenses of a massage soon disappeared with her focusing only on his cock and balls. I was almost wishing it was my cock her oil covered hands had hold of instead of her father's cock. She kept stroking him and fondling his balls until ropes of white cum erupted from his cock, splashing on both Lisa and her father.

Seeing her husband cum lit a fire in Karen as she turned toward me and began kissing me. Her hand slipped between us and to my cock. It was well after dark when her parents ended up leaving. I was exhausted and slept great with my Lisa in my arms.

Chapter 42 – Arranging Father and Son Date (Paul)

Sunday morning my phone was ringing. I saw it was Alan and answered it. He apologized for not calling the night before. I told him that was fine and that we had been busy entertaining Lisa's parents.

He said Charles had stopped by and had thanked him several times for giving me his name. Alan said Charles mentioned the upcoming dates with his son and grandson. I told Alan, Charles was supposed to check and see if they wanted to do it then let me know. Alan assured me I would be hearing from Charles. He wanted to know how Lisa handled Charles' massive cock. I told him she had been a little sore but had really enjoyed it. I assured him she was doing much better now. While talking to Alan I got a beep for a call coming in and told Alan I had to take the incoming call.

Switching over I said, "Hello?"

"Alan, Hose here. How's my girl?"

"Great. She had a fantastic time and really enjoyed her date with you."

"As did I with her. I'm just calling to ask what your thoughts are on having my son and grandson at the same time."

"I hadn't thought of that," I admitted. "If you think it would be better that way, then I don't have an issue with it."

"I do think it would be better. My grandson is pretty shy, and it would probably work individually, but I think it would be better if they had a triple date."

"Have you talked to your son?"

"No, not yet. I wanted to talk to you first."

"Let's see what your son says then go from there."

"Good to hear. I'll see him later today and will give you a call after he and I talk."

"I look forward to hearing back from you."

We hung up just as Lisa walked into the room. "Who was that," she asked.

With a grin I said, "Honestly Baby, I love you, but quite honestly, it's none of your business."

Lisa and I don't keep secrets from each other. When I said it was none of her business, she didn't get mad, a smile appeared on her face and she said, "Baby, already? I just got my ass fucked by a fire hose. Who have you decided to share me with now?"

"Who said I was sharing you with anyone? I simply said it was none of your business who I was talking to."

"Which you and I both know means you were talking to the next man whose cock is going to be in me."

I said, "I promise you I was not talking to the next man who is going to fuck you. Not even the man who will probably be picking you up Friday. By the way, you might want to decide what you are going to be wearing at 5:30 this coming Friday."

Lisa let out a cute squeal of excitement and put her arms around my neck then kissed me. She then gave me a serious look and said, "I hope this guy is a little smaller than Hose."

I grinned and said, "Baby, remember the rules, you fuck whomever I share you with."

"I know and that's the part I like the best. My pussy belongs to you Honey and you can share it with whomever you want."

We had to take it easy, but after that conversation there was no way I wasn't going to fuck my wife. We took it easy as we made slow passionate love. It's a well-known fact that a pussy is a wonderful thing.


That evening Hose called and let me know he had talked with his son. He said his son didn't believe him at first, but Hose was finally able to convince his son it was true. He gave me his son and grandson's names. He said if I wanted to talk to either one, they had my name and would know what he was calling about. I told him I would probably call his son just to let him know it was legit and let them know the rules.

Hose said he was anxious to hear how it went. I didn't let him know I was both anxious and apprehensive. I had never sent Lisa on a date with two guys at the same time. I felt like she would do great, but I wasn't sure if she would enjoy it as much. I should have known she would love having two guys who both wanted her at the same time.

Normally there are a few weeks between the dates I schedule for Lisa. Hose told me his son's name was Steven and the grandson was Nate. I found some time when Lisa was going to be gone and decided to give Steve a call.


"Is this Steve?"

"Yes, and who am I speaking to?"

"This is Paul. I believe your father mentioned me and that I might be calling."

There was a pause then I heard, "Is this some sort of gag my father put you up to?"

"No, I don't believe so. I don't know what he told you, but I can tell you your father took my wife on a date this past Friday and brought her back home at noon the following day."

"So, it really is true? The old fucker did score and isn't lying?"

"Yes, it's true. Look Steve, if you're not interested or suspicious, I do understand, and we can save each other the effort and just forget I even called."

I was just getting ready to hang up the phone when Steve said, "No wait! Please wait. It's not that I don't believe you; it's just that my father loves to prank me. I think you can understand why I was suspicious."

"Yea, I get it. If I was in your shoes I would most likely be just like you."

I proceeded to tell him the rules and how it all worked. He assured me he wanted to take Lisa on a date and agreed with his father that it would be best that he and Nate take Lisa on a date together. I gave him all the details and told him to not be early or late, 5:30 sharp meant five minutes either way was fine, but other than that I expected a phone call. He assured me he and Nate would be at our house on time.

From what I had told her earlier, Lisa didn't seem overly surprised when I told her she needed to be ready Friday at 5:30 for an enjoyable evening. I could see her begin thinking about what she was going to wear. I always enjoyed watching as she planned for her dates and trying to decide what she was going to wear. I always thought it was funny since she could wear just about anything and look sexy.

When Friday finally arrived, I was waiting in the living room at 5:00 for her to show me how hot she looked. As usual she was smoking hot. As I looked at her and thought soon two guys would be picking her up and she would most likely be getting a double penetration had my cock hard.

She always looks like she stepped out of some fashion magazine featuring the top ten sexiest women. Beside her photo would be a big bold #1. Sharing her with other men was such a turn-on but the desire to want to push her to the floor and climb between her legs was always a powerful urge that each time I had to suppress. I knew I would get my chance the following day when her date dropped her off and she told me how he enjoyed her body and what she did to make his night so special.

The clock was still chiming 5:30 when the door chime added its musical notes to the sounds. I gave her a hug and said, "Remember, go with whomever is on the other side of that door."

She looked at me sensing something was different. I then hurried off to my hiding spot to watch. My cock was already hard and in my hand. I was slowly stroking it when she pulled the door open. If her date knew where to look, they might have been able to see me, but I never had to worry about that since they were always focused on Lisa and how sexy she looks.

She gave a quick glance in my direction then opened the door. Standing there was a man probably in his mid-40s and a young man I already knew was 18. Hose told me he graduated from high school earlier this year and had just started college. Both men were handsome and dressed nicely, which included sport jackets.

Seeing two men who were both holding flowers threw Lisa for a loop. She hesitated and I knew Steve was already suspicious. I was afraid they might think it was a joke and leave. I heard Steve ask, "Lisa."

"Yes, I'm Lisa."

"Paul called and said..."

She seemed to get her bearings and said, "Yes, I am so sorry. My mind was somewhere else. The flowers are beautiful, are they for me?"

As they handed her the flowers, she invited them in. Steve said, "Lisa this is my son Nate. He will be joining us tonight."

I could see Lisa look at Nate and smile. She then looked back to Steve and asked, "All night."

"Yes, Paul said that was okay, but if you want..."

"No, if Paul said it was okay, I'm excited that I get two handsome men tonight."

I had reminded Steve he was not to mention his father. I had explained the plan and he said his father had told him the same thing. He assured me he would not mention Charles. I wondered if Hose's cock was a genetic thing and if Steve or his son were hung like Charles.

Stroking my cock as I watched these two men look at my wife as I thought about what they would be doing with her later. I had to stop stroking a couple times otherwise I would have cum as they stood there. I certainly didn't want to cum yet. I had plans for the evening and there would be plenty of time later.

I watched as the two men escorted Lisa out of our house. Nate pulled the door closed. I rushed to the window and watched the three of them get in the back seat of a limo that looked like the same car and driver Charles had arrived in the week before. I wondered if this was Charles own personal car and driver and he had loaned them to his son and grandson.

Nate hurried around the back and got in on the other side. Lisa slid in with Steve getting in next. I saw Lisa seated between the men as the driver closed the door.

After first pouring myself a drink I headed to my office. Earlier that week I discovered the data card from the video camera had been removed and inserted into the data card port of my computer. I realized evidently Lisa had watched the video of her birthday party. I pulled up my video editing software and loaded the video file from the SD card into the software.

The camera had been turned on before I took Lisa into the bedroom so there were several minutes recorded of an empty room at the beginning. I edited that part from the video. I adjusted the exposure and cropping then began adding bookmarks. I zoomed in on some of the scenes to get close-up action shots. Twice before I finished editing the software I had to stop and jack off before I could finish the editing and began the rendering phase.

I was pleased with the clarity and overall quality of the audio. It was fun reliving the hot action over and over as I edited it. Several things were in the video I am evidently missed or forgotten. I was anxious to get it onto a DVD so Lisa and I could sit down and watch it together. I wondered how many times we would have to start the video before we would be able to watch it all the way through without having to stop for a fuck break. I already was already making plans for more videos and decided the next time I was going to get a second camera and have it recording from a different angle. I could then cut from one camera to the other. The best would be to actually have a photographer moving around the room catching the action from different angles. While that would be great, what I had of her birthday was still very hot and I knew Lisa would love what I had been able to do editing the single camera video.

Chapter 43 – Two Men! (Lisa)

When I opened the door and saw Steve and Nate standing there, both with a fist full of flowers I didn't know what to think. I realized since they both had flowers, Paul had arranged for both of them to be my date for the evening. Paul had never sent me on a date with two men at the same time. I wondered why he had done so this time. While I was thinking about that I saw some hesitation on Steve's face. I had seen this before when guys thought they had been tricked and someone was either going to jump out of the bushes with a camera telling them it was all an elaborate joke or at the other end of the spectrum the attorney for a wife wanting to catch her husband and serve divorce papers.

Anyway, the look he had been tricked was something I had seen before. I tried to quickly regain my composure and before long we were in the limo headed to the restaurant. It's nice having two handsome men both wanting you. The fact one was only 18 and was the son of the other man made it feel somewhat strange. I prefer older men, but I could see it was important to his father and I also was pretty sure he would not have the stamina in bed his father would have.

Youth has lots of stamina, but when it comes to a young man, he usually has a short fuse and explodes entirely too fast. I knew if that happened his father would be there to take over and finish the job.

As we rode in the back seat of the limo, I had no idea how much experience Nate had with women. Both he and his father were perfect gentlemen, and both looked very nice. Nate was the first to break the silence saying, "Dad, she's beautiful."

I almost laughed. He was talking across me as if I wasn't even there. His comment made me feel good, it was just the way he went about saying it.

Steve said, "Yes Son, she certainly is, but you might want to tell her and not me."

Looking at him I put my hand on his and said, "It is okay Honey. It's the thought that counts. You're a pretty hot looking guy yourself."

He was actually blushing. I loved it! This had every indication of being a very interesting night. I was going to make sure Nate got an education regarding female anatomy and how to properly satisfy a woman. I was pretty sure from the looks of things that Steve was going to be a lot of fun as well.

I glanced at Steve and he said, "Please forgive him. He hasn't had a lot of experience with women."

"Think nothing about it. He's cute and I like young men who are curious."

Steve gave me a grin, then I turned back to Nate saying, "Honey we are going to have fun tonight. Have you ever been with a girl before?"

"Well, yea, sort of."

Steve said, "Son what she is asking is if you have ever had sex with a girl."

I said, "That's right, and if you haven't it's nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has a first time."

His hand was on his leg and mine was on top of his. He was looking down at our hands and not able to look at me when he said, "I've kissed a girl, and... well, I have touched a girl, but not much else."

"Okay, so you have kissed and touched a girl. That's a good start." I squeezed his hand then lifted it from his leg to place it on my bare leg. I then lifted his chin and gave him a tender kiss on the lips. Checking his pants, I saw a nice bulge had formed. Turning back toward his father I quietly whispered, "Based on that bulge in his pants, I don't think you have anything to worry about."

He grinned and said, "Thank you." He leaned in toward me to give me a kiss and as our lips touched, I felt his hand on my thigh. A shiver went up my spine as I considered all the possibilities the night held for us.

Nate seemed to be gaining confidence with the passing of each minute. While Steve moved his hand away, Nate kept his where I had placed it. I put my hand on his and said, "Honey I promise I won't break. Your hand feels really nice on my leg, but even though I'm not very tall, there is a lot more of my leg you are free to touch. You don't have to leave your hand in one spot."

He slowly began to squeeze my thigh and was just starting to move it along my thigh when we pulled up in front of the restaurant. I put my hand on his and said, "Look at where your hand is."

I could see he was confused but saw him look at his hand. I then said, "Remember right where your hand is so we can resume this after dinner."

He grinned and said, "Yes Ma'am." His boyish charm was priceless. His lack of experience and shyness made him very cute. He had the body and looks of a man, but as a lover he hadn't yet left the starting blocks.

We were seated in a corner booth. I was seated between the men with Nate a little closer than Steve. I got the impression Steve was going to allow Nate as much of me as he wanted. Steve appeared to be happy to take over when Nate was finished. As we sat there, I was thinking about my recent introduction to double penetration. Depending how big they were I thought it might be a possibility. My mind shot back to the previous week and how large Hose had been. Men hung like Hose were rare and of that I was thankful.

During dinner Nate began to open up and talk a little more. I had to grin as he would sneak a feel of my leg under the table every now and then. I glanced over at Steve to see if he had seen what was going on. He gave me a grin and I knew he was well aware of what his son was doing.

This was a much different dinner than what I normally had with my dates, but I was also having a lot of fun. Something was about Steve was bothering me. I asked him, "Do I know you from somewhere?"

"No, I don't think so."

"You and Nate both look familiar, but I don't remember ever meeting you before."

Steve said, "I think I just have one of those faces. I've had several people say I look familiar, but we never figure out from where."

"I guess that must be it. Where did you meet Paul?"

"Your husband?"


"A friend of a friend. It's sort of a complicated story and I don't want to bore you with it. Let's just say at first, I was skeptical, but now I'm so happy we finally met. I can tell Nate is impressed."

"Yes, he's sweet."

Steve got a serious look on his face and said, "I don't really know how to ask this. So far tonight has been great. I have to ask, and I don't want to offend you but..."

Nodding my head before he could go any further, I said, "It was true, all of it. I am yours for the night to do whatever you want." Lowering my voice, I said, "Unless you or Nate object, your son will be a man tomorrow morning. His virginity will be a thing of the past."

"I assure you I will not object and if he objects, I'll make sure he gets much needed psychological help. I want you to take care of my son but please save some for me."

"Honey I can't promise anything, but I'll tell you if you see anything you like, feel free to grab it, and I do mean anything."

My left hand was on the table. Steve smiled then reached over and placed his hand on mine and squeezed. He said, "Beautiful wedding ring."

I looked at it then at him and said, "It's and who it's on belong to my husband. I love him with all my heart."

"He's a very fortunate man," Steve said.

When he said that I recalled Hose saying those exact same words. The thought of Hose made me smile briefly. He had been a true gentleman and I did hope my husband would share me with Hose again.

We finished dinner and Steve paid the waiter. I took hold of Nate's elbow and at first, I don't think he knew what to do, but he quickly figured it out and escorted me out with Steve following close behind.

When we got back in the car Steve asked, "What would you like to do?"

"Whatever my dates would like."

Nate said, "Dad can we go to the hotel?"

"Sure Son, but maybe Lisa would like to go dancing first."

I said, "I would love to, but can all three of us get in?"

I saw the light come on with Steve as he realized Nate was too young to get in a club serving alcohol. "I hadn't considered that. How about something else?"

"Honestly anything is good with me. Nate's idea sounds good too."

Steve considered it then said, "Maybe that's best." He leaned forward tapped on the privacy screen. The driver lowered the glass and Steve told him we were ready to go to the hotel.

As the driver pulled away from the curb, I asked Nate, "Do you remember where we were before we stopped for dinner?"

He appeared to be trying to remember what I was talking about then he smiled and put his hand back on my leg. It didn't take him very long before he became a little more adventurous and began exploration of my entire thigh. He never got quite bold enough to slide his hand high enough to see if I was bare or wearing my thong. Even at that he was much more relaxed and adventurous than he had been during the drive to the restaurant.

I happened to see Steve was watching what his son was doing. I didn't want him to feel left out and said, "Do you mind?" as I tentatively placed my hand on his leg.

"Not at all," was his response.

With my hand on his leg and Nate's concentration diverted away from his father I slid my hand up his leg and placed my open palm on the bulge in his pants. He wasn't Hose, but what he did have was very hard and impressively large.

I wasn't looking toward him, but instead was focused on Nate when I heard him under his breath say, "Oh Fuck!" I don't think Nate heard his father, but I certainly did.

At the hotel Steve checked us in. Nate and I stood back away from the desk. I saw Nate keep glancing at my breasts. Unable to ignore him any longer I smiled at him and asked, "Do you like them?"

"Yes ma'am, very much."

Smiling at him I said, "Honey I do appreciate how polite you are, but please call me Lisa, or anything but ma'am. Can you do that?"

"Yes ma'a... I mean, yes Lisa."

With that out of the way, I said, "I've been looking forward to tonight. I hope you are as anxious as me."

"Ever since Dad told me about tonight, I've thought of nothing else. I couldn't even concentrate in school."

Laughing I said, "I hope I didn't cause you to screw up an exam or anything."

"No, nothing like that."

"Good. Now tonight is about you and your Dad. The only reason we are here is to have fun. If you want to do something, or not do something, just tell me. It's as simple as that. I am pretty sure you can't think of anything I wouldn't want to do with you. Just enjoy the evening and have fun."

He smiled and said nothing. He would be my first virgin since high school and that time I had also been a virgin. The guy's name was Richard. He was my age and on the football team. Richard was cute and he had been flirting with me since the start of the season. He finally summoned up the courage to ask me out and it was on our sixth date that it happened. The plan was for us to leave after the football game Friday night. As a cheerleader I was having a hard time turning my back to the game and facing the crowd in the stadium trying my best to get the parents and fans cheering. I would have much preferred to watch Richard.

We had done just about everything except him putting his cock inside me. On our previous date he had sucked on my breasts and I had jerked him off until he shot cum all over his Dad's car. We laughed as we cleaned up the mess. We had talked about it and decided our next date was when we would both lose our virginity. Richard had found where his father kept condoms in his dresser. Richard had taken one in anticipation of the night.

I will never forget how nervous we both were but somehow, he got the condom on and I became a woman in the back of his father's Ford pick-up. He had thought ahead and brought along some blankets. It was awkward and not perfect, but at the time it was really special. Afterward, we lay in the back of the pick-up truck looking at the stars. That was one night I never regretted and one I would remember forever.

Looking at Nate I silently wondered if he would have fond memories of the night we were about to experience. If not, it would not be due to lack of effort on my part. I couldn't help but think maybe a girl his own age might create a more memorable experience as they learned about sex together.

Hearing Steve say, "We are checked in," brought me back to the here and now. I looked at him and he gave me a big smile saying, "You ready to go to our room?"

Grinning I nodded my head then looked at Nate, took his hand, and said, "Honey, let's go have some fun."

Once inside the small suite Steve got for us it became a little awkward. I had been in the situation many times with just one man, but with two I was having difficulty deciding what to do. Steve helped me out saying, "Son, why don't you and Lisa go on into the bedroom. I'll hang out here while the two of you get better acquainted and have some fun."

I looked at Nate giving him my best grin and trying to convey to him I was his and he was the man in charge. He smiled as he reached out and took my hand. Holding my hand, he said, "Thanks Dad." He looked at me and I was still grinning as I nodded my head. He said, "Let's check out the bedroom."

Looking back at Steve I saw him give me a thumbs-up and smile. I returned his smile just before being pulled around the corner into the bedroom. Nate closed the door and was looking at me as if trying to decide where to begin. His eyes finally made the full journey from my toes to my eyes. I watched as he looked confident up to the point our eyes met. At that point I saw his confidence wane.

"Lisa I really don't want to screw this up."

I saw I was going to have to take the lead and help him. "Honey, there isn't much to it. You're a man and I'm a woman. I want to make you feel good. All you have to do is tell me what you would like to do, and I'll do my best to do what you want. Baby you can have anything you want. Don't be shy, this is not the time for that. I like a handsome man like you, who understands a woman wants her man to take control."

He still hadn't fully conquered his case of nervousness, so I said, "Let me help get things started. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I get the feeling you think I'm pretty."

He was smiling as he said, "Yes ma'am, you are."

There was that ma'am again, but I wasn't going to try to correct him again. "Would you like to see what I look like naked?"

His grin didn't need words. As I pointed to a chair in the corner I said, "Okay then, why don't you have a seat in that chair."

Keeping his eyes on me he backed up to the chair and sat down. I turned off the harsh overhead light and turned the light next to the bed on. Facing him I began unbuttoning my blouse as I said, "Honey girls like a strong man who knows what he wants. Girls have soft skin and we like to feel the touch of our man's hands on our skin."

I had my blouse open and had it pulled out of my skirt. As I shrugged it off, I said, "A girl wants a man who likes her body. You have heard girls are soft and sweet and we like a man who appreciates that. See how pretty and sexy my bra is. You said you like looking at my breasts. Just think, in a few minutes you will be able to see, touch and even suck on them. I know you will like that."

There was no doubt I had his full attention and interest. Next, I reached behind my back and found the zipper at my waist. I said, "Girls have all the right curves men enjoy. We exercise and make sure we keep our bodies in shape so our men will want us." I had released my skirt and it was pooled on the floor at my feet. I stepped out of it and with my side to him, bending my knees, I squatted to pick it up then carefully folded it and placed it to the side. I slowly removed my bracelets. I turned to face him wearing only my bra, thong and heels.

"Honey do you still think I'm pretty."

He was speechless as he just stared at me and nodded his head.

"Do you think I'm sexy?"

"Oh Fuck!" was all he said in response. I saw his hand squeeze the front of his slacks. I know some guys like a woman to leave her heels on, but I felt that was for another time. For Nate I wanted his first woman to be naked. As graceful as possible I unbuckled the straps around my ankles and removed my heels. My toes were bright red and looked sexy even in the subdued light. I lifted one foot from the floor and placed the ball of my foot against the hard bulge in his slacks. I worked it squeezing the bulge with my toes. I had to smile when I saw him close his eyes and moan.

I didn't want to stimulate him enough to give him an orgasm. I had already decided his first load of cum belonged inside me. I put my foot back on the floor and grinned when I heard him groan as I removed it from his crotch. Reaching behind my back I unhooked my bra and let it the straps slowly slide down my arms while using my hands to keep the cups in place concealing my breasts a few moments longer.

"Do you want to see them?"

His mouth was gaping as he nodded his head. I slowly allowed the top of my cups to move forward and reveal my firm and natural breasts. I had his undivided attention as I then took a nipple between each thumb and forefinger. I pinched and rolled them causing them to become hard little points for him.

I said, "Honey a girl's nipples crave the attention of a man. Mine are very sensitive. Would you like to touch?"

Again, he was not talking, but his hands reaching out toward me gave me the answer I expected. I leaned forward giving him even better access. At first, he was a little rough, but then he eased up and it felt good. I saw his eyes on my thong, but I was enjoying teasing him and decided to make him wait just a little longer for that.

"A girl likes to undress her man. Can I undress you?"

He stood then I moved in close. I pressed my body against his and kissed him. "Do you like kissing me?"

"Oh Fuck, I never knew a kiss could be like this."

I took that as a YES. Backing away just enough to get my hands between us I began slowly unbuttoning his shirt. His hands were at his side as I said, "Honey, I'm here for you to enjoy. You can touch me anywhere you want. I don't mind at all."

His hands slowly went where I expected, my breasts. He was gently squeezing them as I continued to unbutton his shirt. "Yes, Baby that feels really good. I like the way your hands feel on my skin."

Pulling open his shirt I saw he has a very manly chest. He was muscular and his chest was covered with hair. I spread my fingers and ran them up his torso stopping at his nipples. I pinched them very gently then sucked each one into my mouth. Again, I heard his moan of passion.

With my breasts touching his chest I dropped my hands to his belt and unbuckled it. I placed my hand on the front of his pants and looked up into his eyes. With a smile on my face I gave his hard cock a squeeze then said, "It feels like maybe you would like to use this on me."

Again, only a groan was all I heard. I lowered the zipper in his pants then dropped to my knees. I removed his shoes and socks then lowered his pants until they were at the floor. He stepped out of them and I placed them over the chair he had been sitting in. He was wearing only his boxers when I stepped back, looked at him then said, "Honey you look even better undressed. You make me feel so much like a woman. I feel so soft and warm all over." Again, I kissed him. This kiss had a lot more passion and lasted longer. He was getting into this and building his confidence. Sinking to my knees again the bulge in his boxers was now at eye level.

Looking up at him I saw he was intently watching my every move. I began lowering his boxers as I said, "I'm very excited to see what you have for me. I hope you don't mind if I taste it. I love the way a real man's cock tastes."

I saw him close his eyes and look up toward the ceiling a few moments. Then his hard cock sprang out of his boxers and was pointed right at my mouth. I knew I had to be careful. He was very close to ejaculating. I knew the first load would come quick, but a second load would be easy to get from a guy only 18 and this highly aroused.

His cock was thick and maybe 8 inches long. It was well above average and a cock any man would have been proud of. I was watching his eyes as I wrapped my hand around his cock. It was very warm and very hard. Pre-cum was forming at the center of his perfectly shaped pink glans. I extended my tongue as far as possible so he could see as I used the tip to lick away his pre-cum. Opening my mouth, I then took the first few inches in and was bathing his cock with my tongue.

I felt his hands on my upper arms as he lifted me to my feet. He said, "I can't take this any longer," as he lowered me onto the bed on my back. I quickly moved my head to the pillows and watched him climb onto the bed. I lifted my hips as he took hold of the waist of my thong and pulled it down my legs and tossing it on the floor.

My legs were spread with my knees raised. He was kneeling between my legs looking at me. He said, "Fuck Lisa, you're so fucking beautiful." I grinned thinking how fast we had come from that shy boy I had met a few hours earlier and was now about to become a man.

I reached between my legs reaching for his manhood. He moved forward enough to allow me to get my hands on his hard flesh. I said, "Let me put you inside me. I think you can figure it out from there."

He smiled as our eyes were locked on each other while I rubbed the head of his hard cock between my lips. I knew he was aroused, and I knew I wanted this, but I was still surprised at the amount of moisture that leaked out from between my lips and onto his cock. The whole process had been more arousing than I had realized. With his glans at the entrance to the cock tunnel leading directly to my womb I said, "Honey I'm yours. Take me and use my body."

He closed his eyes and threw his head back at the same time his hips thrust forward filling me full of hard thick 18 years old cock. I had been correct in saying he would figure it out. There's something about instinct, how animals and humans just know how to do some things without having to be told.

Nate didn't have the finesse an older man would have, but what he lacked in experience, he more than made up for with desire. I had been right by not expecting him to last very long. After a couple dozen thrusts into my warm wet pussy he was unable to suppress his orgasm any longer. It was much too fast for me to cum, but I loved the feeling of his cock pushed deep inside me and feeling his cock pulsate as his body pumped the first load of his semen ever to enter a female.

He collapsed on top of me and I wrapped my arms around him. In his ear I said, "Baby that was fantastic. Your cock made me feel so good. You're now a real man and no longer a virgin. Thank you for letting me be your first. It really means a lot to me."

I then began kissing the side of his neck, his face and finally our lips were pressed together as our tongues explored each other's mouth. His cock remained inside me for the longest time. I was beginning to think he might be able to fuck me again and not even need time to recharge, but he did eventually go flaccid. I wasn't sure how long he would be soft and was pretty sure it would not take him long to recover. I said, "If you want to go get your father, now would be a good time."

There was a cockiness to his attitude that hadn't been there before, as he raised up on his elbow and looked down at me saying, "But what if I don't want to share you?" Before I could respond he was out of bed and had grabbed his boxers, slipped them on and went out into the other room where Steve, his father, had been waiting.

Chapter 44 – Dad's Turn (Lisa)

Quickly I jumped out of bed and hurried into the bathroom to quickly wash Nate's cum from between my legs. I cleaned myself the best I could in the few seconds I had. I then hurried back to the bed pulling the sheet up to just over my breasts. I quickly spread my hair out across the pillow and waited for one or both to enter.

I was expecting both, but when the door opened it was only Steve who came in before closing the door. He looked at me and smiled. "You are so damn gorgeous. You look great laying there. I could stand here and look at you forever."

Grinning I said, "If you did that you wouldn't get to enjoy what's waiting for you under the sheet."

"You do have a good point. Seriously I think you made quite an impression on Nate. He was very impressed."

I said, "You may not realize this, but that's quite a man you have there. With a little more confidence, he will be taking every coed in college to bed. I assure you your son will be breaking lots of hearts."

As Steve stood there that feeling I had felt earlier returned. There was something about Steve that looked familiar, but I still couldn't figure out what it was. I said, "Steve, you still look familiar. Are you sure we haven't met before? What do you do?"

"I am pretty sure we haven't met. I'm an Accountant. I may be mistaken and maybe we have met, but if so, I have no idea when or where it would have been."

I said, "That's okay, it doesn't matter right now anyway. I have to apologize, but Nate already unwrapped your gift."

Steve laughed then said, "It's not the wrapping that's important, it's the gift inside that counts, and from what I can see it looks like a very nice gift, yes indeed, very nice."

I couldn't help but smile as he moved toward the bed. He was looking at me like a starving dog eyes a thick juicy steak. I knew this was going to be much different than my time with Nate had been. This was a man who knew what he wanted, and I was hoping desperately he was the kind of man who wouldn't back away from taking what he wanted.

As he was undressing, I said, "That was really nice allowing Nate and me to have some time together. I think it really helped him get past his nervousness. He's actually quite a stud and a very handsome young man. I'm sure you already knew that, but from the perspective of a woman I thought you should know."

"Thanks that does make me feel better. For the longest time I thought maybe he might be gay. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay, but he never seemed to have any interest in girls, so hearing you say that does make me feel good. As for letting him have time with you, I knew he was already nervous and I'm sure having Dad in the same room would have made it worse."

"Yes, I am sure it wouldn't have been as easy. Once I got him to a certain point his instincts took over and he proved he definitely likes and knows what to do with a girl. Your son is 100% virile male.

Steve smiled and I asked, "Baby, did you have anything special you wanted to do tonight? Trust me I think I've heard it all."

He paused as if thinking about something, then shook his head and said, "No, not really. It's been quite a while since I was with a woman, and I've never been with one as pretty as you."

I said, "Thank you," but I sensed there was something he wasn't telling me. He had been thinking of something but was obviously too embarrassed to say what he wanted. "You seriously have never had some fetish you wanted to try. It's not very often two men have a willing woman to share. Trust me I love sex and if it's something I don't want to do; I will tell you. The truth is nobody has ever asked for something I didn't want to do."

There it was again; I could see he was thinking of something. Finally, he said, "There is one thing, but... no forget it. I just want for us to have a good time. He had stripped to his boxers and was standing beside the bed as he said, "I just want to feel a woman in my arms again. I've been with a couple women since my wife died, but it's been a while."

I decided to not press the issue. There was some unspoken fetish he wanted, but he also wanted to be a man with a woman, and I was fine with that. I reached out and touched the tent pole in his boxers. He was larger than his son. As I thought about the comparison my thoughts briefly turned to Hose.

That man had certainly left a lasting impression. I wondered about his wife and what she must be like. I considered the fact she had to love him as much as Paul loved me, for her to knowingly send her husband to spend the night with another woman. Only a spouse confident of the love they shared with their spouse could do that without jealousy.

As I thought of Hose I wondered if he and his wife had a son would the son be as large as his father. For the sake of women around the globe I hoped not too many men in the world were the size of Hose.

Pushing his boxers down I rolled onto my side and took Steve in my mouth. His cock tasted clean. There was the slight faint tasted of soap that maybe didn't get rinsed off in the shower. I liked a man who kept himself clean. As my tongue tickled the underside of his glans and I heard him moaning, I felt the sheet being pulled to my waist exposing my upper body. I let my own little moan escape when I felt his fingers squeezing one of my nipples.

As I continued to circle his glans with my tongue, I heard Steve say, "Oh Fuck just like that. Shit that feels so good."

It was not long before Steve had pulled out of my mouth and climbed on top of me. He entered me and I felt the weight of Steve's body on mine in addition to the sensation of my pussy being stretched as his cock filled me. As it turned out Steve was gentler than Nate. I attributed this to Nate's level of excitement and his inexperience controlling his lust. Steve was just every bit the man his son had been in that he was taking what he wanted as he used my body. The difference between the men as I saw it was where Nate had been like a man trying to consume a case of beer in one sitting, Steve was a wine connoisseur savoring a bottle of rare wine, enjoying each note of flavor he detected. As for my preference I like both beer and wine men. As long as they know what to do with a woman, I am just as happy with either.

With Steve's cum mixing inside me with what remained of his son's we lay there holding each other. He was looking at me and brushed my hair back to get a better look at my face. He used his finger to hook the errant locks of hair behind my ear. He cupped my cheek in the palm of his hand then asked. "Does your husband understand how special you are and how fortunate he is to have you?"

Smiling at his kindness and his gentle words I said, "Yes I believe he does, but the truth is it is me who is the fortunate one. Paul and I have a very special marriage and love each other very much. I don't expect others to understand but believe me when I tell you I very much enjoy him sharing me with others, but what I enjoy even more is the time he and I spend together."

Steve said, "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I do understand that on a certain level. My mother isn't aware that know this, but my father told me he and my mother had been into something very similar years ago. Your husband calls it the Hotwife lifestyle, my father told me what they were into was called swinging."

His comment was interesting, and I said, "I'm sure you know there's a subtle difference between the two, but you probably do understand better than most people. Anyway, as I was saying, I'm fortunate in that I get to have a variety of men while the best man, no offense meant, is at home right now probably masturbating thinking about what you and I are doing."

"No offense taken, and I think it's great the two of you have a marriage that allows you to do this. I assure you if I was your husband my cock would be rubbed raw when you came home."

I laughed then said, "Quite honestly sometimes it is."

Steve was a nice guy and I could have been content to lay there and talk to him for hours, but I knew Nate was waiting. I said, "Normally my dates are with one guy. Have you thought about how you want to do tonight as far as sleeping arrangements? We do have a king size bed."

"I hadn't really given that much thought." He stopped and was looking at me thinking. After several moments he said, "Probably the most obvious would be for all three of us in one bed with you in the middle, that is if you don't mind having a guy on each side, both of whom would almost certainly be molesting you all throughout the night."

Laughing I said, "I would be very disappointed in my abilities as a female to arouse the interest of a man if you didn't."

Placing his hand on my ass he said, "Honey that's something you will never have to worry about. Having a man not interested in you is one thing you will never have be worried about. Trust me on that fact."

I lunged from my position to knock him off his elbow and onto his back as I pressed my lips to his. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight as we shared an incredible kiss.

Chapter 45 – That is My Son (Steve)

My son and I were in the same bed with one of the most beautiful women I had ever met lying naked between us. She was just too tempting to not touch. I had given her fair warning she would be molested, and she seemed to welcome us fondling her. She was lying on her side facing me. Her eyes were open and behind her I saw Nate pressed up against her with his arm over her side and his hand on her breast. She gave me a wink and a grin. She had a face I could never tire of looking at. I couldn't decide if she was gorgeous, beautiful, or just plain cute. Her physical beauty was undeniable, but she had a cute girlish charm that was irresistible. I had never met a woman like her. I just couldn't stop looking at that face. I saw her eyes widen and noticed Nate was moving against her.

There was plenty of stray light in the room for me to see her face. I gave her a non-verbal questioning look that she had no problem understanding. She was looking at me grinning as she nodded. She said, "Yea Baby fuck my pussy with that big hard cock. Oh, Baby that feels good."

I could see she was enjoying what Nate was doing, but I knew her comments were not meant just for Nate. Lisa was letting me know my son had his cock in her at that precise moment.

She winked at me then said, "Baby, a girl has three holes your cock will fit in. You can use any of them you want."

Knowing what she was trying to tell him had my cock raging hard. Would my son take the hint she was giving? I watched her face and saw it scrunch up a little as she winced then said, "Yea, that's it Baby, but go slow at first. That hole is very tight."

She was no longer paying any attention to me. She appeared to be concentrating as she was attempting to take my son's cock into her ass.

"Yes Baby, just like that, but go slow until you get me stretched out. Remember that's not a pussy your cock is in. You have to go slow at first."

Nate had let go of her breast and had both arms wrapped around her chest holding her back tight against his chest. My son's cock was in her ass. I was so worked up I needed at the very least a kiss. Her eyes were closed as I leaned into her and touched my lips to hers. Her mouth shot wide open giving my mouth full access to her own.

It was a little difficult keeping our lips together as Nate was now thrusting into her ass with what felt like full force. Both of her hands found my cock and balls. She was holding onto me tight as I held her head in my hands and Nate's thrusting was giving us all a jolt each time, he hit bottom. Lisa and I held onto each other all through Nate fucking her ass and until he pulled his cock out of her.

I released my grip on her head when I felt him rolling her over toward him and onto her back. She released her tight grip on my cock and balls at the same time. I saw Nate roll over onto her and start kissing her.

My son was getting quite an education. He had lost his virginity by shooting a load of cum in Lisa's pussy. Later he learned how good a woman's tight ass feels gripping a cock. Not only had he had his cock in her ass he had left another load of cum in her. Lisa told me she had started the evening by taking his cock in her mouth, but that he was too close to cumming and had to stop. With a load in her pussy and one in her ass, there was only one place left of him to leave his cum and that was her stomach. I was curious to see if he would do that before we had to take Lisa home.

Lisa's back was now to me as Nate held her. I pulled the sheet down to see that beautiful ass. Her ass cheeks were perfectly rounded, they were firm, and her skin was flawless. Her cheeks were firm and as I stroked her ass, I could only imagine what my son had felt with his cock in that perfect ass.

As I stroked her ass cheeks with my hand, I felt just a little guilty. She had told me at least twice that I looked familiar. Each time I convinced her she was mistaken. The fact is Nate and I both have a strong family resemblance to my father Charles. Nate and I both knew to not say anything about Dad or tell Lisa our last name.

Earlier I wanted to fulfill a fantasy of doing a double penetration and who better to do it with that my son. I had almost said something earlier but decided since we were very likely going to have a three-way date with Lisa the following weekend fulfillment of that fantasy could wait until then.

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