FIL and DIL are alone in a lake house, and after sucking her milk-filled tits, he fucks her.
My name is Cassandra, but everyone calls me Cassi, and my husband, Ken, and I are living in Minneapolis, Minnesota with our son, Jared, aged ten, and daughter, Tracy, almost nine years old. We planned on having our children close together in age, and how that happened involves my father-in-law, as I’m writing this story to explain.
The story begins about nine and a half years ago, when Ken was twenty-eight years old, I was twenty-five, and Jared was only six months old. I was breast feeding Jared, while at the same time trying to get pregnant with Tracy.
I’m very close with Ken’s father, Tom, who was fifty years old at that time, and his mother, Shirley, who was forty-nine, and I call them Mom and Dad. My parents live down in Madison, Wisconsin, so they are like surrogate parents to me.
Tom is a successful and wealthy real estate broker in the Minneapolis metro area, and after Ken finished his business degree, and gained five years of management experience working at a big-box retail store corporation’s headquarters, Tom bought a gun store for Ken to manage. They are both avid hunters, and after all the years owning guns, hunting, and shooting targets, it was a natural fit for Ken’s interests and qualifications.
Four years before Jared’s birth, Tom acquired a lake house about a four-hour drive north of the city, and Ken and I spent many weekends up there in the summers. It’s a nice, but old, three-bedroom home that he learned about when he sold the previous owner’s main home in the city. Ken is close with his parents, and we spend a lot of time socializing with them at home, as well as at the lake.
Tom is a handsome man, and was in great shape for his age, and Ken looks a lot like him. They’re both six feet and one inch tall, and Tom was a little heavier, at about one hundred and ninety pounds, while Ken weighted about one hundred and seventy. Tom has always been attentive and deferential to me, since, as Shirley told me, she thinks I’m taking the place of the daughter he never had. Although, as you’ll see, he didn’t always act so fatherly.
I don’t mean to brag, but I’m a pretty and voluptuous girl, with huge breasts, as I’ll explain, and Tom can’t keep his eyes of me. He never made any offensive comments to me or tried to approach me sexually, but there was always that glint in his eyes, that told me he was lusting after me.
I’m five feet and seven inches tall and weighed one hundred and fifty-five pounds before Jared was born. After gaining weight in my pregnancy, and then losing most of it after the baby was born, I ended up weighing about one hundred and sixty, which is pretty good when you consider I was nursing the baby. I know that I’m a big-boned girl, voluptuous as some would say, but I’m not fat. I look a lot like the actress, Christina Hendricks, and I have her red hair, although mine is natural, and her blue eyes.
My best features are also what gives me a little extra weight, because I have big, nicely shaped ass, and 36F breasts, like Christina, or at least they were until I started lactating, and they grew to 36Gs. My breasts have some attractive natural sag, as you would expect for honeydew melon or human-head-sized breasts, and they’re so full and round that the undersides hang halfway to my belly button.
Tom and I Get Alone Time at the Lake
One weekend in mid-summer, on a Friday afternoon, Ken and I took the baby and drove up to the lake. Tom had gone up on Thursday to take care of some maintenance issues, and Shirley didn’t come with us that weekend. She’s very active in her church, and with a rummage sale on Saturday, and homeless outreach on Sunday, it didn’t make sense for her to go up there.
We arrived at about 9:00 pm, and Tom had waited for us to share a late dinner. I nursed the baby in the living room after dinner, as I always did in front of Tom, using a light blanket as a coverup, as I lifted my t-shirt on each side to feed the baby. Tom was usually careful not to get caught blatantly staring at me when I was nursing, but that night he seemed to have more interest. That was my fault, since I accidently let the blanket slip a couple of times, and he got glimpses of the rounded bottoms of my milk-swollen breasts.
I got the baby down in our portable crib a little later than I planned, and then we talked, mostly Ken telling Tom what was happening in the gun store, before we retired to bed at about 11:00 pm. It was supposed to be a warm weekend, and Ken was looking forward to waterskiing, since Tom would drive the boat, and I could be the observer for safety.
It was almost 4:00 am when Ken’s cell phone rang and startled us. Unfortunately, it was the Minneapolis police, letting Ken know that the store had been broken into, robbed, and it looked like a lot of merchandise was stolen. He needed to get back to the city, and said, “I should be able to get the store boarded up and work with the police in a few hours once I get home. Why don’t you and Jared stay here with Dad, and I’ll try to get back by no later than midafternoon or so.”
Tom was wakened by the phone call too, but we soon went back to bed and slept in until 8:00 am, when Jared started crying and woke us up. I nursed the baby in the living room, which is next to and opens into the kitchen, while Tom fixed us breakfast. He was having a hard time concentrating on what he was doing due to watching me, but we were finally able to put the baby in his crib to play, while we ate our breakfast.”
It felt a little strange being with Tom without Ken there, and that was the first time that happened. I think he felt a little uneasy too, and he was trying even harder not to get caught staring at my jiggling and swaying breasts. I was wearing a t-shirt with no bra and loose athletic-type shorts, and he was wearing pretty much the same type of casual clothes.
We went out to sit on the dock after we cleaned up the breakfast dishes, and it was about 11:00 am when Ken called me on my cell phone. He said, “Sorry, honey, but there were so many assault weapons taken that the FBI and ATF have gotten involved. I think our insurance will cover the loss, but I have to go through all our purchase and sales transactions for the past year with them, as well as coming up with an exact list of what was taken, with serial numbers and everything. I won’t make it back tonight, but maybe by noon tomorrow so I can enjoy a little of the lake and bring you and the baby home.”
Then I handed my phone to Tom, and Ken explained everything to him, as well as some of the business and legal issues caused by the burglary. He hung up, and said, “Well, it looks like it you, me, and the baby now. Maybe we can still enjoy a cruise around the lake.”
Crossing Taboo Bounds with Dad
It was noon when we went back inside so I could feed the baby before putting him down for a nap. I was sitting on the couch with the baby, and Tom was sitting across from me in his recliner. He was watching me more intently than ever, looking over the top of his glasses, pretending to read, and I know that he caught a few glimpses of my breasts, one time when my whole tit was exposed, including my three inch wife areola, and nipple the size of the top joint of his thumb, with milk leaking out of it.
His scrutiny was turning me on for some reason, but I didn’t want to say anything until I put the baby down. It was a funny feeling, kind of like we were playing house, and I wondered if it was affecting him the same way.
When I came back to sit on the couch after putting Jared down, Tom was still watching me, and my breasts swaying when I moved. I wanted to say something that wouldn’t challenge him, or upset him, or make him think that I was upset. So, I said, “It doesn’t bother me, Dad, but you really seem to enjoy watching me feed the baby. What are you thinking about when you do that?”
It looked like he carefully adjusted his crotch, as he thought for a few seconds, before replying, “I think a mother nursing a baby is one of the most beautiful sights in the world. I think you probably enjoy it too, just like Shirley enjoyed breast feeding Ken.”
I thought that was bullshit, and asked, “Is that it, Dad, or does it affect you in other ways?”
He cleared his throat and squirmed in his chair, before answering, “Well, to be honest, Cassi, I can’t help thinking about the other benefits I had with Shirley nursing. The baby rarely drained her completely, and I used to, uh, let’s say, I’d help finish her off. We soon realized how arousing it was for her with me suckling her instead of Ken, and it was arousing for me too.”
I thought for a second and said, “Oh yes, I have heard that from other mothers, but Ken thinks these big hooters are just for the baby, when I’m in nursing mode. But it does sound interesting.”
Then he awkwardly said more than he probably intended. He said, “Cassi, you’re a beautiful woman, and you are, you have, you look amazing. I sometimes see other men checking you out, and I’m not sure you realize how your, uh, how you are so attractive to others. But I can tell you how hungry you make others, and me as well.”
I said, “Wow, Dad, thanks for the compliment. And when you say ‘hungry’ are you talking about feeding from me?”
He responded, “Oh my goodness, yes, Cassi, I’d give anything to, uh, yes Cassi, you look delicious.”
I should have thought things through a little more before saying, “Damn, Dad, Jared wasn’t that hungry, and I’m feeling a little pressure. What could it hurt to give you a taste, especially if you’re helping me out? Would you mind trying it with me, so I can see what those other mothers are talking about?”
I patted the couch next to me after Dad replied, “My goodness, Cassi, that would be a dream come true for me. I hope you’re serious.”
Dad moved next to me on my right side on the couch and leaned over my lap as I lifted my t-shirt over my left breast. He looked like a kid in a candy store seeing my big, melon-sized breast, that is a big and round as his head, up close and he leaned in to latch on to my areola and nipple. He also fondled and weighed my breast in his right hand, as he pushed his left arm around my waist to hug me, and my milk was flowing heavily as he suckled me.
Tom looked up at me and smiled as he suckled me, and I saw his throat moving as he swallowed my nourishment. I was starting to feel a tingling in my breast, that went all the way to my pussy, and I began to understand what he said about it being arousing to suckle a lactating breast and to be suckled.
He kept watching me, looking into my eyes, as if he was searching for something; maybe some recognition that it was arousing me to, or whatever, but I was feeling closer and closer to him as he continued to drain my tit. I laid my head on the back of the couch in ecstasy, as the good feelings intensified. I looked down when it felt like my left breast was empty, and he was pulling back. He leaned up and kissed me.
I tasted my milk on his lips as he probed my mouth with his long tongue, and in a moment of passion I kissed him back the same way. We kissed for the longest time, and then he pulled back as he got up to move around and change sides, and said, “Sorry, Cassi, I couldn’t help kissing you. You’re so pretty and sexy, and I’m overwhelmed with your charity, at letting an old man enjoy your amazing breast and milk. Please let me suck your other side.”
He pushed my t-shirt all the way up and off my head, and I think he knew I wouldn’t try to stop him. Then he was laying across my lap from the left side, and I leaned down to kiss his forehead as he suckled me. I was feeling it in my pussy even more then, and I smelled my arousal, especially since I always get so wet when I’m aroused. What a sight that had to be for Dad, with my breasts fully exposed and him able to rub, fondle, and touch my fully exposed upper torso.
Dad drained my right breast for another ten minutes, and I was writhing and squirming with lust. And when that breast was drained, he leaned up to kiss me again, but for a longer time. I accidently-on-purpose moved my left hand to his crotch, and felt his huge cock lump, which seemed to be much bigger than Ken’s. He began moaning when I made that commitment to touch his cock, and he slid off the couch on his knees between my legs, still kissing me.
He broke the kiss and started kissing, licking, and sucking down my neck, breasts, and then to the supple flesh of my stomach, just below the bulging bottoms of my breasts. As he went lower, pushing his tongue into my belly button, I knew where he was headed. Ken never had any interest in eating me out, but plenty of boys did that for me in my senior year of high school, and I loved it. I wasn’t sure if Dad had gotten so caught up in his lust, that he didn’t realize what he was doing.
I gripped his head, and at the same time began pushing it lower, and said, “Oh fuck, Dad, are you sure? Ken has never done that for me, and I’ve had no reason to trim up my red forest down there.”
He looked up at me and smiled, as he pulled my shorts down and off revealing that I wasn’t wearing any underwear. He gazed at my red bush, and thick and long outer labia, and started move in to suck me as he said, almost to himself, “Oh my, this is the biggest and most beautiful pussy I’ve ever seen.”
Shocks went through me as I felt his mouth and tongue on my pussy, and sucking my thumb-sized clit, as he pressed his whole face in my snatch. I had been told by my gynecologist that my labia are unusually long from top to bottom, and thick, looking like the wide, thick lips of a mouth, but turned vertically.
Dad sucked my clit and labia, pushing his long tongue inside, and I was squirming in lust above him. His face was buried in my pussy again, and my thick red bush almost obscured his forehead. He kept sucking me, as I wrapped my legs around his back to hold him in place, and I had what felt like a squirting orgasm, as I moaned, saying, “Oh fuck, Dad, that’s it, eat your daughter-in-law’s big pussy, and drink my girl cum! Eat me, suck it, oh shit, I’m cumming againnnnn!”
Tom lifted up for a moment, his face soaked with my girl cream, as he said, “You’re amazing, Cassi. I can hardly believe how big and tasty your pussy is, and I’d crawl inside if I could. You squirted right into my mouth, and now your feeding me from both ends.”
I was so aroused and said, “I have to taste you now, Dad, so get those shorts off.”
He said, “Let’s take this to my bedroom so we’ll be more comfortable. I want you on top of me sucking my cock, while I continue to eat out your pussy. I want to feel your luscious weight on me, holding me down as we suck each other.”
That sounded kinky and arousing to me. I had been partially on top of Ken before sucking his cock, but he wasn’t sucking me. It was apparent that he wanted to be held down and vulnerable and submissive to me.
We went into his bedroom and I was impressed by the size of Dad’s cock. It’s uncircumcised, thick, and almost nine inches long, and his lemon-sized low-hanging balls are tantalizing. He laid back on the bed, and I moved on top, he said, “Pulls your knees forward, Cassi, so it’s like you’re almost squatting on my face. I want full access to your amazing body.”
Dad resumed sucking my pussy as I got the first taste of his oozing cock head. Ken’s cock is a decent-sized six inches long, but it’s cut, and not nearly as thick as Dad’s cock.
I struggled to suck his meat as I fondled his balls, and after he buried his face in my pussy again, for what seemed like ten minutes, he began licking and sucking me father back, until his nose and mouth were in my ass crack. I had never been rimmed before, but soon had that experience.
He licked and sucked my fleshy ass, spreading my ass cheeks with his hands, as he buried his face between them. I was starting to understand his apparent fetish to be immersed in my flesh. But the real treat came when he began to suck, lick, and probe my asshole with his tongue. I never realized that would feel so good, and I could hardly believe that Dad’s face was enveloped in my ass.
That afternoon was filled with surprises. Not only had he sucked milk from my breasts and sucked my pussy to orgasm, but I was then sucking his big cock, as he sucked my ass. I couldn’t image what else he had in mind until he started lifting my torso with his arms, as he pulled his face from my ass long enough to say. “Sit up on my face, Cassi, and smother me in your pussy and ass.”
I sat up on his face, and squirmed, moving forward back, as he spread my ass cheeks with his hands and alternately sucked my pussy and asshole. I thought I was smothering him, which is what he seemed to want, but he found a way to periodically twist his face to the sides to catch breaths of air. I was starting to enjoy my role too, almost as a dominatrix, as I held him under me. I’m not some willowy, petite girl, and he seemed to love having my voluptuous, fleshy weight on him.
First Fuck with Dad
I finally moved off Dad’s face, and he turned, laying partially on me, so we could cuddle and kiss, as he slowly humped his hardening cock against my thigh. Then he said, “That was unbelievable, Cassi, and I love being immersed in your flesh. Now I want to immerse my big cock in your young pussy.”
It hadn’t occurred to me that things would go that far, and although I was turned on enough at that point to fuck him, I said, “We can’t do that, Dad. You know that I never started back on birth control after the baby was born, and we’re thinking of getting me pregnant again, so Jared and the new baby will be close in age. You didn’t happen to bring a condom, did you?”
Dad replied, “I never in my wildest dreams though you and I would be together like this, and I had no reason to bring a rubber. And besides, I love fucking bareback, and I’d want to feel my cock inside you, flesh on flesh, and experience inseminating your pussy. Where are you in your cycle?”
I answered, “That’s the problem, Dad. My cycles have been irregular with me lactating, so it’s harder to tell when I might be getting close to my fertile times. Maybe we can tell, though. How did my pussy taste? Did my juices seem normal, compared to what you experience with Mom, or were they stretchy and sticky, kind of like egg whites? That’s the way cervical mucus gets just before ovulation.”
Dad shook his head and said, “Oh fuck, I don’t know, Cassi. You tasted wonderful to me, and you seemed so wet to begin with, and I had no reason to try to evaluate what I was eating. When was your last period?”
I said, “My last period ended three weeks ago. So, under normal circumstances I should be safe. But with me lactating, it’s hard to tell. Maybe we can do this if you pull out before cumming. Even though I know that precum has sperm in it too, at least there’s less risk.”
Dad rolled on top of me and we kissed, as I spread my legs for him. Then he hunched over a little to suck my breasts again, as he pushed his cock into my pussy. It felt good slicing through my labia, but I felt pressure when it entered my vagina. I said, “Take it easy at first, Dad, I’ve never had a cock this thick in me.”
He kept stroking me, with longer and longer strokes, until I felt that his cock was buried to the balls in my pussy, and his balls were slapping my ass and inner thighs on each stroke. I was almost overwhelmed with emotion at fucking my husband’s father, and sharing his love with me, deep inside my pussy. With all the intense foreplay we had, he didn’t last long.
Dad had been fucking me for about four minutes, and I already had one orgasm on his thick cock, when he started moaning, as said, “I’m close, Cassi. Do I really need to pull out, or will you allow me the joy of breeding your young pussy?”
He gave a few more strokes, and I was so overcome with lust as he resumed sucking my breasts. I leaned down and kissed the top of his head, as I wrapped my legs around his ass, and screamed out, “Fuck me, Dad, and breed me with your big cock.”
Dad’s cock was throbbing and pulsing in my married pussy, and I felt his cream shooting against my cervix. My emotions were intensified by the reality that I was being inseminated by my father-in-law, and I had another squirting orgasm, but on his cock that time.
He left his deflating cock soaking in my pussy for the longest time, while slowly stroking me. When he pulled out of me, with a loud slurping sound, he moved down to eat me out again. That was another first for me, and I loved feeling his mouth sucking on my just-fucked pussy, as he ate his own cum.
Dad finally pulled back, and said, “Sit on my face again, honey, I want my face to be buried in your flesh while I finish cleaning your pussy.”
I wanted to sit on his face again, but I was feeling a little uncomfortable because I had to pee, and I said, “Okay, Dad, I’d like that. But first, I need to pee. Wait just a minute.”
He smiled and said, “Please, Cassi, sit on me anyway. If you feel the need to pee, just do it. I love everything about your body, and I’ll love to taste all your fluids. And besides, if you go to the bathroom to pee, you’ll lose some of my cum, that I just love to eat.”
It was hard to believe what he was saying, but in the state of arousal I was in, even though that sounded so kinky and nasty, I wanted to do it for him. I sat on his face, facing his head that time, and looked him in the eyes as he began sucking my pussy.
Then I was feeling the urge, and said, “You’re so nasty, Dad, but I love it. You’d better cover my pussy with your mouth, so we don’t fuck up your sheets.”
From the way I was sitting on his face, I only saw his eyes smiling as I released the flow of my pent-up piss. He gulped and swallowed as I pissed in his mouth for almost a minute. When I finished, releasing my last squirt, he pulled me forward and spread my ass cheeks with his hands, and rimmed my asshole for another ten minutes.
I moved off him and asked, “Holy shit, Dad, where did you learn all of this nasty shit you’ve done to me? Does Shirley do this with you?”
He smiled and answered, “No, Cassi, Shirley won’t have anything to do with my perversions. This is all stuff I’ve read about, and haven’t had a chance to try until now, with you, my voluptuous daughter-in-law. We’re a perfect match for this. You like to be eaten, sucked, and swallowed as much as I love doing it.”
We cuddled for the next hour, intermittently kissing and him suckling my breasts. And fortunately, my breasts had recharged enough to feed the baby when he woke up, ending the first of what would be many sexual encounters with Dad.
I fed the baby while Tom went out to sit on the dock, and I’m sure that he was replaying in his mind, just as I was, what we did together. Then we sat and watched while the baby played in his crib, careful not to show any signs of affection while he was with us, for fear of confusing him.
Dad and I fucked again after the baby went down for his late afternoon nap, and we had a repeat of everything we did earlier. I was amazed at Dad’s ability to cum again so soon. We feel asleep in each other’s arms after our second encounter, but as you might expect by now from Dad, he had a new twist on that too.
We were laying side by side in the bed, and after having another, long, tongue-probing kiss, he slid down in the bed a little, and put his face between my breasts, after saying, “Please, Cassi, roll over on me, so I can enjoy having my face smothered in your bounteous tit flesh. They’re so big and round and heavy, and I want to immerse myself in you.”
I was laying most of the way over on Dad, and we feel asleep as he licked and sucked my cleavage. I had never experienced a boy or man who is so orally oriented and who wants to be smothered by my pussy, ass, and tits that way. I was helping him live out his fantasies, and in a way that was giving me great pleasure.
We woke up at about the same time when the baby cried, and after briefly suckling my breasts, Dad moved down to suck my pussy again. Then we both got up for me to feed the baby, and Dad began getting dinner ready. We had fun playing with the baby after dinner, and then we went to bed early after I fed the baby again. We knew that Ken wouldn’t be back until noon on Sunday at the earliest, and we slept together in Dad’s bed.
Dad was able to ejaculate one more time that night, after hours of kissing, cuddling, and foreplay. He couldn’t seem to get enough of suckling my breasts, eating me out, and sucking my ass, and I loved every minute of it. It was hard to imagine how I could go back to my vanilla love life with my husband, after what I had experienced with his father.
Last Day at the Lake
We woke up in the morning to the sound of Jared crying again, and by the time I had him fed, and Dad and I had breakfast, we got another call from Ken. He said, “Sorry Cassi, but I still have some things to finish up with the police, and it doesn’t make sense for me to drive up there today, and then just have to turn around to come home. Just stay there and enjoy your day and come back with Dad late this afternoon.”
We talked about the baby and other things for a few minutes, and then he said, “Sorry to leave you and Dad alone like this, but it couldn’t be helped. Have you and Dad gotten along okay?”
I wasn’t lying, but wasn’t telling the whole truth either, when I replied, “Sure, Ken, everything’s gone fine. I’ve gotten to know and understand Dad a lot better this weekend, although we’ve always been close, and I think he’s gotten to know me a lot better too. I really love your parents, like they’re my own.”
I told Dad about my conversation with Ken, and he said, “Okay, we should plan on staying until after lunch, and leave about 2:00 pm. I’d like for us to enjoy another ‘nap’ together, before heading back. I’ve enjoyed this so much and hate to see it end.”
We put Jared down for his nap about midmorning, and then Dad and I went back to his bed. He fucked me again after two hours of foreplay where I sucked his cock and balls for a long time. I was just sorry that I didn’t get the chance to suck him off, but I’ve had plenty of chances to do that since then.
One more thing happened that is really gross, and I’m almost ashamed that it turned me on so much. I was sitting on Dad’s face, facing his head, with him eating me out after our last fuck, and looking into his eyes. He moved a little, and I noticed some red liquid on his lips and realized that I had gotten my period. I hadn’t noticed the usual discomfort I normally get before my periods, because we were making love so intensely.
I laughed and asked, “Does anything taste new or different down there, Dad? We should both be happy to know that I just got my period, and you didn’t knock me up. How’s that taste?”
I couldn’t believe it when he didn’t try to push me off him, and he kept sucking and licking my pussy for another five minutes. When I moved off him, I said, “Ew, Dad, that’s the nastiest thing you’ve done yet. Why did you keep eating me out?”
He went into the bathroom to wash his face, and when he came back, he replied, “Well, I guess I’ve earned my redwings. I read about that too, but never thought I’d get a chance to try it. It didn’t taste too bad either, maybe just a little metallic taste, kind of like if you put a penny in your mouth. I’m sure happy that your period came through.”
We took a shower together before we left, to wash away the evidence of our infidelity, and he loved soaping up my body, and rubbing his hands all over me. He especially liked rubbing my boobs and ass in the warm, soapy water, and I rubbed his cock, balls, and ass the same way.
The Ride Back to Minneapolis
We had four hours to talk in the car on the way back to Minneapolis, at those times when the baby was asleep in the back seat, and we talked about what we had done and enjoyed together.
Dad said, “My goodness, Cassi. This was an unbelievable weekend, and I hope that we can find ways to be together like this in the future. You’re an amazingly beautiful, voluptuous, and sexy woman, and I can’t get enough of you. Being in real estate, I’ve got a lot of flexibility in my schedule during the day, and with Ken at work, I’d love to be able to come over to feed from your breasts, and all the rest.”
I responded, “I’d love that too, Dad, but maybe I’ll need to call Ken at the store to be sure he doesn’t come home and surprise us. But now that we have time to plan, will you be buying some condoms?”
Dad replied, “I guess I can if you insist, but I so love inseminating you, and the risk adds more excitement to it. We did okay this first time, so I’m hopeful that you can monitor you condition, and let me fuck you when you’re safe. We can also have fun with a lot of foreplay, but there’s nothing like sinking my cock bareback into your pussy and inseminating you.”
Future Opportunities Together and Being Impregnated
We both acted as if nothing unusual happened at the lake, and Ken and Shirley didn’t suspect a thing, thanks in part to our shower. We pretty much returned to our routine lives, except that Dad came to visit me an average of five times a week for the next few weeks. We fucked when I thought it was safe, as well as having over an hour of oral sex, like at the lake. On those days I thought were too risky, we just had oral sex, and I love sucking his cock and swallowing his cum.
I was fucking Ken frequently too, since we were still trying to get me pregnant, and about three weeks after getting back from the lake, I missed my period. We were all so excited, and I tried to calculate the days that Ken and Dad fucked me, to see if I could determine who is the father. I realized that I cut it too close a few times I fucked Dad, so I would never know who the father really is, unless we got tested. Our baby girl has features common to both Ken and Dad, so it’s hard to tell by just looking.”
Things got more interesting after that, and Dad loved eating me out and fuckin me as my belly grew larger. He had to fuck me from behind as a got bigger, and he loved to eat me out, while looking up and rubbing my growing belly with lotion. He, of course, never lost interest in suckling me either. It was disappointing when I stopped breastfeeding Tracy, but I stretched it out until she was two years old, so Dad and I could enjoy him suckling me.
This is now over nine years later, and I continue to meet with Dad. The only difference is that I’m birth on control, with little chance of getting pregnant again, and we continue to love one another, as both family and intense sexual lovers.
My name is Cassandra, but everyone calls me Cassi, and my husband, Ken, and I are living in Minneapolis, Minnesota with our son, Jared, aged ten, and daughter, Tracy, almost nine years old. We planned on having our children close together in age, and how that happened involves my father-in-law, as I’m writing this story to explain.
The story begins about nine and a half years ago, when Ken was twenty-eight years old, I was twenty-five, and Jared was only six months old. I was breast feeding Jared, while at the same time trying to get pregnant with Tracy.
I’m very close with Ken’s father, Tom, who was fifty years old at that time, and his mother, Shirley, who was forty-nine, and I call them Mom and Dad. My parents live down in Madison, Wisconsin, so they are like surrogate parents to me.
Tom is a successful and wealthy real estate broker in the Minneapolis metro area, and after Ken finished his business degree, and gained five years of management experience working at a big-box retail store corporation’s headquarters, Tom bought a gun store for Ken to manage. They are both avid hunters, and after all the years owning guns, hunting, and shooting targets, it was a natural fit for Ken’s interests and qualifications.
Four years before Jared’s birth, Tom acquired a lake house about a four-hour drive north of the city, and Ken and I spent many weekends up there in the summers. It’s a nice, but old, three-bedroom home that he learned about when he sold the previous owner’s main home in the city. Ken is close with his parents, and we spend a lot of time socializing with them at home, as well as at the lake.
Tom is a handsome man, and was in great shape for his age, and Ken looks a lot like him. They’re both six feet and one inch tall, and Tom was a little heavier, at about one hundred and ninety pounds, while Ken weighted about one hundred and seventy. Tom has always been attentive and deferential to me, since, as Shirley told me, she thinks I’m taking the place of the daughter he never had. Although, as you’ll see, he didn’t always act so fatherly.
I don’t mean to brag, but I’m a pretty and voluptuous girl, with huge breasts, as I’ll explain, and Tom can’t keep his eyes of me. He never made any offensive comments to me or tried to approach me sexually, but there was always that glint in his eyes, that told me he was lusting after me.
I’m five feet and seven inches tall and weighed one hundred and fifty-five pounds before Jared was born. After gaining weight in my pregnancy, and then losing most of it after the baby was born, I ended up weighing about one hundred and sixty, which is pretty good when you consider I was nursing the baby. I know that I’m a big-boned girl, voluptuous as some would say, but I’m not fat. I look a lot like the actress, Christina Hendricks, and I have her red hair, although mine is natural, and her blue eyes.
My best features are also what gives me a little extra weight, because I have big, nicely shaped ass, and 36F breasts, like Christina, or at least they were until I started lactating, and they grew to 36Gs. My breasts have some attractive natural sag, as you would expect for honeydew melon or human-head-sized breasts, and they’re so full and round that the undersides hang halfway to my belly button.
Tom and I Get Alone Time at the Lake
One weekend in mid-summer, on a Friday afternoon, Ken and I took the baby and drove up to the lake. Tom had gone up on Thursday to take care of some maintenance issues, and Shirley didn’t come with us that weekend. She’s very active in her church, and with a rummage sale on Saturday, and homeless outreach on Sunday, it didn’t make sense for her to go up there.
We arrived at about 9:00 pm, and Tom had waited for us to share a late dinner. I nursed the baby in the living room after dinner, as I always did in front of Tom, using a light blanket as a coverup, as I lifted my t-shirt on each side to feed the baby. Tom was usually careful not to get caught blatantly staring at me when I was nursing, but that night he seemed to have more interest. That was my fault, since I accidently let the blanket slip a couple of times, and he got glimpses of the rounded bottoms of my milk-swollen breasts.
I got the baby down in our portable crib a little later than I planned, and then we talked, mostly Ken telling Tom what was happening in the gun store, before we retired to bed at about 11:00 pm. It was supposed to be a warm weekend, and Ken was looking forward to waterskiing, since Tom would drive the boat, and I could be the observer for safety.
It was almost 4:00 am when Ken’s cell phone rang and startled us. Unfortunately, it was the Minneapolis police, letting Ken know that the store had been broken into, robbed, and it looked like a lot of merchandise was stolen. He needed to get back to the city, and said, “I should be able to get the store boarded up and work with the police in a few hours once I get home. Why don’t you and Jared stay here with Dad, and I’ll try to get back by no later than midafternoon or so.”
Tom was wakened by the phone call too, but we soon went back to bed and slept in until 8:00 am, when Jared started crying and woke us up. I nursed the baby in the living room, which is next to and opens into the kitchen, while Tom fixed us breakfast. He was having a hard time concentrating on what he was doing due to watching me, but we were finally able to put the baby in his crib to play, while we ate our breakfast.”
It felt a little strange being with Tom without Ken there, and that was the first time that happened. I think he felt a little uneasy too, and he was trying even harder not to get caught staring at my jiggling and swaying breasts. I was wearing a t-shirt with no bra and loose athletic-type shorts, and he was wearing pretty much the same type of casual clothes.
We went out to sit on the dock after we cleaned up the breakfast dishes, and it was about 11:00 am when Ken called me on my cell phone. He said, “Sorry, honey, but there were so many assault weapons taken that the FBI and ATF have gotten involved. I think our insurance will cover the loss, but I have to go through all our purchase and sales transactions for the past year with them, as well as coming up with an exact list of what was taken, with serial numbers and everything. I won’t make it back tonight, but maybe by noon tomorrow so I can enjoy a little of the lake and bring you and the baby home.”
Then I handed my phone to Tom, and Ken explained everything to him, as well as some of the business and legal issues caused by the burglary. He hung up, and said, “Well, it looks like it you, me, and the baby now. Maybe we can still enjoy a cruise around the lake.”
Crossing Taboo Bounds with Dad
It was noon when we went back inside so I could feed the baby before putting him down for a nap. I was sitting on the couch with the baby, and Tom was sitting across from me in his recliner. He was watching me more intently than ever, looking over the top of his glasses, pretending to read, and I know that he caught a few glimpses of my breasts, one time when my whole tit was exposed, including my three inch wife areola, and nipple the size of the top joint of his thumb, with milk leaking out of it.
His scrutiny was turning me on for some reason, but I didn’t want to say anything until I put the baby down. It was a funny feeling, kind of like we were playing house, and I wondered if it was affecting him the same way.
When I came back to sit on the couch after putting Jared down, Tom was still watching me, and my breasts swaying when I moved. I wanted to say something that wouldn’t challenge him, or upset him, or make him think that I was upset. So, I said, “It doesn’t bother me, Dad, but you really seem to enjoy watching me feed the baby. What are you thinking about when you do that?”
It looked like he carefully adjusted his crotch, as he thought for a few seconds, before replying, “I think a mother nursing a baby is one of the most beautiful sights in the world. I think you probably enjoy it too, just like Shirley enjoyed breast feeding Ken.”
I thought that was bullshit, and asked, “Is that it, Dad, or does it affect you in other ways?”
He cleared his throat and squirmed in his chair, before answering, “Well, to be honest, Cassi, I can’t help thinking about the other benefits I had with Shirley nursing. The baby rarely drained her completely, and I used to, uh, let’s say, I’d help finish her off. We soon realized how arousing it was for her with me suckling her instead of Ken, and it was arousing for me too.”
I thought for a second and said, “Oh yes, I have heard that from other mothers, but Ken thinks these big hooters are just for the baby, when I’m in nursing mode. But it does sound interesting.”
Then he awkwardly said more than he probably intended. He said, “Cassi, you’re a beautiful woman, and you are, you have, you look amazing. I sometimes see other men checking you out, and I’m not sure you realize how your, uh, how you are so attractive to others. But I can tell you how hungry you make others, and me as well.”
I said, “Wow, Dad, thanks for the compliment. And when you say ‘hungry’ are you talking about feeding from me?”
He responded, “Oh my goodness, yes, Cassi, I’d give anything to, uh, yes Cassi, you look delicious.”
I should have thought things through a little more before saying, “Damn, Dad, Jared wasn’t that hungry, and I’m feeling a little pressure. What could it hurt to give you a taste, especially if you’re helping me out? Would you mind trying it with me, so I can see what those other mothers are talking about?”
I patted the couch next to me after Dad replied, “My goodness, Cassi, that would be a dream come true for me. I hope you’re serious.”
Dad moved next to me on my right side on the couch and leaned over my lap as I lifted my t-shirt over my left breast. He looked like a kid in a candy store seeing my big, melon-sized breast, that is a big and round as his head, up close and he leaned in to latch on to my areola and nipple. He also fondled and weighed my breast in his right hand, as he pushed his left arm around my waist to hug me, and my milk was flowing heavily as he suckled me.
Tom looked up at me and smiled as he suckled me, and I saw his throat moving as he swallowed my nourishment. I was starting to feel a tingling in my breast, that went all the way to my pussy, and I began to understand what he said about it being arousing to suckle a lactating breast and to be suckled.
He kept watching me, looking into my eyes, as if he was searching for something; maybe some recognition that it was arousing me to, or whatever, but I was feeling closer and closer to him as he continued to drain my tit. I laid my head on the back of the couch in ecstasy, as the good feelings intensified. I looked down when it felt like my left breast was empty, and he was pulling back. He leaned up and kissed me.
I tasted my milk on his lips as he probed my mouth with his long tongue, and in a moment of passion I kissed him back the same way. We kissed for the longest time, and then he pulled back as he got up to move around and change sides, and said, “Sorry, Cassi, I couldn’t help kissing you. You’re so pretty and sexy, and I’m overwhelmed with your charity, at letting an old man enjoy your amazing breast and milk. Please let me suck your other side.”
He pushed my t-shirt all the way up and off my head, and I think he knew I wouldn’t try to stop him. Then he was laying across my lap from the left side, and I leaned down to kiss his forehead as he suckled me. I was feeling it in my pussy even more then, and I smelled my arousal, especially since I always get so wet when I’m aroused. What a sight that had to be for Dad, with my breasts fully exposed and him able to rub, fondle, and touch my fully exposed upper torso.
Dad drained my right breast for another ten minutes, and I was writhing and squirming with lust. And when that breast was drained, he leaned up to kiss me again, but for a longer time. I accidently-on-purpose moved my left hand to his crotch, and felt his huge cock lump, which seemed to be much bigger than Ken’s. He began moaning when I made that commitment to touch his cock, and he slid off the couch on his knees between my legs, still kissing me.
He broke the kiss and started kissing, licking, and sucking down my neck, breasts, and then to the supple flesh of my stomach, just below the bulging bottoms of my breasts. As he went lower, pushing his tongue into my belly button, I knew where he was headed. Ken never had any interest in eating me out, but plenty of boys did that for me in my senior year of high school, and I loved it. I wasn’t sure if Dad had gotten so caught up in his lust, that he didn’t realize what he was doing.
I gripped his head, and at the same time began pushing it lower, and said, “Oh fuck, Dad, are you sure? Ken has never done that for me, and I’ve had no reason to trim up my red forest down there.”
He looked up at me and smiled, as he pulled my shorts down and off revealing that I wasn’t wearing any underwear. He gazed at my red bush, and thick and long outer labia, and started move in to suck me as he said, almost to himself, “Oh my, this is the biggest and most beautiful pussy I’ve ever seen.”
Shocks went through me as I felt his mouth and tongue on my pussy, and sucking my thumb-sized clit, as he pressed his whole face in my snatch. I had been told by my gynecologist that my labia are unusually long from top to bottom, and thick, looking like the wide, thick lips of a mouth, but turned vertically.
Dad sucked my clit and labia, pushing his long tongue inside, and I was squirming in lust above him. His face was buried in my pussy again, and my thick red bush almost obscured his forehead. He kept sucking me, as I wrapped my legs around his back to hold him in place, and I had what felt like a squirting orgasm, as I moaned, saying, “Oh fuck, Dad, that’s it, eat your daughter-in-law’s big pussy, and drink my girl cum! Eat me, suck it, oh shit, I’m cumming againnnnn!”
Tom lifted up for a moment, his face soaked with my girl cream, as he said, “You’re amazing, Cassi. I can hardly believe how big and tasty your pussy is, and I’d crawl inside if I could. You squirted right into my mouth, and now your feeding me from both ends.”
I was so aroused and said, “I have to taste you now, Dad, so get those shorts off.”
He said, “Let’s take this to my bedroom so we’ll be more comfortable. I want you on top of me sucking my cock, while I continue to eat out your pussy. I want to feel your luscious weight on me, holding me down as we suck each other.”
That sounded kinky and arousing to me. I had been partially on top of Ken before sucking his cock, but he wasn’t sucking me. It was apparent that he wanted to be held down and vulnerable and submissive to me.
We went into his bedroom and I was impressed by the size of Dad’s cock. It’s uncircumcised, thick, and almost nine inches long, and his lemon-sized low-hanging balls are tantalizing. He laid back on the bed, and I moved on top, he said, “Pulls your knees forward, Cassi, so it’s like you’re almost squatting on my face. I want full access to your amazing body.”
Dad resumed sucking my pussy as I got the first taste of his oozing cock head. Ken’s cock is a decent-sized six inches long, but it’s cut, and not nearly as thick as Dad’s cock.
He licked and sucked my fleshy ass, spreading my ass cheeks with his hands, as he buried his face between them. I was starting to understand his apparent fetish to be immersed in my flesh. But the real treat came when he began to suck, lick, and probe my asshole with his tongue. I never realized that would feel so good, and I could hardly believe that Dad’s face was enveloped in my ass.
That afternoon was filled with surprises. Not only had he sucked milk from my breasts and sucked my pussy to orgasm, but I was then sucking his big cock, as he sucked my ass. I couldn’t image what else he had in mind until he started lifting my torso with his arms, as he pulled his face from my ass long enough to say. “Sit up on my face, Cassi, and smother me in your pussy and ass.”
I sat up on his face, and squirmed, moving forward back, as he spread my ass cheeks with his hands and alternately sucked my pussy and asshole. I thought I was smothering him, which is what he seemed to want, but he found a way to periodically twist his face to the sides to catch breaths of air. I was starting to enjoy my role too, almost as a dominatrix, as I held him under me. I’m not some willowy, petite girl, and he seemed to love having my voluptuous, fleshy weight on him.
First Fuck with Dad
I finally moved off Dad’s face, and he turned, laying partially on me, so we could cuddle and kiss, as he slowly humped his hardening cock against my thigh. Then he said, “That was unbelievable, Cassi, and I love being immersed in your flesh. Now I want to immerse my big cock in your young pussy.”
It hadn’t occurred to me that things would go that far, and although I was turned on enough at that point to fuck him, I said, “We can’t do that, Dad. You know that I never started back on birth control after the baby was born, and we’re thinking of getting me pregnant again, so Jared and the new baby will be close in age. You didn’t happen to bring a condom, did you?”
Dad replied, “I never in my wildest dreams though you and I would be together like this, and I had no reason to bring a rubber. And besides, I love fucking bareback, and I’d want to feel my cock inside you, flesh on flesh, and experience inseminating your pussy. Where are you in your cycle?”
I answered, “That’s the problem, Dad. My cycles have been irregular with me lactating, so it’s harder to tell when I might be getting close to my fertile times. Maybe we can tell, though. How did my pussy taste? Did my juices seem normal, compared to what you experience with Mom, or were they stretchy and sticky, kind of like egg whites? That’s the way cervical mucus gets just before ovulation.”
Dad shook his head and said, “Oh fuck, I don’t know, Cassi. You tasted wonderful to me, and you seemed so wet to begin with, and I had no reason to try to evaluate what I was eating. When was your last period?”
I said, “My last period ended three weeks ago. So, under normal circumstances I should be safe. But with me lactating, it’s hard to tell. Maybe we can do this if you pull out before cumming. Even though I know that precum has sperm in it too, at least there’s less risk.”
Dad rolled on top of me and we kissed, as I spread my legs for him. Then he hunched over a little to suck my breasts again, as he pushed his cock into my pussy. It felt good slicing through my labia, but I felt pressure when it entered my vagina. I said, “Take it easy at first, Dad, I’ve never had a cock this thick in me.”
He kept stroking me, with longer and longer strokes, until I felt that his cock was buried to the balls in my pussy, and his balls were slapping my ass and inner thighs on each stroke. I was almost overwhelmed with emotion at fucking my husband’s father, and sharing his love with me, deep inside my pussy. With all the intense foreplay we had, he didn’t last long.
Dad had been fucking me for about four minutes, and I already had one orgasm on his thick cock, when he started moaning, as said, “I’m close, Cassi. Do I really need to pull out, or will you allow me the joy of breeding your young pussy?”
He gave a few more strokes, and I was so overcome with lust as he resumed sucking my breasts. I leaned down and kissed the top of his head, as I wrapped my legs around his ass, and screamed out, “Fuck me, Dad, and breed me with your big cock.”
Dad’s cock was throbbing and pulsing in my married pussy, and I felt his cream shooting against my cervix. My emotions were intensified by the reality that I was being inseminated by my father-in-law, and I had another squirting orgasm, but on his cock that time.
He left his deflating cock soaking in my pussy for the longest time, while slowly stroking me. When he pulled out of me, with a loud slurping sound, he moved down to eat me out again. That was another first for me, and I loved feeling his mouth sucking on my just-fucked pussy, as he ate his own cum.
Dad finally pulled back, and said, “Sit on my face again, honey, I want my face to be buried in your flesh while I finish cleaning your pussy.”
I wanted to sit on his face again, but I was feeling a little uncomfortable because I had to pee, and I said, “Okay, Dad, I’d like that. But first, I need to pee. Wait just a minute.”
He smiled and said, “Please, Cassi, sit on me anyway. If you feel the need to pee, just do it. I love everything about your body, and I’ll love to taste all your fluids. And besides, if you go to the bathroom to pee, you’ll lose some of my cum, that I just love to eat.”
It was hard to believe what he was saying, but in the state of arousal I was in, even though that sounded so kinky and nasty, I wanted to do it for him. I sat on his face, facing his head that time, and looked him in the eyes as he began sucking my pussy.
Then I was feeling the urge, and said, “You’re so nasty, Dad, but I love it. You’d better cover my pussy with your mouth, so we don’t fuck up your sheets.”
From the way I was sitting on his face, I only saw his eyes smiling as I released the flow of my pent-up piss. He gulped and swallowed as I pissed in his mouth for almost a minute. When I finished, releasing my last squirt, he pulled me forward and spread my ass cheeks with his hands, and rimmed my asshole for another ten minutes.
I moved off him and asked, “Holy shit, Dad, where did you learn all of this nasty shit you’ve done to me? Does Shirley do this with you?”
He smiled and answered, “No, Cassi, Shirley won’t have anything to do with my perversions. This is all stuff I’ve read about, and haven’t had a chance to try until now, with you, my voluptuous daughter-in-law. We’re a perfect match for this. You like to be eaten, sucked, and swallowed as much as I love doing it.”
We cuddled for the next hour, intermittently kissing and him suckling my breasts. And fortunately, my breasts had recharged enough to feed the baby when he woke up, ending the first of what would be many sexual encounters with Dad.
I fed the baby while Tom went out to sit on the dock, and I’m sure that he was replaying in his mind, just as I was, what we did together. Then we sat and watched while the baby played in his crib, careful not to show any signs of affection while he was with us, for fear of confusing him.
Dad and I fucked again after the baby went down for his late afternoon nap, and we had a repeat of everything we did earlier. I was amazed at Dad’s ability to cum again so soon. We feel asleep in each other’s arms after our second encounter, but as you might expect by now from Dad, he had a new twist on that too.
We were laying side by side in the bed, and after having another, long, tongue-probing kiss, he slid down in the bed a little, and put his face between my breasts, after saying, “Please, Cassi, roll over on me, so I can enjoy having my face smothered in your bounteous tit flesh. They’re so big and round and heavy, and I want to immerse myself in you.”
I was laying most of the way over on Dad, and we feel asleep as he licked and sucked my cleavage. I had never experienced a boy or man who is so orally oriented and who wants to be smothered by my pussy, ass, and tits that way. I was helping him live out his fantasies, and in a way that was giving me great pleasure.
We woke up at about the same time when the baby cried, and after briefly suckling my breasts, Dad moved down to suck my pussy again. Then we both got up for me to feed the baby, and Dad began getting dinner ready. We had fun playing with the baby after dinner, and then we went to bed early after I fed the baby again. We knew that Ken wouldn’t be back until noon on Sunday at the earliest, and we slept together in Dad’s bed.
Dad was able to ejaculate one more time that night, after hours of kissing, cuddling, and foreplay. He couldn’t seem to get enough of suckling my breasts, eating me out, and sucking my ass, and I loved every minute of it. It was hard to imagine how I could go back to my vanilla love life with my husband, after what I had experienced with his father.
Last Day at the Lake
We woke up in the morning to the sound of Jared crying again, and by the time I had him fed, and Dad and I had breakfast, we got another call from Ken. He said, “Sorry Cassi, but I still have some things to finish up with the police, and it doesn’t make sense for me to drive up there today, and then just have to turn around to come home. Just stay there and enjoy your day and come back with Dad late this afternoon.”
We talked about the baby and other things for a few minutes, and then he said, “Sorry to leave you and Dad alone like this, but it couldn’t be helped. Have you and Dad gotten along okay?”
I wasn’t lying, but wasn’t telling the whole truth either, when I replied, “Sure, Ken, everything’s gone fine. I’ve gotten to know and understand Dad a lot better this weekend, although we’ve always been close, and I think he’s gotten to know me a lot better too. I really love your parents, like they’re my own.”
I told Dad about my conversation with Ken, and he said, “Okay, we should plan on staying until after lunch, and leave about 2:00 pm. I’d like for us to enjoy another ‘nap’ together, before heading back. I’ve enjoyed this so much and hate to see it end.”
We put Jared down for his nap about midmorning, and then Dad and I went back to his bed. He fucked me again after two hours of foreplay where I sucked his cock and balls for a long time. I was just sorry that I didn’t get the chance to suck him off, but I’ve had plenty of chances to do that since then.
One more thing happened that is really gross, and I’m almost ashamed that it turned me on so much. I was sitting on Dad’s face, facing his head, with him eating me out after our last fuck, and looking into his eyes. He moved a little, and I noticed some red liquid on his lips and realized that I had gotten my period. I hadn’t noticed the usual discomfort I normally get before my periods, because we were making love so intensely.
I laughed and asked, “Does anything taste new or different down there, Dad? We should both be happy to know that I just got my period, and you didn’t knock me up. How’s that taste?”
I couldn’t believe it when he didn’t try to push me off him, and he kept sucking and licking my pussy for another five minutes. When I moved off him, I said, “Ew, Dad, that’s the nastiest thing you’ve done yet. Why did you keep eating me out?”
He went into the bathroom to wash his face, and when he came back, he replied, “Well, I guess I’ve earned my redwings. I read about that too, but never thought I’d get a chance to try it. It didn’t taste too bad either, maybe just a little metallic taste, kind of like if you put a penny in your mouth. I’m sure happy that your period came through.”
We took a shower together before we left, to wash away the evidence of our infidelity, and he loved soaping up my body, and rubbing his hands all over me. He especially liked rubbing my boobs and ass in the warm, soapy water, and I rubbed his cock, balls, and ass the same way.
The Ride Back to Minneapolis
We had four hours to talk in the car on the way back to Minneapolis, at those times when the baby was asleep in the back seat, and we talked about what we had done and enjoyed together.
Dad said, “My goodness, Cassi. This was an unbelievable weekend, and I hope that we can find ways to be together like this in the future. You’re an amazingly beautiful, voluptuous, and sexy woman, and I can’t get enough of you. Being in real estate, I’ve got a lot of flexibility in my schedule during the day, and with Ken at work, I’d love to be able to come over to feed from your breasts, and all the rest.”
I responded, “I’d love that too, Dad, but maybe I’ll need to call Ken at the store to be sure he doesn’t come home and surprise us. But now that we have time to plan, will you be buying some condoms?”
Dad replied, “I guess I can if you insist, but I so love inseminating you, and the risk adds more excitement to it. We did okay this first time, so I’m hopeful that you can monitor you condition, and let me fuck you when you’re safe. We can also have fun with a lot of foreplay, but there’s nothing like sinking my cock bareback into your pussy and inseminating you.”
Future Opportunities Together and Being Impregnated
We both acted as if nothing unusual happened at the lake, and Ken and Shirley didn’t suspect a thing, thanks in part to our shower. We pretty much returned to our routine lives, except that Dad came to visit me an average of five times a week for the next few weeks. We fucked when I thought it was safe, as well as having over an hour of oral sex, like at the lake. On those days I thought were too risky, we just had oral sex, and I love sucking his cock and swallowing his cum.
I was fucking Ken frequently too, since we were still trying to get me pregnant, and about three weeks after getting back from the lake, I missed my period. We were all so excited, and I tried to calculate the days that Ken and Dad fucked me, to see if I could determine who is the father. I realized that I cut it too close a few times I fucked Dad, so I would never know who the father really is, unless we got tested. Our baby girl has features common to both Ken and Dad, so it’s hard to tell by just looking.”
Things got more interesting after that, and Dad loved eating me out and fuckin me as my belly grew larger. He had to fuck me from behind as a got bigger, and he loved to eat me out, while looking up and rubbing my growing belly with lotion. He, of course, never lost interest in suckling me either. It was disappointing when I stopped breastfeeding Tracy, but I stretched it out until she was two years old, so Dad and I could enjoy him suckling me.
This is now over nine years later, and I continue to meet with Dad. The only difference is that I’m birth on control, with little chance of getting pregnant again, and we continue to love one another, as both family and intense sexual lovers.
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